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Biden pulling out of Afghanistan was good

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Biden pulling out of Afghanistan was good  Empty Biden pulling out of Afghanistan was good

Post by Sprintcyclist Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:57 am

He did well there.
It was a 20 year war that was going nowhere except more deaths.
It was a dire situation for the troops there, the US were leaving anyway. Get them out ASAP.
Now the war is finished. That is the big thing. Many american lives are saved.

The Trump administration agreed in a February 2020 accord with the Taliban on the pullout of all U.S.-led international forces by May 2021. The Islamist militants agreed to stop attacking American troops and hold peace talks with the Western-backed Kabul government.

In laying out the withdrawal chronology, the summary said that successive troop reductions ordered by Trump had left 2,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan when Biden took office in January 2021. The result was that the Taliban controlled or contested half the country, the summary said.

Faced with the choice of delaying the pullout or increasing the number of U.S. forces and facing renewed Taliban attacks, Biden chose the former and ordered planning for the withdrawal and evacuation operation, the summary said.



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