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I Miss Rush

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I Miss Rush Empty Re: I Miss Rush

Post by vege57 Sat Oct 01, 2022 6:33 pm

Great American wrote:Boy do I miss Rush Limbaugh. If there was ever a time when we needed the BIG voice on the Right, the Mayor of Realville, the MahaRushi, it is now.

You know, losing Rush, and to a lesser extent losing the O'Reilly Factor which went into a lot of Independent's living rooms, the combo loss has really really put a crimp into conservative messaging.

Is there anyone who can fill that void?

Rush Limbaugh | Rush Opens His Final Show of 2020

""Is there anyone who can fill that void?""

I can fill ya void big fella I Miss Rush 3548145110


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I Miss Rush Empty Re: I Miss Rush

Post by Casey Jones Sat Oct 01, 2022 10:01 pm

Great American wrote:Boy do I miss Rush Limbaugh. If there was ever a time when we needed the BIG voice on the Right, the Mayor of Realville, the MahaRushi, it is now.

You know, losing Rush, and to a lesser extent losing the O'Reilly Factor which went into a lot of Independent's living rooms, the combo loss has really really put a crimp into conservative messaging.

Is there anyone who can fill that void?

Rush Limbaugh | Rush Opens His Final Show of 2020


I miss a lot of things. Used to be our "political" differences were about spending more or less, taxing less or more, and about the role of FedGov.

Now our "political" differences are about how to avoid this Eugenics experiment they're foisting on all the Western world, and how to avoid being disarmed by the government-corporate-media triumvirate, all hellbent on confiscating, banning, criminalizing firearms that are explicitly protected in the Constitution. How to avoid being Cancelled for simply DISCUSSING what were, up until six years ago, accepted basic rights.

I miss Speedy Public Trials. I miss law enforcement that had to ABIDE by the law!

I miss America. I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh, too. But he's got little relevance to today...and that's true of the surviving yakkers. Levin, Bongino, Hannity...they're just no relevant. We won't solve our issues at the ballot box, not now...
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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I Miss Rush Empty Re: I Miss Rush

Post by RV Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:23 am

Casey Jones wrote:
Great American wrote:Boy do I miss Rush Limbaugh. If there was ever a time when we needed the BIG voice on the Right, the Mayor of Realville, the MahaRushi, it is now.

You know, losing Rush, and to a lesser extent losing the O'Reilly Factor which went into a lot of Independent's living rooms, the combo loss has really really put a crimp into conservative messaging.

Is there anyone who can fill that void?

Rush Limbaugh | Rush Opens His Final Show of 2020


I miss a lot of things.  Used to be our "political" differences were about spending more or less, taxing less or more, and about the role of FedGov.

Now our "political" differences are about how to avoid this Eugenics experiment they're foisting on all the Western world, and how to avoid being disarmed by the government-corporate-media triumvirate, all hellbent on confiscating, banning, criminalizing firearms that are explicitly protected in the Constitution.  How to avoid being Cancelled for simply DISCUSSING what were, up until six years ago, accepted basic rights.

I miss Speedy Public Trials.  I miss law enforcement that had to ABIDE by the law!

I miss America.  I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh, too.  But he's got little relevance to today...and that's true of the surviving yakkers.  Levin, Bongino, Hannity...they're just no relevant.  We won't solve our issues at the ballot box, not now...

I agree that the issues won't be solved at the ballot box now. We have a nation that allows fraud, welcomes fraud and accepts fraud as long as it pays enough. Ethics, values and morals USED TO BE what virtually everyone lived by, no longer. We USED to lock criminals up, now we exonerate them, exalt them, applaud them and put them back on the street to victimize someone else. Our monuments and statues USED to show what once was and highlight how far we've come, now we just tear them down at taxpayers expense and claim that we're "wiping out" the old. New statues and monuments will be erected again at taxpayers expense and they will make certain that the criminal element is exalted, exonerated and fully supported.

Our society now allows for murdering infants and calls it "choice" rather than what it actually is. Our society now exalts the criminal rather than the victim and looks down upon anyone who dares to defend him or herself. Those who are elevated to "expert" status need not be honest or truthful and our society will believe anything they tell us, no matter how unproven or outlandish it may be. Politicians are expected to lie to us in order to be installed and voters really could care less what a politician said or did in the past so long as they tell the voters what they want to hear currently. What the politician does once installed is really irrelevant as far as most voters go.

Our nation USED TO BE a nation of laws and law enforcement was looked upon as a noble profession. Most people wanted MORE law enforcement rather than less and we expected the laws that were on the books to be enforced or taken off. Now, we want less law enforcement and the laws that are currently on the books are looked at with suspicion. Laws are selectively enforced or not at all based upon which party happens to be in power at the time. If you are famous, wealthy or elite, you can break virtually every law on the books and no one will say a thing, not even the "News" media.

It used to be that we had immigration laws which were enforced, now we find creative ways to circumvent immigration law.

Yeah, things are quite different now...

