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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Aug 17, 2023 12:56 pm


#1) The lawless Democrats are drunk with power and are making a mockery of the rule of law in their desperate attempts to stop Trump by charging him with absurd, made up “crimes” while ignoring rampant bribery of the Biden crime family

#2) America’s cities are collapsing into violence, mental illness, shoplifting and ruin

#3) The corporations are going insane with virtue signaling, like Skittles candy promoting “Black Trans Lives Matter” propaganda or Target promoting genital-mutilation swimsuits for children

#4) More and more Americans are waking up to the “theft by inflation” caused by Biden’s never-ending money printing, and they are angry

#5) It’s now obvious that the 2020 election was stolen, and that the Biden regime completely ignores whatever court rulings it doesn’t like

#6) False flag operations being run against the American people are getting sloppy and obvious (such as the Maui fires)

#7) Pedophilia is fully embraced by Democrats and the Left, who now oppose films and articles that expose rampant pedophilia and child trafficking

#Cool The climate cult has expanded into a globally shared mental illness where brainwashed people imagine the planet being destroyed unless they exterminate billions of humans to stop their activity

#9) The development of depopulation bioweapons continues to be funded by the U.S. government, with near-zero effort by any member of Congress to de-fund the mad science experiments

#10) It’s finally becoming undeniable that the USA, NATO and Ukraine have lost the war with Russia
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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Sprintcyclist Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:16 pm

Seems you have the wrong list, obviously a conspircacy there.
Here is the correct one.

#1) The 'conservatives' who refuse to accept the Constitution unless it is what they want.  family

#2) The refusal of progressive ideas by so called christians tha has alienated many of the worst off Americans. Giving rise to illegal drug use violence, mental illness and crime.

#3) The stiff necked small minded people who refuse that other people may be different or have been disadvantage. eg, homosexuals, transexuals, movements like “Black Trans Lives Matter”

#4) Poor stupid Americans who cannot accept their life is due to their thinking and actions and blame it on worldwide financial conditions.

#5) The conspiracy theorists who have blamed most things they do not accept on a conspiracy. eg the 2020 election, the sinking of the titanic sub , the education system, the medical system, the media, the police system, the judicial system

#6) Similar people who cannot accept Real world events - such as global warming,  Maui fires

#7) Even wilder conspiracy theories that show a disturbing mental illness.

#8 ) People that refuse to see the damage being done to the globe and non-human animal caused by humans.

#9) Fools who disbelieve a pandemic happened and those that had the vaccination helped stop it

#10) Those that are ok with Russia invading peaceful local countries.

#11) Those one-eyed adherents who believe any single politician got everything right, and another one can get everything wrong.

#12) Those self appointed christians who see 'the devil incarnate' in someone and screech at imagined 'christian battles'
They put many 100's off christianty.

#13) The blood thirsty americans who want all the guns they can put in a house and give no thought to the mass shootings every month.
They don't care who gets killed, as long as they have theri guns.


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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Casey Jones Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:23 pm

That the shit they're feeding you?

What do you know about the Constitution, anyway?

What do you know about rights? Where do they come from - government?

What have you read/learned about the founding of the nation, of the inspiration of the principals of the new republic?
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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Casey Jones Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:49 pm

I'm gonna break this down.

Sprintcyclist wrote:Seems you have the wrong list, obviously a conspircacy there.
Here is the correct one.

#1) The 'conservatives' who refuse to accept the Constitution unless it is what they want.  family

Flat-out untrue.  Lawlessness is the trademark of the Left.

#2) The refusal of progressive ideas by so called christians tha has alienated many of the worst off Americans. Giving rise to illegal drug use violence, mental illness and crime.

No, Christians don't cause homelessness and crime.  Those are new things, and they correlate to the Left's persecution of Christians and community.  Homelessness is being caused by two factors - money-printing, which is debasing the currency, eroding buying power; and lack of drug-law enforcement.  People cannot get ahead when their money is eroding in value.  But mentally-ill people now CAN use drugs on city sidewalks, and pass out there, fornicate there, sleep there.

We used to put the mentally ill into sanitoriums, and arrest vagrants.  Now we do nothing, while drugs pour over the borders.

#3) The stiff necked small minded people who refuse that other people may be different or have been disadvantage. eg, homosexuals, transexuals, movements like “Black Trans Lives Matter”


It's identifying RACE, demand SUPERIORITY based on RACE, that is repugnant.

Stiff-necked?  Bullschitt.

#4) Poor stupid Americans who cannot accept their life is due to their thinking and actions and blame it on worldwide financial conditions.

Sure.  Inflation and government-regulatory oppression are due to individuals' irresponsibility.

Try to prove it.  

Meantime I CAN prove the exploding cost of living, versus income.

#5) The conspiracy theorists who have blamed most things they do not accept on a conspiracy. eg the 2020 election, the sinking of the titanic sub , the education system, the medical system, the media, the police system, the judicial system
You ignore evidence and then claim people who do understand what has happened, are conspiracy kooks.

