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HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Calypso Jones
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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by Calypso Jones Sun May 29, 2022 9:28 am


The same medical establishment that denied the existence of effective treatments for COVID in their push for vaccines, now works against those injured by them. But there is hope.


fox news guy John Roberts asks on his 'blog'.....are you suffering any palpitations or heart problems after the covid vaxx?

Over 4,600 replies later, it would appear that many of his Twitter followers have indeed suffered chest pain, along with many other adverse events after getting injected with the mRNA or Adenoviral Vector DNA genetic products.

“I had numerous internal bleeding and eventually a mysterious heart issue after the first 2 shots. No boosters . . . EVER!!!!” responded sports talk radio host Tony Bruno.

“To my shock yes. One week after booster of Pfizer (had two astra zenecas first) I had chest pain and palpitations for a week,” replied Jenny Weyman, an Australian nurse practitioner. “Distressing. Went to hospital to get checked. No answers. I gave the vaccines also. It was really not pleasant. Unsure if I want mRNA vaccine again.”

“I’m a FNP [Family Nurse Practitioner] in Az. & was ER nurse through all of Covid. Recently had 2 close friends have major complications after the booster,” said Jimmy May. “One is a 40-yr-old MD. He had bad shortness of breath, chest pain, and pitting edema in both legs. Turns out he was basically in heart failure 2wks post boost.”

In his response, former Blackrock portfolio manager and investment guru Edward Dowd posted charts showing the huge increase in excess mortality after the vaccine rollout.

THANK GOD i didn't get the fauci jib jab.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by RV Sun May 29, 2022 7:42 pm

No offense but, I see no "hope" in medical professionals who can be so easily swayed by government and the media. I also do not see "hope" in that the harm done to many/most people will not be reversible. As a matter of fact, I believe that we have only scratched the surface of the injury that has been done to people of all ages, some of which may not be discovered for many years.

Even if compensation is given to the millions of people who were Vaxx injured, money will not make up for the damage that they have suffered and will continue to suffer for the rest of their lives.

I would start checking the fine print of life insurance policies...

Last edited by RV on Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total

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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by 2cent Sun May 29, 2022 7:47 pm

I'm very glad you didn't get the vaccine, also.
From the OP article:
According to Robinson, Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy even wrote an op-ed celebrating Joe Biden’s vaccine rollout and praising his high poll numbers.

This op-ed was basically a personal plea for the American public to take medical advice from a news organization that was secretly taking money from the Biden Administration to say positive things about dangerous drugs.

‘At Newsmax, we have strongly advocated for the public to be vaccinated. The many medical experts who have appeared on our network have been near unanimous in support of the vaccine,’ Ruddy said. ‘I myself have gotten the Pfizer vaccine. There’s no question in my mind, countless lives would have been saved if the vaccine was available earlier.
Just when you thought you could somewhat trust a source.  
That so burns my backside -- especially the part in bold.  Could Ruddy have possibly taken a more obvious JAB at President Trump?

On a different note; hopefully, this Front Line Critical Care Alliance will make inroads to helping those who need the medical attention.

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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by RV Sun May 29, 2022 10:25 pm

Yes, I am also VERY glad that CJ (like us), didn't get "Vaccine"

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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by Calypso Jones Sun May 29, 2022 11:28 pm

Nor my family...none of us. I don't know about my older brother and my sister in law. They are influenced by a very liberal daughter, my niece.

My younger brother took it for his job. It was his choice to do that and i don't hold it against him. Within a year he had the serious skin cancer on his forehead. That's been removed and i hope will never return. he is conservative...big trump supporter as are his youngest, my nephew.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by Casey Jones Mon May 30, 2022 12:39 am

What I see building, is a push to try the CRISPR gene-editing procedure. Which has been proposed for several years but which was vehemently opposed by Christian leaders and many scientists.

Forgive me, I don't know much about it, beyond the name, CRISPR, and that it is gene editing/modification.

But I've read that this whole mRNA cluster-fark, may have been done, at least in part, to panic the masses, and remove legal and moral objections to this procedure.

Which of course, fast-tracks Klaus' dream of TRANSHUMANISM - docile zombies who don't think what Klaus and his Davos friends don't want them to think.

