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Biden's Pentagon Literally Erasing Proof That Our Soldiers Sacrificed It All in Afghanistan

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Biden's Pentagon Literally Erasing Proof That Our Soldiers Sacrificed It All in Afghanistan Empty Biden's Pentagon Literally Erasing Proof That Our Soldiers Sacrificed It All in Afghanistan

Post by Elizabeth Theus Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:45 pm

The Biden administration, forever focused on optics, is once again trying to create reality, rather than living within it.

The heroic sacrifices of U.S. soldiers are being shelved in an effort to erase our humiliating defeat in Afghanistan — a defeat caused by politicians and generals, not the soldiers themselves.

An enormous collection of Afghanistan War footage has been removed from the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service by the Pentagon, according to a report in Task and Purpose. More than 120,000 photos and 17,000 videos have been removed from the DVIDS official record.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said the images that were archived, so Afghans who helped the U.S. in the war will not be put in danger. The problem? A large number of the archived images do not show any Afghan soldiers or civilians.

If you feel like you’re living in “Idiocracy,” you’re not alone.

A significant percent of the archived images are portraits of U.S. service members on patrol and in combat.

In one example, photos showing U.S. Army soldiers in the Kandahar province are no longer on the DVIDS, though they remain in outlets such as the Los Angeles Times. A significant number of the archived images can still be found online.

The DVIDS houses a prodigious amount of public domain material available to the public and the press. It is the place reporters, historians and other interested parties go to to help them construct reliable narratives concerning the Afghan war.

Is the Biden administration attempting to create a reality based on false narratives?
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No: 0% (1 Votes)

The Taliban, since their victory in August, has targeted and brutalized Afghans, from those who participated in the former government, to female judges to the families of Afghans who worked for the U.S. government. There are many in Afghanistan facing grave danger to this day.

The Defense Department began archiving the imagery in August and September as it was working to get Afghans out of the country, according to Kirby. Are they so foolish as to believe that most if not all relevant DVIDS images of men and women who helped the U.S. in the war had previously been downloaded and stored elsewhere?

And what about all the archived images of U.S. Service members, many of them presumably dead or severely wounded in the war, that have compromised a total of zero Afghan soldiers or civilians? Why are they now missing from the DVIDS?

Kirby claimed his decision was not prompted by a specific security threat but said there was ample reason for the move. He also claimed the archived images will be republished at the “right time.” He didn’t give a hint as to when.

No specific threat? No timeline to republish? Is this just one more colossal blunder of a incredibly inept administration?

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Many people wonder if the abrupt and disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was due to gross negligence. How about erasing American soldiers from the official historical record in an attempt to rewrite a history more favorable to the administration? Is this gross negligence or is it hubris?

It’s not wise to attempt to fool reality by creating false narratives, and there’s far too much of it going on these days. Reality always wins in the end. Always. Count on it.

The Biden administration’s reckless withdrawal from Afghanistan will never be forgotten, no matter what lengths they may go too to erase it.

Men are not gods who can create reality to their liking. To try to do so is an act of hubris.

In a representative republic, elected officials must negotiate reality to the best of their ability, not for themselves, but in the best interest of their constituents.

The U.S. troops who served bravely and with honor in Afghanistan were and are American citizens. They will not be forgotten.

Count on it.


Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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