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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:08 pm


I posted this at www.politicalliarsforum.com.   Very good article.   They still crazy as ever these corona walkers.


In a recent essay, I shared with readers the findings of the research of world renowned medical specialists from several continents that expose the propagandist and demagogic character of the COVID-19 Scare for what it has always been.

Both intellectually and morally, then, those of us who refuse to succumb to the pathological fear-mongering that has visited immeasurable suffering upon well over a billion human beings worldwide have the high ground.

Political elites—elected politicians and such unelected Deep State actors like veteran bureaucrat Anthony Fauci—and their collaborators in the establishment media know as well as most of the readers of this column that, while there really is a virus to which some have died, the latter has been exploited and blown wildly out of proportion in order to advance the material ends, i.e. the economic, electoral, and ideological interests of those who labor tirelessly to convince the rest of us that it is the Black Plague 2.0.

Fake News and Fake Science have conspired to fulfill the Democrats’ Wish of all wishes, the one that several of the more visible members of the Party of the Jack Ass openly expressed on more than one occasion before anyone ever heard of “The Virus.”

This is the wish for a recession. It is the wish that the roaring economy whose motor President Trump did much to fuel would stall so that he would spend no more than a single term in the White House (here, here, here, here, and here).

Whether they were explicitly and repeatedly hoping aloud for economic misery for most of their fellow 330 million or so Americans, like Bill Maher never tired of doing, or just as chronically marginalizing the gains made by Americans under Trump by referring to them as “crumbs,” as Nancy Pelosi characterized them, or continually forecasting a Stock Market crash, as New York Times columnist Paul Krugman was fond of doing, it was self-evident to all that Democrats had become the Party of Recession. Had it not been this obvious, such high-profile Democrats as presidential contender John Delaney wouldn’t have thought to publically castigate his fellow partisans for “cheering a recession” just in order to “stick it to Trump.”

In light of this recent history, it should come as no surprise that it is mostly Blue state governors who, under the pretext of combatting COVID-19, have been most eager to intern the residents of their states and least eager to restore their economic, social, and psychological well-being. They know that, for however irrational, arbitrary, and, thus, draconian their orders and decrees are from the standpoint of waging “war” against a virus with a lethality rate of .1%, from the standpoint of bringing to fruition their longing for economic disaster such measures and the fear-mongering propaganda that facilitate them are all too rational.

But while we know why self-interested, opportunistic politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, commentators, and other celebrities have toed their party’s line and labored inexhaustibly to wreak havoc among America, it is undoubtedly the case that the legions of everyday citizens who have reduced themselves to Corona Walkers—the citizens of Mask Nation—are sincerely, genuinely consumed by fear that they will die from The Virus. There are two points, though, that their apparent sincerity can’t be permitted to obscure:

First, precisely because of the profound irrationality of their fear, a fear that they could, if only they would choose to do so, surmount by acquainting themselves with the facts, they too must shoulder some responsibility for the pain, suffering, and, yes, death that have resulted from the Virus lies and the Internment of the country into the service of which these lies were enlisted. None of this would have worked had the Corona Walkers resisted the Government-Media-Complex’s efforts to transform them into the zombies, the “walking dead,” that are now a daily presence in America.

But this point I made in my last article.

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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:10 pm

There is a second that we haven’t yet touched upon, but which readers have probably sensed for themselves during their own interactions with the Corona Walkers:

Usually, when someone, on the basis of a select piece of information, harbors fears for their own safety and that of their family members, particularly their children, it’s not uncommon for such a person to welcome efforts made by others to either expose that information as false or lend to it the context that would mitigate his or her fears.

For example, suppose that I was terribly frightened, as frightened as your average Corona Walker would have us believe he is of The Virus, over the prospect that either I or my child will die in a car accident. Anyone who has ever had to reckon with anxiety can attest to how reassuring it is to have another person offer perspective, for fear, especially when it is chronic, is debilitating.