Are you so trusting in other matters?  Do you know what "Dominion Voting" even IS?

#6) Similar people who cannot accept Real world events - such as global warming,  Maui fires

You trust the elections but believe Glow Bull Warming.

How come the seas haven't risen?

Did Glow Bull Warming TURN THE WATER OFF, THERE in Maui?

How come Glow Bull Warming needed Canadian arsonists to start those fires, and how come, with the arsonists now out of the picture, the Canadian fires have stopped?

#7) Even wilder conspiracy theories that show a disturbing mental illness.

You're either a plant or a simpleton.  There's no other explanation.

#8 ) People that refuse to see the damage being done to the globe and non-human animal caused by humans.

So do something about it.  Instead of trying to kill off people who disagree....KILL YOURSELF FIRST.

#9) Fools who disbelieve a pandemic happened and those that had the vaccination helped stop it

I could dig out the numerous studies that showed that Jab had a NEGATIVE effect regarding likelyhood of getting the virus - MADE IT WORSE - but it's obvious you're blind to facts.  I'm not gonna put facts in front of people who're immune to them.

#10) Those that are ok with Russia invading peaceful local countries.

You can't understand Russia's opposition to NATO expansion, can you.  Which was exactly the US's objection to the USSR missiles in Cuba.

Do you understand what the Minsk Accords were?  How Ukraine broke them, goaded on by the US?

How the CIA staged a Color Revolution in there, to install that buffoonish alleged-president?

The Russia situation was worse than Cuba - with weapons labs, FUNDED BY THE AMERICAN CDC and similar to Wuhan, and working WITH MOSQUITOES.

AND...what say you to the Azov NAZIs?  You defending Nazi movements, now?  Peaceful, huh?

#11) Those one-eyed adherents who believe any single politician got everything right, and another one can get everything wrong.

It's possible to get everything wrong...when you're corrupt, demented and stupid like this Biden.  If he, and his handlers, wanted to destroy America...what would he do differently?

What in his entire LIFE, was worthwhile?  Molesting his daughter?  Raping another woman?  Yeah, you don't believe it.  Because you're told not to believe it.

#12) Those self appointed christians who see 'the devil incarnate' in someone and screech at imagined 'christian battles'
They put many 100's off christianty.

I don't care what you believe.  But if you support this EVIL - and it's evil, it's obvious it's evil...then, you're part of the problem.

#13) The blood thirsty americans who want all the guns they can put in a house and give no thought to the mass shootings every month.
They don't care who gets killed, as long as they have theri guns.

The safest place to be, in America, is in a gun store or a gun show.  That's statistical fact.

The lowest crime correlates to the highest per-capita LEGAL gun ownership.  John Stossell found this out 15 years ago, and wrote a book:  More Guns, Less Crime.  It shocked him, too.  But he is open-minded, unlike some.

CRIMINALS with weapons purchased or stolen illegally, are violent.  You can't stop lawless people with more laws - they WILL have guns.  Because they don't care about laws.

If you find a way to disarm them, they will make crude zip-guns, or use clubs, knives, IEDs, or other objects.  As they do in England, now.

The only thing that can stop a criminal with a gun, is a law-abiding citizen with another gun.

Disarm America, and like so many European nations and like Australia, we'd be subject to endless medical torment and tyrannies.  And other not-yet revealed plans.'

The authors of the Constitution knew this.  You either cannot understand it or you're working for the movement for global tyranny.

Last edited by Casey Jones on Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:51 pm

Well . Now we see don't we.
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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by RV Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:33 am

Yeah, did anyone connect the dots between "gun control", election fraud, Biden family criminal activity and the WuFlu fiasco? If I had to guess, I would say that they are ALL related.

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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Sprintcyclist Fri Aug 18, 2023 2:08 pm

RV wrote:Yeah, did anyone connect the dots between "gun control", election fraud, Biden family criminal activity and the WuFlu fiasco? If I had to guess, I would say that they are ALL related.

they are all false conspiracies they rely on each other.
they all cause harm to many people and do not good.


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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Calypso Jones Fri Oct 13, 2023 1:04 pm

here's another. EDUCATION In AMerica. Supported by billionaires, large corporations and see what you have done.

NO WONDer we are in the state we are in. Our young adults are stupid and they've been brainwashed into THINKING GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL IS GOOD. Some billionaires, shocked at the anti semitic protests at some of these universities are defunding. you should Ask for your money back.
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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Sprintcyclist Fri Oct 13, 2023 1:30 pm

Just imagine, this site not totally obsessed on negative, depressing, false conspiracy theories


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Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point. Empty Re: Ten signs that things in America have reached a breaking point.

Post by Calypso Jones Thu May 16, 2024 4:58 pm


Dave Clements explains why demonic forces are influencing America. When you toss God out of everything then something else takes its place. I know i don't have to tell you what that is.
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