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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by stjames1_53 Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:02 am

Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study
Phillip Nieto

Wearing a cloth mask over a surgical mask or a tightly fitted cover is more effective in decreasing the spread of COVID-19, according to a study released Wednesday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The agency conducted multiple lab experiments that spaced two artificial heads six feet apart to measure the best protection method against the transmission of particles carrying COVID-19. The results showed that virus transmission could be reduced by 96.5 percent if an infected individual and an uninfected individual both wore two cloth and surgical masks or a tightly fitted surgical cover.

Researchers found that only wearing one mask blocked approximately 40 percent of particles in another experiment. In contrast, a combination of a cloth mask over a surgical mask (double-masking) stopped particles by over 92 percent.

The CDC emphasized that if a medical mask is worn alone with a “mask fitter,” it could still significantly improve the individual’s protection.

“The effectiveness of cloth and medical procedure masks can be improved by ensuring that they are well fitted to the contours of the face to prevent leakage of air around the masks’ edges,” the CDC said.

Dr. John Brooks, the study’s lead author, cautioned that the mask findings were conducted in a controlled laboratory environment, so it is unclear how their recommendations will perform in the natural world.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced the finding during a news conference on Wednesday; however, she noted that the recent results do not change the agency’s official recommendations “about who should wear a mask or when they should wear one.”
“I want to be clear that these new scientific data released today do not change the specific recommendations about who should wear a mask or when they should wear one, but they do provide new information on why wearing a well-fitting mask is so important to protect you and others,” Walensky said.

“We continue to recommend that masks should have two or more layers, completely cover your nose and mouth and fit snugly against your nose and the size of your face,” she added.

The CDC’s based their experiments on masking ideas from aerosol transmission expert Lindsay Marr and Dr. Monica Gandhi at the University of California in San Francisco, according to the New York Times.

During Wednesday’s briefing, White House coronavirus advisor Jeff Zients also revealed that the federal government would construct three new vaccination centers at sports stadiums in Texas. Zients said the sites would open to the public by the week of Feb. 22, and claimed it would result in 10,000 daily vaccinations.


Let's trace this new lead. Three weeks ago, the NYT comes out with this suggestion. Less that a week later, Fauci is mentioning it.
Now, today, the CDC is promoting it.
Is the NYT running this show or is Biden...................

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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Re: Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:50 am

won't wear one. certainly not gonna wear two. This is bullship pure and simple.

If i am not openly refusing the mask and i am having no trouble in stores. I am totally left alone. I have that kind of face. It's a face that says...DON"T even think it.

I had to go to hospital yesterday for follow up from surgery. I was met at the door by 'security guard' woman. GOtta mask. I sez...mine is dirty do you have a clean one. Hands it to me. I take MY SWEET TIme, putting it on, people lining up behind me. Guard wouldn't approach me so i'm just talking away about directions. She wants to take my temp. It's 95 degrees. HELL. IF I"M 95 degrees shouldn't i be lethargic and sleeping because i'm in hypothermia?? I say to her..... that said 95 degrees, i'm in hypothermia and i laugh. SHe moves along...doesn't want to talk about THAT.

Not only are they ignorant....a security guard doing minor testing for covid, but they are using broken inaccurate equipment and letting you go into the medical offices !!! LOLOL

When i was in hospital some little nurse was having a kitten about my oxygen level being under 90. I said to her.....that's not right. My hands are cold. The doctor had come in and said, let's use mine. He put it on my warm hand and got a reading in the 90s and he said, sometimes those things are wrong. Well they're for damn certain wrong if you don't know how to use it!!! LOLOL

doctors are afraid of their nurses. The nurses are the mask/covid nazis. My dermatologist told me that he had to enforce these things because his nurses would turn him in and he'd be out of business. He WHISPERED it to me!!

These folk are not heroes. IT"S their DAMN JOBS.

Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Re: Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by Abby08 Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:21 pm

It's snowballed out of control and, now that they've started it, they can't stop.....they'll look like fools if they suddenly come out with, "ok, everyone go back to normal, covid is gone".

I walk into stores without a mask, I do not care, it's my life, if anyone is afraid of me? They can stay the hell away from me.

I'm not sick, when I tell people that? I get the standard democrat talking point answer....."how do you know, you could be asymptomatic and still be spreading covid "!

It doesn't matter how many times you explain or, what words you use, nothing penetrates the thick skulls of democrats.

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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Re: Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by Calypso Jones Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:30 pm

Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Mask-science-covid-virus
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Re: Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by Casey Jones Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:24 pm

For the LOVE OF GOD.




WHEN FITTED. How many virus particles get around loose-fitting face diapers?

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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Re: Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by Casey Jones Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:25 pm

Just saw the date.

THIS is the shit-science we're supposed to follow? IDIOTS, all ALONG.

NO FRIKKIN WONDER this fake vaccine is killing victim-patients.
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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Re: Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:11 am

Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study 85346dadc231ccd2
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Re: Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:20 am

Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Quote-imagine-taking-orders-liars-thieves-more-virtuous-than-those-disobey
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Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study Empty Re: Two Masks Are Better Than One In Fighting Against COVID-19, Says CDC Study

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:45 pm

Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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