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Some Stuff

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Some Stuff Empty Some Stuff

Post by HawkTheSlayer Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:43 pm

@vege57 , I was thinking. Yes , I knowv this is dangerous! Me thinking.

I had a farmer friend who went to NZ and brought back a kiwi wife.
She hauled ass back NZ

I have some parameters on that .

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Some Stuff Empty Re: Some Stuff

Post by Casey Jones Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:54 pm

HawkTheSlayer wrote: @vege57 , I was thinking. Yes , I knowv this is dangerous!  Me thinking.

I had a farmer friend who went to NZ and brought back a kiwi wife.  
She hauled ass  back NZ

I have some parameters on that .

Cross-cultural pollination, doesn't always work out.

I've heard tell of Americans who moved to Australia...legally or, as AWOL sailors...and couldn't hack it. And...wanna know the troof? I was there nearly a month, and the accent, and the pub styles, and the driving-onna-wrong-side of the street...were all getting to me. I was glad to be back in the US of A. That was in 1994, before they all disarmed themselves, opening the door for Covidiotic tyranny.

While in the Perth area, I met an elderly woman from Texas - who in WWII, while in the WAVES as a nurse...she met, married and stayed with, an Aussie. He had died; she was running their family business - a small convenience store on the edge of the outback - and she was desperate to talk with Americans, and especially one who had been to Texas. That would have been me.

She was as homesick as can be described, but she had nobody any place but where she was.

A shipboard friend, also older (27) met a half-Aboriginal Aussie girl, and for some reason, was really taken. It should be noted, Steve was no Playgirl model, either. He was a borderline dwarf, who barely made it past the Navy's physical standards.

So he wanted to get married, and wanted to do it right. That meant no storefront wedding in Perth - he wanted her with a Green Card before the wedding. That took work.

I never met them after the wedding - I was getting out upon coming back to Alameda - but in earlier days it was easy to find and track people you knew. Steve opened a restaurant in Baltimore, and had three kids. He was president of the local restauranteurs' trade association; and had done well. Not surprising, because he was a real personality.

Then he got cancer, and died at age 50. I shudder to think how his widow was going to make it...but now, it's well-nigh impossible to just search for people.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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