Now, even if, as could very well happen given the considerable power of fear, I ultimately ignored the reminder offered to me by others that in a country of close to 330 million people, approximately 35,000—far less than one-percent—of them die in car accidents, I can’t imagine myself getting as angry with these well-meaning individuals as Corona Walkers get with those who attempt to disabuse them of their fear of contracting COVID by pointing out that far less than one-percent of human beings are likely to die from it.

Much less can I envision my anger being such that it would lead me to demonize, shame, stigmatize, and encourage the arrest of those who not only do not share my fear, but who have sought to help me overcome it within myself.

Yet this, or some variation of it, is what those of who dare to tell the truth about this political power play tend to encounter when engaging the Corona Walkers.


That COVID-19 is a political virus is clear. Political lines started drawing around this thing from early on. They have since become cemented. Only fools and liars will deny that the reason that those who have seized upon every opportunity to blast President Trump for as long as he has been a politician are one and the same as those who are the most militant of Corona Walkers is a white-hot animus toward the President. They, no less than the leaders of their (Democratic) party and their apologists in the Fake News industry, are hoping, even when they deny it, and perhaps deny it to themselves, that the worse people are made to believe The Virus is, the slimmer become Trump’s chances of reelection.

There is, however, something else at work. We may call it a political-psychology.

Just as it’s no coincidence that Corona Walkers tend to be anti-Trump, and the more viscerally anti-Trump a person is the more zealous of a Corona Walker he or she tends to be, so neither is it coincidental that, to a person, those who spare no occasion to signal their virtue by, say, hanging a “HATE HAS NO HOME HERE” sign on their front lawn, are also the most likely to engage in “mask-shaming” and the like.

And these are the same people who, without exception, hate Donald Trump.

Yet the COVID Scare has supplied your typical leftist moral exhibitionist with a rare opportunity, an opportunity to signal not just her virtue, but her victimhood.

Given the ubiquity of The Virus Con, with its Orwellian subversion of daily language and the revocation of American liberties that it has entailed, those who would have otherwise been just virtue signalers can now be “virtuous victim” signalers.

Inasmuch as the Corona Walkers can don their masks and castigate others for not doing the same, they can at once showcase their commitment to (allegedly) safeguarding the well-being of others while styling themselves victims who are being jeopardized by those selfish, scientifically illiterate Deplorables!*

The psychic benefits that accrue to the average Corona Walker are as great, if not greater, than the economic and political benefits that accrue to her counterparts in Big Media and Big Government, respectively.

We must know with whom we are dealing when dealing with the citizens of Mask Nation.

*Virtuous victim-signaling is the subject of a paper recently published by the American Psychological Association and authored by four researchers from the University of British Columbia. Interestingly, and while, for the time being, we can leave this aside for our purposes, the authors are primarily interested in establishing that those with the “Dark Triad” traits of “Machiavellianism,” “Narcissism,” and “Psychopathy” are disproportionately represented among virtuous victim signalers.

* * *
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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:38 pm


I knew this was happening but here it is in full view. Man wears mask IN the Pool.

You gotta be some kinda stupid to do something like this...BUT...i already knew it was happening. My DnL is a long distance runner...she goes to the pool a couple times a week and she came back this past week and told me that as she was getting into the pool she noticed the senior ladies in their morning pool routine...WEARING...Masks.

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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by OneDumbBlonde Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:15 pm

Batshit crazy has completely taken over.

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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by Elizabeth Theus Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:17 pm

BRAVO: Georgia Mother ANNIHILATES the Left’s Mask Narrative!


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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Jan 31, 2022 11:30 pm

Why the Masked and the Unmasked Have Disdain for Each Other
The great unbridgeable divide.

Tue Feb 1, 2022 Dennis Prager


Among the many unbridgeable divides between Americans is a completely antithetical view of mask wearing. On one side are those who wear masks almost everywhere outside their homes and who demand that others do so, including young children in class and on outdoor playgrounds, and 2-year-olds on airplanes.

On the other side are those who only wear a mask where they are punished for not doing so (most obviously, airplanes). They regard masks as essentially pacifiers for adults.

Generally speaking, these two groups have disdain for each other.


