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The Theory of Predictive Programming

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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Jan 21, 2023 1:07 am

Start with dawn of the dead 2004 remake.


there are more, lesser well known.
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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:09 am


Predictive programming, a theorized method of mass mind control, proposes that people are conditioned, through works of fiction, to accept planned future scenarios. Researcher Alan Watt defines this phenomenon as “the power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome”. Watt’s work on this topic is excellent and should definitely be checked out.

“Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.” (Alan Watt)
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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:35 pm

The Great Delusion:  for you see...the goal of the 'space brothers' is the same as the 'one worlders', the 'globalists'.  

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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Calypso Jones Fri Apr 07, 2023 4:52 pm


Fauci promises another pandemic next year probably. I wonder how many will go along with it this time.
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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:31 pm

There have been movies on Gene Therapy stuff etc approxiately 2006-08.  I saw some tonite on Tubi.   They been warning us.

This particular film..the outcome were monsters.     Makes sense.   We already got them...thankfully they're relatively easy to recognize by their flags and signs, bricks and big mouths.
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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Lummy Tue May 02, 2023 12:27 am

Ask a jew. Perhaps it's their roots, you know, Freudian mind control and a roll in the hay. Jews are really into mind control, you know. Don't know about the roll in the hay.
List of psychologists, shrinks and so forth:
   Karl Abraham
   Nathan Ackerman
   Alfred Adler
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   Silvano Arieti
   Rudolf Arnheim
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   Aaron T. Beck
   Lauretta Bender
   Theresa Benedek
   Henri Bergson
   Leonard Berkowitz
   Daniel Berlyne
   Eric Berne
   Hippolyte Bernheim
   Bruno Bettelheim
   Jack Block
   Walter Blumenfeld
   Curt Bondy
   Josef Breuer
   A. A. Brill
   Urie Bronfenbrenner
   Jerome Bruner
   Egon Brunswik
   Charlotte Buhler
   Gerald Caplan
   Noam Chomsky
   Jacob Cohen
   Lee Cronbach 1
   Gerald Davison
   Max Dessoir
   Felix Deutsch
   Helene Deutsch
   Morton Deutsch
   Emanuel Donchin
   Emile Durkheim
   Montague Eder
   Leo Eitinger
   Max Eitingon
   Paul Ekman
   Albert Ellis
   Jeffrey Elman 2
   Erik Erikson 3
   Hans Eysenck 4
   Paul Federn
   Otto Fenichel
   Sandor Ferenczi
   Leon Festinger
   Martin Fishbein
   Jerry Fodor
   Charles Fox
   Jerome Frank
   Viktor Frankl
   Jonathan Freedman
   Else Frenkel-Brunswik
   Anna Freud
   Sigmund Freud
   Kate Friedlander
   Erich Fromm
   Frieda Fromm-Reichmann
   Howard Gardner
   Norman Geschwind
   Daniel Gilbert
   Carol Gilligan 5
   Haim Ginott
   Henry Gleitman
   Lila Gleitman
   Erving Goffman
   Marvin Goldfried
   Susan Goldin-Meadow
   Kurt Goldstein
   Alison Gopnik
   Adam Grant
   Anthony Greenwald
   Roy Grinker
   Heinz Hartmann
   Richard Herrnstein
   Ira Hirsh
   Julian Hochberg
   Hans Hoff
   Willi Hoffer
   Leo Hurvich
   Edmund Husserl
   Susan Isaacs
   Irving Janis
   Murray Jarvik
   Joseph Jastrow
   Wilhelm Jerusalem
   Béla Julesz
   Jerome Kagan
   Daniel Kahneman
   Leo Kanner
   Helen Singer Kaplan
   Abram Kardiner
   Daniel Katz
   David Katz
   Alan Kazdin
   Otto Kernberg
   Melanie Klein
   Nathan Kline
   Otto Klineberg
   Kurt Koffka
   Lawrence Kohlberg 6
   Stephen Kosslyn
   Leonard Krasner
   David Krech