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I Miss Rush Empty Re: I Miss Rush

Post by Casey Jones Sun Oct 02, 2022 11:43 pm

Great American wrote:
Great American wrote:Boy do I miss Rush Limbaugh. If there was ever a time when we needed the BIG voice on the Right, the Mayor of Realville, the MahaRushi, it is now.

You know, losing Rush, and to a lesser extent losing the O'Reilly Factor which went into a lot of Independent's living rooms, the combo loss has really really put a crimp into conservative messaging.

Is there anyone who can fill that void?
Casey Jones wrote:Nope.

Don't mince words now.

Wow. That's a little disheartening. Not that I am disagreeing mind you.

Casey Jones wrote:I miss a lot of things.  Used to be our "political" differences were about spending more or less, taxing less or more, and about the role of FedGov.

Now our "political" differences are about how to avoid this Eugenics experiment they're foisting on all the Western world, and how to avoid being disarmed by the government-corporate-media triumvirate, all hellbent on confiscating, banning, criminalizing firearms that are explicitly protected in the Constitution.  How to avoid being Cancelled for simply DISCUSSING what were, up until six years ago, accepted basic rights.

IMHO the reason for that is simple: Used to be that even though we had differences on spending, taxes, etc., we generally shared the same Christian moral foundational beliefs, so those were never challenged between us. JFK or Harry Truman would have never abided by gay marriage, or socialism. It is the loss of that common moral foundation that has allowed insane issues to become political.

Casey Jones wrote:I miss Speedy Public Trials.  I miss law enforcement that had to ABIDE by the law!

Me too.

Casey Jones wrote:I miss America.  I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh, too.  But he's got little relevance to today...and that's true of the surviving yakkers.  Levin, Bongino, Hannity...they're just no relevant.  We won't solve our issues at the ballot box, not now...

I disagree about Levin. He is very relevant. Hos book American Marxism is a must read. It explains a lot. I believe that the rise of American Marxism in the democrat party and on the Left in general is at the core of our problems. Everything you see that seems insane, all of a sudden makes sense through that prism.

For example: Transgenderism in schools. Insane, right? But when you understand that the destruction of the normal family unit and religion must be achieved for Marxism to take hold, then it makes sense.

But who would YOU say is a relevant voice today?

The FLCCC physicians and nurses.  The iconoclastic writers, reporting on the death stats.

The European and Central American citizen-journalists reporting on Russia-Ukraine, without the CIA spin.

The financial commentators such as Chris Irons or Peter Schiff.  The thoughtful libertarians such as Tom Luongo, Tom Woods, James Howard Kunstler.

Those who are ready to face the REALITY that our Big Government has gone mad, like a big, rabid dog.  Who are ready to deal with that reality.  No, I don't mean shooting up the street.  Thoughtful, strategic steps.

These voices are out there, although they're shouted down, deplatformed, sometimes, driven by greed behind a pay wall (Chris Irons).

I can sum up Levin's message in two sentences.  Democrats are terrible.  Vote Republican.

The first is obvious.  The second is a false choice - the Other Wing of the Uniparty.  It's what responsible people have to do on Election Day, but as Gurgles McConjob proves, it's no solution.

Our solution is going to lie in changing what is flawed in our structure, that has allowed, in the last 90 years, for a Political Elite Lifer Class to arise and choke the life out of our society.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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I Miss Rush Empty Re: I Miss Rush

Post by Casey Jones Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:39 pm

I listened to Levin for years.

That's his message. What else do you glean about it?

You think "Constitutional" and "unconstitutional" matters a god-damn at this point? We have a DEMENTED "president" illegally ignoring and subverting enacted law; destroying state election prerogatives; using the FBI as a political enforcement tool.


Nothing WILL BE done. Because the Constitution is a dead letter; and you can vote until you're dead, and they'll just fraud their tyrants IN!

You think I want to hear more about lawsuits, and elections, and state referenda? Where's that Convention of States? I KNEW the powers-that-be wouldn't allow it to happen!

Levin thinks like a lawyer. It's time to set lawyers down, peeling potatoes...for real fighting men who will actually make change.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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I Miss Rush Empty Re: I Miss Rush

Post by RV Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:26 am

Great American wrote:
Casey Jones wrote:I listened to Levin for years . . . .

Then you would know that he is not just a jock. He is a lawyer, an author, he was chief of staff for AG Ed Meese under Ronald Reagan . . . . as much as I love Rush Limbaugh, from an experience POV, Mark Levin has far more experience than Rush ever had. In fact, Rush had none.

But anyway, to each their own.

I still like Mark but, I stopped listening to ANY and all "News", all it did was make me angry, attempt to depress me and reinforced the strong belief that our society has gone CRAZY. There is NO politician nor installed human who is going to "fix" it, the damage is too great. If anyone dares to try like President Trump did, the media will attack him, the elite will go after him/her relentlessly and the voters will believe the lies that are told to them. In the end, the person will be harassed, attacked and summarily driven from public office as DJT was. The media is STILL trying to trash him even though crooked Joe was installed.

The WuFlu and the "Vaccines" are modern examples of the power of lies, the democrat media and the DNC. Another example would be all the years that we had Roe V. Wade, legalized MURDER!

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