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The Top 20 lies of the 2020s

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The Top 20 lies of the 2020s Empty The Top 20 lies of the 2020s

Post by Calypso Jones Thu May 30, 2024 11:46 am


Covid has a 4% death rate.

Masks will keep us safe from COVID.

COVID vaccines are safe and effective.

Oil and natural gas are going to destroy the planet.

Electric cars are going to save the environment.

Electric cars are safe.

Our justice system is fair for all.

Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.

Trump stole classified documents.

Boys should compete in girls’ sports.

Men can have babies.

Search engines give honest results.

Protecting Ukraine’s borders is in the interest of the United States.

Our borders are safe and secure.

Israel is guilty of war crimes.

Inflation is under control.

The 2020 Election was the safest and most secure in history.

Joe Biden is running for president in 2024

The new RNC will win the 2024 election by ballot-harvesting and poll-watching.

Far Right Groups are disputing recent elections to disrupt 2024.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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The Top 20 lies of the 2020s Empty Re: The Top 20 lies of the 2020s

Post by Calypso Jones Thu May 30, 2024 2:08 pm

From the above article:

Lyndsey Stonebridge’s  ( a guy) fascinating article in Time from February of this year cited Hannah Arendt, a German-American historian and philosopher who died in 1975.  She lived through the persecution of the Jews starting in the 1930s and often discussed “the big lie.”

She had been interested in how the most outrageous lies get a political hold ever since Nazi lies about the Jews, Communists, and intellectuals drove her from Berlin in 1933 after her arrest by the Gestapo. She wrote her final analysis of the nature of the modern political lying after the publication of the Pentagon Papers revealed the extent to which American lawmakers and bureaucrats had carefully, patiently, painstakingly constructed a fiction about the Vietnam War — a fiction fit enough for other people’s children to die in[.] ...

Lies like this are grandly shameless, blatantly, and obviously fake. Political lying isn’t even lying anymore. We know that you know we are lying, say the politicians, but isn’t that part of the thrill? Tell us the world is made up of more than the mundane fact we are forced to live by, reply many, and yes, of course we will believe you. Anything is better than this[.] ...

[T]he world is complex, shifting, sometimes random, perplexing and bewildering. Politicians have always known that this means the best stories are likely to be those that make some sense of reality.

In other words, we believe the lies, because to disbelieve them, we would have to realize that our entire world is insurmountably corrupt.

Stonebridge HATES Trump and calls him a liar.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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The Top 20 lies of the 2020s Empty Re: The Top 20 lies of the 2020s

Post by Calypso Jones Thu May 30, 2024 2:14 pm

This is what Stonebridge writes about Trump:

Trump’s outrageous lies are one thing. But what about self-deception? In the realm of politics, Arendt said, perhaps political self-deception is the greatest threat. The self-deceived politician, “loses all contact, not only with his audience but with the real world which will catch up with him.” In another sobering moment, Arendt reflects that perhaps the person who is most likely to be an “an ideal victim of complete manipulation is the President of the United States” themselves. Some Presidents might stake their power on outrageous deceits; but is the President who is deceived about his own beliefs necessarily in the strongest position to win the battle for democracy?

How does that make any sense.   Does he mean someone deceives the President.  Well. i can believe that.  Look at the number of backstabbers who deceived President Trump as they unfailingly worked at his destruction.     No. I rather think Mr. Stonebridge has problems with clarity in his own thinking.  And he fails to see the possibllity that he is the one deceived by the president (biden) that he staunchly supports.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Age : 24

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