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Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility'

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Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility' Empty Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility'

Post by Calypso Jones Wed Oct 19, 2022 10:27 am

THIS has gotta be stopped.  Can you make out the lyrics.   I see lots of stupid women.    but Watch the face of the sweet faced little girl in the background.

Last edited by Calypso Jones on Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:12 pm; edited 2 times in total
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility' Empty Re: Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility'

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:48 am

AND...we are funding drag queen shows in Ecuador!!! WHY In hell are we doing that with this country in a freaking mess?

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Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility' Empty Re: Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility'

Post by HawkTheSlayer Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:12 am

Calypso Jones wrote:THIS has gotta be stopped.  Can you make out the lyrics.   I see lots of stupid women.    but Watch the face of the sweet faced little girl in the background.

This crap here needs to be exterminated.

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Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility' Empty Re: Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility'

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:13 pm

Cops protect antifa from anti grooming protestors...they were just called PROTESTORS. Drag queen show or story hour was going on in the library and the anti grooming protestors showed up to protest this abuse of children. Cops....protect antifa. They're still doing it.

COPS are NOT your friend. They have sided with the left and all its perversion. Just thought you should know. No change. Those that are there to protect the innocent...no...they don't do that...that is no longer their job. They protect the leftist perverts who want to feed on children...emotionally, sexually, psychologically.

Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility' Empty Re: Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility'

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Apr 02, 2023 12:33 pm


ABC and it's guest drag queen Sasha Velour claim that conservatives are the real groomers.    

This is that calling evil good and good evil thang.

Those of us still sane want to protect our children from all things sexual...we want them to have that golden sparkling wonderful childhood and then develope into sane adults. Drag and Trans does not do that. Of course you cannot say that to the insane trans/Drag or they will buss you in yo chops. THEY SAY....'You WILL respect us.' as they take your chilren and pervert them.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility' Empty Re: Drag Shows and 'Trans Visibility'

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:11 pm

Trans Visibility especially after one of their own murdered 6 in christian school three of which WERE CHILDREN


Our entire culture and political establishment treat this wee little minority of mentally disturbed individuals as the latest sacred cow.

And because the delusional world that these troubled, emotionally immature, narcissistic people create for themselves is so fragile, they demand that we twist our entire society into knots to play along.

If a 60-year-old woman with a cancerous tumor in her belly is so deep in denial that she tells everyone that it isn’t a tumor but a baby, doctors would have to be mad to indulge her.

But some 20-year-old college coed decides that she’s really a boy, and doctors will put her on testosterone, cut off her breasts, and give her a penis fashioned from her arm without batting an eye.

And now, these narcissists have turned to evangelism. It is no longer enough for adults to make believe they are the opposite sex. Now they try to convince children that they too were “born in the wrong body.” This is the lengths they will go to maintain the fragile world they’ve created.

What was once a distinct mental disorder has become the latest mass hysteria to prey on the weakest and most vulnerable among us.

Children who suffer from anxiety or depression, along with those dealing with the usual confusion that comes with adolescence, are convinced that all their problems will be solved if they embrace their “authentic selves.” Public schools are allowing a child to secretly “identify” as the opposite sex by keeping their parents in the dark.

At the same time, there are some self-centered affluent Liberal Moms so eager for attention that they decide their preschool children are transgender. So Mom dresses little Steven in girl’s clothing and calls him Stephanie, subjecting her son to psychological and medical abuse all so she can get the dopamine hit that comes with embracing the latest Current Thing.

The news and entertainment media then reinforce the message by promoting and celebrating so-called trans people.

Come out as “trans,” and you can become an internet and media sensation. These trans pseudo-celebrities rake in more product endorsement deals than most athletes. In the last few years, how many magazines have chosen men as one of their “Women of the Year?” Hell, just last month, First Lady Jill Biden bestowed the State Department’s “International Women of Courage” award on an Argentinian man.

We are told we can no longer use terms like “pregnant woman.” Instead, we must refer to them as “birthing people” so the teeny minority suffering from gender dysphoria feel “included.”

What was once seen as a mental disorder has “transitioned” into an identity that must be celebrated, promoted, and shielded by our entire culture and society. So much so that last week, after a young woman who “identified” as a man entered a Tennessee Christian school and murdered six people including 3 children, the media went out of its way to treat the trans shooter as the true victim by blaming the murders on the Tennessee law protecting minors from chemical and surgical mutilation.

The Biden administration has gone all-in on the trans movement, appointing men who claim to be transgender and “non-binary” to government positions with much fanfare and boasting.

So it probably doesn’t come as a galloping shock that the Biden White House proclaimed Friday Trans Visibility Day.

In the President’s “Proclamation on Transgender Visibility Day,” Biden’s handlers wrote of those suffering from gender dysphoria that they “shape our Nation’s soul.”

Yeah. Really.

The bulk of the proclamation, however, was a vow to fight back against parents and state lawmakers who are trying to prevent children from being sucked into this mass hysteria by enacting legislation preventing schools from indoctrinating their children and doctors from mutilating their bodies.

Of course, the White House describes the effort to stop this abuse of children as “a wave of discriminatory state laws” “targeting transgender youth, terrifying families and hurting kids who are not hurting anyone.”

Really? Personally, I think the “non-binary” narcissist teacher who plants this delusion into the minds of her students is the one who is hurting kids. The doctors who would lop off the healthy breasts of teenage girls or castrate teenage boys are definitely hurting kids.

But since our government, society, and culture have all decided to play along, it isn’t surprising that those of us who live in the real world are the ones labeled as monsters.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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