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Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense?

Calypso Jones
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Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense?

Post by JMWinPR Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:54 pm

I think Grahams idea of a national abortion ban was more telling than SCOTUS. I don't understand S.C. Between Graham and G.T.O. Johnson you have IQ's approaching that of AOC. What part of it is a "STATE ISSUE" did that meathead not understand?


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Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense?

Post by 2cent Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:41 pm

JMWinPR wrote:I think Grahams idea of a national abortion ban was more telling than SCOTUS. I don't understand S.C. Between Graham and G.T.O. Johnson you have IQ's approaching that of AOC. What part of it is a "STATE ISSUE" did that meathead not understand?
Exactly. But sadly, the message either can't, or won't, get through.

And for folks who think the abortion issue will have little to no impact on the state and/or national elections?
*Please don't kill the messenger.  I just overheard a political TV ad saying as So-and-So wanted to ban abortion, and as how he's a nurse, and ought to know better than that.

It's likely an ad for the state congress, and also likely that it's only partially true.  I'll keep an ear open for it so I can fat check, but the facts won't likely matter.

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Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense?

Post by vege57 Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:43 pm

Great American wrote:
Sprintcyclist wrote:For jews, they are meant to not kill unjustly

You are the expert on Judaism eh?

Tell us, what is the "justification" for killing a completely innocent human being, because that's what a child in the womb is.

Psalm 139:13-16
For You formed my inward parts;
You wove me in my mother’s womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;

Any Jew who is okay with abortion, is no Jew at all.

""You are the expert on Judaism eh?""

And neither are you, quoting the scriptures just makes you an expert in fairy tales lol

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Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense? - Page 4 Empty Re: Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense?

Post by vege57 Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:13 pm

Great American wrote:
vege57 wrote:And most of my posts have a lot of tongue in the cheek, But not many of hers did , I can play rough if I feel someone is trying to stick it to me , , just the way I swing, The "Great American" come to mind lol

I only strike in self defense. You strike because youre a dickhead prick.

You guys don't believe me?

Here are two OP's/First Posts by me in a thread, and this loser's immediate response:


Great American wrote:Boy do I miss Rush Limbaugh. If there was ever a time when we needed the BIG voice on the Right, the Mayor of Realville, the MahaRushi, it is now.

You know, losing Rush, and to a lesser extent losing the O'Reilly Factor which went into a lot of Independent's living rooms, the combo loss has really really put a crimp into conservative messaging.

Is there anyone who can fill that void?

Rush Limbaugh | Rush Opens His Final Show of 2020
vege57 wrote:""Is there anyone who can fill that void?""
I can fill ya void big fella  Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense? - Page 4 3548145110


Great American wrote:I live in a time when my worst enemy, besides Satan of course, is not Russia, it's not China, it's not terrorist bombings . . . The worst enemy to the average American today is his fellow American in the Democrat party. The Democrat party represents all manner of evil. If necessary I will give you a list later on in this thread of why they are , but for now it's suffices to say that they are. I never would have dreamed of such a thing when I was younger but that is how things turned out.

Since I live in such a time, it is probably healthy to reevaluate stereotypes and think of outside the box when it comes to certain current events. Since one of the members in this forum wants to constantly make Putin out to be the devil himself, I shall start by reevaluating Russia. . . . . (cut - its a long post)
vege57 wrote:Looks like hes wiped his ass on Russia


Great American wrote:Nine Days that Changed the World

Pope John Paul II's historic nine-day pilgrimage to Poland in June of 1979 created a revolution of conscience that transformed Poland and fundamentally reshaped the spiritual and political landscape of the 20th Century.
Newt and Callista Gingrich, along with a Polish, American, and Italian cast, explore what transpired during these nine days that moved the Polish people to renew their hearts, reclaim their courage, and free themselves from the shackles of Communism. Produced in partnership with Citizens United Productions.

Do You Guys Buy this Nonsense? - Page 4 Nine-Days-DVDWrap-cover
vege57 wrote:In your confused world maybe lol
Didn't have any impact on mine

Let's think about that last reply for a moment: The great Ronald Reagan, working with the Pope, and the resulting fall of the Soviet Empire.
This is one of the great moments in American history, a cold war won. Crowds of formerly enslaved people crying and celebrating in the streets.

And what does this punkass bitch say? "In your confused world maybe lol Didn't have any impact on mine"

My world is the Planet earth, and all good Americans remember this great event. You are just a loser, a plain, dumb, ignorant loser.

Folks, this lying sack of shit just said, "I can play rough if I feel someone is trying to stick it to me ".

Nobody was sticking anything to you in these threads. You just breezed into the thread, playing the bully, and posting like a piece of shit. That's what you are, the online bully, a pure BITCH in real life.

""I only strike in self defense. You strike because youre a dickhead prick."'

A nice little fantasy youve got goin there Pants. You are a fucken clown lol

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