What may be less obvious is why anti-maskers hold pro-maskers in equal contempt. So, this needs explaining in greater detail. After all, anti-maskers don't believe that maskers are putting people in hospitals.

First, anti-maskers regard the charges made against them by pro-maskers as baseless. Therefore, as odd as it sounds, anti-maskers have contempt for the pro-maskers' contempt. To wrongly charge people with causing mass death is, to understate the case, immoral. And if this charge is demonstrably wrong, the people who level it are the ones who are anti-science.

Since each side regards the other as anti-science, what is the science?

Nearly all public health authorities claim that masks are absolutely necessary to save lives. But they have virtually no science to back up the claim.

There is, however, abundant scientific evidence that masks are worthless vis-a-vis viruses and do great harm to society.

Here is a fraction of the examples I could give:

In February 2020, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams tweeted: "Seriously people — STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus."

In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) Health Emergencies Program executive director, Mike Ryan, wrote: "There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any particular benefit."

A 2010 study in France led by Laetitia Canini (Ph.D. in epidemiology and biostatistics) concluded: "We did not identify any trend in the results suggesting effectiveness of facemasks."

A 2009 study of Japanese health workers led by epidemiologist Dr. Joshua L. Jacobs, of the University of Hawaii Medical School, concluded: "Face mask use in health care workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds."

As far as I could determine, the only randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test the effectiveness of masks against COVID-19 was a 2020 study led by Henning Bundgaard of the Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark. Published in the March 2021 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine, it found that 1.8% of those in the masked group and 2.1% of those in the control group became infected with COVID-19 within a month. The 0.3-point difference is statistically insignificant.

MD and epidemiologist Vinay Prasad of the University of California at San Francisco buried the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's child masking recommendation in one sentence: "The CDC cannot 'follow the science' because there is no relevant science."

And what about surgical masks? They are not designed to prevent the spread of viruses, but to prevent medical personnel from accidentally infecting the open wounds of patients on the operating table, and to prevent body fluids from patients spraying up into the mouths and noses of the surgical team. Dr. Colin Axon, a COVID-19 advisor to the British government, made this point clear: Medics were "unable to comprehend" the miniscule elements involved: "A Covid viral particle is around 100 nanometers, material gaps in blue surgical masks are up to 1,000 times that size, cloth mask gaps can be 5,000 times the size."

While most studies conclude that masks are essentially useless against COVID-19, not all do. Probably the most widely cited study on behalf of mask efficacy was published in the British Medical Journal in October 2021. But it's hardly a ringing endorsement. As the authors note, "The quality of current evidence would be graded as low or very low, as it consists of observational studies with poor methods."

If the only problem with the pro-mask position were that it negates science, it would only be harmless nonsense.

But while it is nonsense, it is not harmless.

read the rest of the article at the link
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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Apr 25, 2023 8:07 am


I believe that the vaccine pushers knew that the inadequately tested and unnecessary covid jab was going to kill huge swathes of populations around the world.

I now believe that the deaths and the maimings weren’t side effects at all – they were the main effects. And in addition to the deaths and the serious health problems (heart disease for example), the jabs have caused serious brain damage and a new population of zombies.

It is because of this brain damage that so many people readily accept digital currencies, the banishment of cash and other steps towards total slavery. The vaxxed are different to the rest of us: they don’t notice what is happening. In the land of the vaxxed, the cretin is king.

(The alternative explanation is that the vaccine pushers were so ignorant that they didn’t realise what would happen. And I don’t think that these arrogant, wicked people will want to be thought stupid. They would rather be recognised for what they are. The vaccine pushers took the bows, the honours and the money. When justice prevails at last, they will pay for their heinous sins. Incidentally, I find it nauseating that doctors in the UK are on strike for more money but that they and their trade union leaders encouraged the jabbing and denied that there were serious risks.)