   Ernst Kris
   Lawrence Kubie
   Arnold Lazarus
   Richard Lazarus
   Lucien Lévy-Bruhl
   Kurt Lewin
   Sir Aubrey Lewis
   Benjamin Libet
   Edward Lichtenstein
   Robert Jay Lifton
   Otto Lipmann
   Jacques Loeb
   Rudolph Loewenstein
   Elizabeth Loftus 7
   Cesare Lombroso
   Perry London
   Irving Lorge
   Abraham Luchins
   Alexander Luria
   Margaret Mahler
   Moses Maimonides
   Hazel Markus 8
   Judd Marmor
   Abraham Maslow
   Jules Masserman
   Donald Meichenbaum
   Stanley Milgram
   Eugene Minkowski
   Walter Mischel
   Jacob Moreno
   Hugo Muensterberg
   Charles Myers
   Jacob Nachmias
   Ulric Neisser 9
   Bernice Neugarten
   Erich Neumann
   Martin Orne
   Fritz Perls
   Steven Pinker
   Michael Posner
   Leo Postman
   Karl Pribram
   Ira Progoff
   Sandor Rado
   Otto Rank
   David Rapaport
   Anatol Rapoport
   Fritz Redl
   Wilhelm Reich
   Theodor Reik
   Géza Révész
   Judith Rodin
   Milton Rokeach
   Eleanor Rosch
   Morris Rosenberg
   David Rosenhan
   Robert Rosenthal
   Sir Martin Roth
   Friedrich Rothschild
   Julian Rotter
   Edgar Rubin
   Isaac ("Zick") Rubin
   Hans Sachs
   Oliver Sacks
   Manfred Sakal
   Andrew Salter
   Stanley Schachter
   Daniel Schacter
   K. Warner Schaie
   Paul Schilder
   Marshall Segall
   Martin Seligman
   Otto Selz
   Richard Shiffrin
   Boris Sidis
   Sidney Siegel
   Herbert Simon 10
   Jerome Singer
   Samuel Slavson
   Elizabeth Spelke
   Baruch de Spinoza
   René Spitz
   Wilhelm Stekel
   William Stern
   Robert Sternberg
   Saul Sternberg
   Thomas Szasz
   Henri Tajfel
   Michael Tanenhaus
   Viktor Tausk
   Hans-Lukas Teuber 11
   Moritz Tramer
   Amos Tversky
   Leonard Ullmann
   Lev Vygotsky
   Paul Wachtel
   David Wechsler
   Albert Weiss
   Heinz Werner
   Max Wertheimer
   Benjamin Winer
   Herman Witkin
   Fritz Wittels
   Ludwig Wittgenstein
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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Jul 08, 2023 7:52 pm

predictive programming and subliminal messaging

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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Casey Jones Sat Jul 08, 2023 8:24 pm

Calypso Jones wrote:Prior to 2020 i don't believe i had ever heard the phrase The Great Reset. I may have but it made no impression on me and i usually try to keep up as much as possible with what elites are meeting where and for what. SO i looked it up and here is what wiki (source somewhat biased)has to say:


In 2020 i dropped social media and dish network. I turned to ROKU and associated networks and have been perusing those for the past two years. i get news, movies, reality shows which i usually avoid, anything i want. Many of these are not the big movies that we see come oscar nite, but they're still done well, good actors for the most part and good plot lines.

Just the other night i happened to catch The Domestics (2018) one of those after the fall of civilization type movies set in present day. I was particularly taken with the conversation between the main character (mark) and another lesser character (nathan) but still a significant role.


Nathan: The Darwin Awards, man. We Made it. We didn't drink the government kool-aid,. We escaped the race wars, toxins didn't do jack shit to our immune systems. They hit the reset button and we said, Fuck You.

Who knew Reset in 2018 in this context? Toxins? covid vaxx. See. This is exactly what i mean. Predictive Film....and that incestuous connection between whorelywood and government elite democrat/leftist elites.

It is my opinion that there are people, definitely not conservatives, who will push it as far as they can....sorta like some death wish to see if they can make it back. They do this in their lives (drugs, alcohol, sex, crime)..they do it socially, in their work, finances and especially politically.

I think I heard it a couple of times, in 2009. The Great Reset.

During the 20-teens, a certain phrase kept creeping in, by the more-cynical: A "Hard Reset." Basically, it's referencing to hold-the-power-button-down, or else pull-the-power-cord. Meaning essentially the opposite of what Kaiser Klaus means - everything fall down BOOM.

Klaus, being a crypto-Marxist, has that belief, that before he can launch his Perfect Society, he has to first wipe out everything. Lenin had the same belief. The Jacobins, before HIM, had the same idea. Pol Pot had that idea. Hitler tried a selective demolition of Wiemar society.

Never worked. What it DOES do is create a lot of misery and death, and take a culture back decades. I don't think Cambodia has ever recovered. Russia, only NOW, is recovering from what was done 110 years ago.

But that's Klaus's idea.

Those who knew freedom - something Klaus never learned because he only understood position, power and graft - those who knew what it was to live under freedom; who learned to appreciate it and be productive, will NOT suddenly wait for Klaus to bark gutteral orders. Nor will they obey, sitting down to a cockroach salad after a hard day of hand-cleaning Kobe beef for the Elites.

But still they cling to their fantasies. They're gonna push it as far as they can...it's going to get messy.
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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:05 pm

film:  Bourne legacy.  I saw it for first time the other night and i had to watch it again...because of the female leads explanation of how you use a virus to get into the cells to make a change in cells...and only a little percentage can cause a great difference. produced 2012.
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The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 Empty Re: The Theory of Predictive Programming

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:39 am

The Theory of Predictive Programming - Page 2 53c40bb8bf8ad8e8

nother Term,,,KARMA CLEARING..... is the process of divulging your intentions to the unaware in order to receive the 'blessings' or Energy from the dark entity you wish to please through way of lies, deception and darkness.

see post 10 first page.
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