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The Adventures of Pope

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The Adventures of Pope Empty The Adventures of Pope

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:24 pm

Nude Jesus stroking dead body of Judas.    i'm not sure who is more mental...the artiste or the pope.  scratch that.


Monda explains that the author of this painting is a French Catholic who became impressed by Francis' words praising the Traitor in his book "When You Pray, Say Our Father." The artist imagines that after Jesus was crucified, He would have returned to life immediately, gone to the fig tree and taken down Judas' body and ministered to it. [Monda] also reports that Francis loved this painting so much that he has placed it on the wall behind his desk along with another representing Judas.

The inside pages of the Vatican paper feature a sermon by Fr. Primo Mazzolari saying that he believes Judas was forgiven by Our Lord; a brief comment by Card. Carlo Maria Martini on Mazzolari's sermon, saying that each of us can have a Judas inside himself; a text by Giovanni Papini arguing that Judas must have had an ulterior motive to betray Christ because 30 silver coins did not have that great a worth; and a text by Giuseppe Berto impersonating Judas who affirms that Jesus owes His glorification to him.

Is Pope Francis being motivated by Jesus Christ?
Yes No

In the last several decades, this is the first time – as far as we know – that L'Osservatore Romano has promoted Judas Iscariot on its first three pages. It seems the inauguration of a new saint and the official launching of the "Church of Judas" on a Maundy Thursday, the day of his betrayal ...

The defense of Judas has been made in the name of the abyss of God's mercy. So we see that now Divine Mercy, against all the Scriptural evidence, also applies to the most infamous criminal in History.

Are we far from the day when the same mercy will be applied to another Great Traitor, Satan? Does it not appear that the Vatican's semi-official launching of the "Church of Judas" is the prelude to the coming "Church of Satan"?

Last edited by Calypso Jones on Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Jen Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:02 pm

This Pope's Catholicism seems to be haywire (and I am being kind here) to the Catholic beliefs of most practicing Catholics. I hope Catholics will take a good hard look at their religion.

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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Calypso Jones Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:40 pm

Jen wrote:This Pope's Catholicism seems to be haywire (and I am being kind here) to the Catholic beliefs of most practicing Catholics.  I hope Catholics will take a good hard look at their religion.  

oh they know.
Calypso Jones
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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Casey Jones Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:02 am

The one thing that keeps me from dismissing religion, totally, is how this big-E Evil keeps moving over the people...inexplicably, illogically, making them do destructive things that aren't in keeping with their self-interest.

Like this. I don't doubt for a second that that "pope" is a false priest and probably a sodomite, too. His god is government and his religion is politics - Marxist politics.

But those under him can clearly see it, too. They say Pope John Paul I was snuffed by the Vatican inner circle, because they could see what an incredible mistake they made, how unfit the new pope was for his position. Why does not a similar cadre rise up now, unless they are all driven by the same supernatural power?
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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Sep 14, 2024 8:09 pm

The devil has gotten into the vatican.

and this pope i don't believe has read the bible...and IF he has he uses it as a means to destroy God's word... And the world. He is not a good man.  He said, 'that immigration is a right and it is in the bible'.  NO, it is not a right.  It is a reality.  God addressed foreigners.  Number one, he told  his chosen people not to be influenced by them.  and two because he recognized that he would eventually offer salvation to the rest of the world.....generally called gentiles (FOREIGNERS), then there were rules for decent behavior towards them...but these were foreigners who wanted to be in Israel, they were obedient to the laws of Israel.  What we have in this country and around the world with this illegal alien invasions are Enemies of the West intent on the destruction of Western Civilization and the US and Israel in particular.
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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Leon Xiv Mon Sep 23, 2024 1:00 am

Check his relationship with King Rabbi of Argentina - Avraham Skorka.

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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:19 pm

well...he's done it again.  


'all religions are paths to God.' Apparently Pope Francis watches the church of Oprah.
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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Casey Jones Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:12 pm

The aim is to destroy Church, along with Family.

This is the Globalists' plan. One world government...it WILL work! Because **THOSE PEOPLE** will have NOTHING ELSE!

I was listening to investment guru Doug Casey interview Michael Yon. Except nobody interviews Yon - you wind him up and then there's no stopping him.

The interview was two and a half hours. I've listened to two hours; going to go back, but it's enough to curl your blood. From his work in Ireland...did you know that over one-third of people IN Ireland are not IRISH? This was done to eliminate Ireland - make it Africa.

Same in England. Same in Germany.

SAME IN CANADA. He holds NO hope for Canada.

The aim seems to remove ALL social support structures, ALL prosperity...so we all beg for the salvation of Communism.

Fake Pope here, is as much on board as King Chuckie and Justin Castro. And of course, Obamatard, who was the point man on the Globalists' plan.
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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Calypso Jones Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:56 pm


His latest remarks about all religions lead to God/Salvation was an attack on Christ' divinity.

Pope Francis’ recent comments during an interreligious meeting with young people at Catholic Junior College in Singapore regarding the smorgasbord of different “paths to reach God” – “[s]ome Sikh, some Muslim, some Hindu, some Christian” – encapsulate the poisonous ideology that has permeated the Catholic Church over the past several decades

It is certainly not the first time Francis has espoused religious indifferentism. Buried within his 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Francis stated that, while for Christians the wellspring of human dignity and fraternity is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, “others drink from other sources.” It was a scandalous and deceptive comment. That it was written by the successor of St. Peter, the rock upon whom Christ built His Church, and who consented to be crucified upside down for love of the Savior, was distressing. Until last week, Fratelli Tutti was, in my mind, Francis’ worst moment as Pope. His observations amounted to so much more than a deviation from Church teaching. Together with his recent address in Singapore, they represent a direct attack on the divinity of Christ and His dominion over all Creation.

Yet religious indifferentism has absolutely no foundation in Catholic teaching. The prophets and patriarchs shunned it. Immediately before his death, Joshua admonished the Israelites to choose that day whether to serve the Lord God of Israel, or the pagan gods of their ancestors. “

The Word Incarnate condemned it. In John Chapter 14, Our Lord specifically said that “no man cometh to the Father but by Him [sic].” In Chapter 6, He declared that the work of God is “to believe in Him whom He hath sent.” In Matthew 28, Jesus told his apostles that “all power is given to me in heaven and in earth” and instructed them to “teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” In Mark 16, He commanded them to “go… into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” insisting that “he that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned.”

And the Church Fathers rejected it. St. Irenaeus, in his 3rd century work Against the Heresies, described it this way:

[The apostles] have all declared to us that there is one God, Creator of Heaven and earth, announced by the law and the prophets; and one Christ the Son of God. If anyone do not agree to these truths, he despises, the companions of the Lord; nay, he despises Christ Himself the Lord; yea he despises the Father also, and stands self-condemned, resisting and opposing his own salvation, as is the case with all heretics.
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The Adventures of Pope Empty Re: The Adventures of Pope

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:01 am

This pope is still a coward though. I don't think he is the last...he is the beginning of the last pope(s) and they will be worse. much. much. worst.
Calypso Jones
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