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Evangelical Left is neither evangelical nor christian

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Evangelical Left is neither evangelical nor christian Empty Evangelical Left is neither evangelical nor christian

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:22 am


yeah.  i knew this.   Been going on for years.  building and building.

Assisting the American sheeple on their journey into emotional, intellectual and physical servitude to the state as a religion is the woke church. Being woke, or having the characteristic of wokeness, means that you are aware of and outraged by what you or others perceive to be injustice, patriarchy, racism, classism, and any other ism you care to add tothe definition. In short, being woke means you care about what you perceive to be social, political and cultural shortcomings that you believe marginalize people of select groups. This, in turn, gave rise to the equally illogical catch-all of power-racism and discrimination; intersectionality.

Intersectionality is replacing plain old ordinary wokeness with micro-wokeness. The truly visionary people, those with elitist longings, and super-sensitive feelings attuned to the rhythm of life and meaning, see specialized micro-groups of marginalized people and have created their own scorecard for those confused about how outraged they are permitted to be.

Church & State by Greg Locke, Denise McAllister, Dr Michael Brown and More
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For example, women are allowed to be outraged at the patriarchy, but black women even more so. A black woman who thinks she is a man is entitled to more outrage than a straight white woman. However, all of those are eclipsed by the Chinese woman who has undergone gender reassignment surgery. It gets confusing the deeper down the rabbit hole of intersectionality you go.

This might shock many Christians reading this but, it is likely that the denomination you belong to supports the insanity described above. Many Southern Baptist Convention churches, many Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches, The Gospel Coalition, Together for the Gospel and many other church groups, ministry organizations and individuals are all advocating for these things and more.

The current rise of the aforementioned militant Marxist Communist front group, Black Lives Matter, has been assisted in great measure by the woke church. Several years ago the woke church capitulated to Critical Race Theory, which is nothing more than a Luciferian strategy to create racial tensions in order to divide people and foment anger, hatred and violence against innocent people. The creation of white guilt, white privilege and white supremacy are also tools of the Marxists who are using Black Lives Matter as its battering ram to force their dogma upon America.

You have to ask yourself, “Why are these churches supporting things that are clearly not Biblical?” The answer is simply this: They are worshipping a different god. Woke Christians are idol worshippers. Christians who believe that there are dozens of genders, that the Black Lives Matter organization really cares about black Americans, that the barbarous dismembering of pre- born human beings in their mother’s womb is simply a matter of choice, that white Americans really are closet racists who just need to confront their latent racism, that the institutions of America are purveyors of systemic racism are all worshipping the state. How can this be true? It is true because they have stuck their finger in the air to gauge the direction the cultural winds are blowing and then jumped on the bandwagon of statist progressive religion. The leftists masquerading as Christians have swallowed the humanist lie that there is no authority beyond self. They have done this attempting to be relevant to a dead culture. They have uttered assertions about wanting to make sure they are on the right side of history, that future generations would know they fought the good fight. This is lunacy and worse.

Church & State by Greg Locke, Denise McAllister, Dr Michael Brown and More
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What has happened to this segment of the church is that they have fallen into the wide chasm of apostasy. Just like the sons of Korah who opposed Moses, they have been swallowed up by the earth in the sense of the earthly religion of humanism hiding behind the state. They are plunging into Sheol.

The woke church is the most visible aspect of leftist religion. I can no longer call this leftist progressive religion Christian because I believe it is oxymoronic to add leftist or rightist to Christianity. You are either for Christ or against Christ. By their stands on the things mentioned above, leftist Evangelicals have proven they are neither Evangelical nor Christian. They are plainly apostates and should be called out as such.

This article is an excerpt of the book Church & State: How the Left Used the Church to Conquer America, which brought together authors Pastor Greg Locke, Dr Michael Brown, Denise McAllister, Pastor Cary Gordon, Jeff Dornik, JD Rucker, Pastor Ken Peters, Dr Robert Oscar Lopez, Dr Mike Spaulding, Pastor Sam Jones and Dustin Faulkner. This team of authors exposes the strategy employed to overthrow America through the infiltration of the Evangelical Church. Order your copy today!

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Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Evangelical Left is neither evangelical nor christian Empty Re: Evangelical Left is neither evangelical nor christian

Post by jirqoadai Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:42 am

you are? thats nice youve accepted that probabilty. now, whatre ya gonna do to change yourself?

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