Look at the people that have had the jab....you can pick them out...it's all political. The jab crosses the blood brain barrier. The developers of the virus had an idea that would happen. In spite of evidence to the contrary the vaxxed are in favor of more lockdown, vaxx, 15 minute cities, giving up their own freedom, surgically removing their body parts and on and on. They don't even acknowledge the uptick in the deaths of our young, physically fit, strong adults and children.
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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:48 pm

if you were a sheep and followed the gov't's orders ....admit you were wrong and vow to be smarter next time.

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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Aug 15, 2024 2:26 pm


The twisted psychology of covid mask wearing and why so many are STILL doing it.

Top 10 reasons most Democrats and Liberals are still wearing their Covid mask everywhere they go

1, Impaired cognition (mask works in tandem with the clot shots)

2, They think it works

3, Mysophobia – Germ and disease paranoia induced by fake news (anxiety levels running high)

4, Low self-esteem (very important for the communist regime in power to keep everyone feeling horrible about themselves)

5, Self-harm and sabotage (stems from chronic low self-opinion)

6, Dampens critical thinking (vicious cycle of stupidity) – the mask keeps them from thinking about the reason they feel horrible most of the time is DUE to the mask

7, Fake science has them conned – they won’t find the real science on mask wearing and they won’t believe anyone who advises them about it

8, Good for criminal behavior, like rioting, stealing, avoiding facial recognition

9, They like being a clone (and they feel obliged to conform)

10, It fits the communist manifesto (method of operation) to have no face, no unique or authentic personality.

Mask wearers regularly experience oxygen deprivation up to 20%, leading to impaired cognition, anxiety, periodic panic attacks

It’s called oxygen deprivation mask syndrome (ODMS), and mountains of scientific evidence proves it’s real. For example, research conducted in 2021 revealed that “prolonged use of Covid masks, either homemade or N95, can cause anywhere from five to 20 percent loss of oxygen to the body, leading to hypoxia as well as hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream).” Hypoxia can also affect fetal and embryonic development, so pregnant women are a highly vulnerable group for ODMS. Of course, the Covid Industrial Complex was NOT going to let mass media share this vital study with the brainwashed populace.

Prolonged mask-wearing can have life-threatening health effects, so why do so many Democrats and Liberals love to wear their Covid face diapers 24/7/365? There’s a simple explanation. Because they are the Branch Covidians who believe wholeheartedly that it will save them from sure doom. Fake news from their beloved mass media complex, weaponized social media and the insidious 3-letter government organizations, including the CDC, FDA and WHO have them completely brainwashed.
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Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation Empty Re: Corona Walkers Mask Nation and their motivation

Post by RV Thu Aug 15, 2024 3:39 pm

When I heard crooked Joe claiming that it wasn't political, I knew then that just as I suspected all along, that it WAS political! It seems whatever the Democrats say or claim, you can bet that it's exactly the opposite.

The FBLie stated that the Hunter laptop was "Russian dis-information" and would not investigate it further, you knew that it was fact.

Crooked Joe claimed that the "Vaccine" was created during his presidency, that is obviously not true at all considering that there are videos of him getting his "Vaccine" BEFORE he took office.

The White House claimed that Epstein committed "suicide", you knew that in fact he was murdered.

The White House claimed that the guards were "asleep" and saw nothing, you knew that in fact they DID see everything. I wonder how much money it took for them to claim that they saw nothing...

The White House claimed that they could not tell who left the Cocaine in the White House because it was out of camera range, you know that in fact the White House cameras saw and recorded EVERYTHING. Considering that the FBLie has a habit of erasing and deleting ANYTHING that does not support the narrative, the recording has most likely been deleted and erased.

Etc., Etc., Etc.

It was claimed that there was no lab leak, no gain of function research and no government funds used to hop up the virus, we now know that in fact there were tax dollars used and that there WAS gain of function testing at the WuHan lab. Do I believe the narrative that the WuFlu was not a bioweapon and deliberately leaked from China? NOT AT ALL!

It was claimed that the assassination attempt of President Trump was purely an "accident", we know that in fact it was planned by the Democrats and NeverTrumpers.

The Democrat narrative was that crooked Joe's installation was the "fairest and safest" presidential election in history. Do I believe it? NOT AT ALL!

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