I don't want to dash the hopes of those who've unwisely gotten the Jabs; but I think at this point, we're in a hole and we're just digging deeper. And the persons actually doing the digging, WANT more destruction...want to play God. Want us to be reduced to their pets, or salt-mine slaves, or destroyed. I think the only option is to put the brakes on it, NOW - and start with the hangings of the perps.
Casey Jones
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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by RV Mon May 30, 2022 2:48 pm

Casey Jones wrote:What I see building, is a push to try the CRISPR gene-editing procedure.  Which has been proposed for several years but which was vehemently opposed by Christian leaders and many scientists.

Forgive me, I don't know much about it, beyond the name, CRISPR, and that it is gene editing/modification.

But I've read that this whole mRNA cluster-fark, may have been done, at least in part, to panic the masses, and remove legal and moral objections to this procedure.

Which of course, fast-tracks Klaus' dream of TRANSHUMANISM - docile zombies who don't think what Klaus and his Davos friends don't want them to think.

I don't want to dash the hopes of those who've unwisely gotten the Jabs; but I think at this point, we're in a hole and we're just digging deeper.  And the persons actually doing the digging, WANT more destruction...want to play God.  Want us to be reduced to their pets, or salt-mine slaves, or destroyed.  I think the only option is to put the brakes on it, NOW - and start with the hangings of the perps.

I had forgotten about the gene editing crap that the liberals were all touting some time ago. It makes perfect sense! With every passing day, with each passing moment and with each new snippet of information, I am VERY thankful and grateful that the Holy Spirit prevented me from getting the jab!

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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by Calypso Jones Mon May 30, 2022 3:02 pm

Tell us that story @RV. I feel God has put me in situations that have protected me numerous times.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by RV Mon May 30, 2022 3:07 pm

Calypso Jones wrote:Tell us that story @RV.     I feel God has put me in situations that have protected me numerous times.

Not much to tell really. I have studied it and prayed about it and a still small voice just kept telling me NOT to subject myself to the "Vaccine". Right from the beginning there was just too much hidden, censored, scuttled and too much information that they WERE NOT disclosing.

I had told the Lord that I would do whatever HE told me to do rather than the CDC, the WHO, the Media, etc.

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HOPE for the Vaxx injured Empty Re: HOPE for the Vaxx injured

Post by Casey Jones Mon May 30, 2022 9:51 pm

RV wrote:

I had forgotten about the gene editing crap that the liberals were all touting some time ago. It makes perfect sense! With every passing day, with each passing moment and with each new snippet of information, I am VERY thankful and grateful that the Holy Spirit prevented me from getting the jab!

I was close. I was in the VA in December 2020 for my annual checkup; and the discussion came up. At the time they weren't pushing it - there were priorities in terms of who would get the Jab first. Medical personnel, first. I was on the fence with it, but naively thought it would be like a flu shot - a jab, a sore arm, and it would be over. No more of this damn Face-Diaper Panic!

First, over at Gold-Is-Money, there were the voracious readers repeating, over and over, that it was genetic-editing experimentation, not a vaccination. Well...conspiracy theorists abound. Everything from Flat Earthers to those who believe the Jews are taking over the world. I filed it away in my mind...but, in the clinic, I heard, first, I wasn't eligible, yet. Second, it was a big deal - an appointment, because they had to prepare the vetch from frozen. Third, the nurse said, "I'm not going to be in the first batch - I want to wait and see."

That made me look, and hard. And what I saw, told me that the naysayers were on to something. Then, of course, in January, strange stuff happened. Where is nurse Tiffany Dover, now? She collapsed after her second Jab. She had been a voracious Face___k poster, but her posts stopped. Except for some odd postings, about six months apart...sounding not at all like the engaged young woman her posts communicated, previously.

The video of her Jab and the news of her collapse in the clinic, have been scrubbed. Apocryphal stories of her dying a week later, still circulate.

But...yeah. Wait and see. By March, I knew I'd not be doing it. By June, I was planning for what to do when the Gestapo came after me with the Jab needles...and that still remains a possibility.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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