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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Calypso Jones
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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:36 pm


Everyone can sense that the political situation we find ourselves in is anything but normal. Yet the language we use to describe current conflicts is a language designed to frame them in the category of politics as usual - only perhaps more so. In speaking about current conflicts, we focus on the surface “issues” that divide us – a record inflation, off-the-charts crime waves in our urban centers, a humanitarian crisis at our southern border. Sometimes we sum it up as a double standard in the justice system that treats violent leftists as “peaceful protesters” and public school parents concerned about the abuse of their children as “domestic terrorists.” That juxtaposition gets us closer to the true nature of the conflict. But it is still inadequate to the gravity of the political moment, suggesting that progressives simply fail to understand the issues at hand.

But they understand them very well. For progressives the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the “revolution” – the
“re-imagining” and transformation of American society into a future where genders are selected and “social justice” prevails. That goal is so worthy and so necessary, it justifies any and all means to achieve it. Once this is understood, one can see that under the surface of the crises we face is a sinister force that poses an existential threat to our way of life – a threat far more immediate than the so-called climate apocalypse.

Morality is about following rules that ensure virtuous ends. Detach the means from the ends and what you get are the totalitarian regimes that have blighted the modern era. At the root of the current American crisis is what can only be described as the moral depravity of the “woke” progressives and their radical agenda.

Is this extreme? How else to describe Senator Elizabeth Warren’s response to the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade with a call – unopposed by her Democrat colleagues - to close the nation’s 3,000 private “crisis pregnancy centers.”[1]

These pregnancy centers are already being physically attacked by violent, pro-abortion vigilantes on the left.[2] Their crime? They are specifically set up to provide advice, support, medical services and free supplies to individuals and couples who are pregnant, in difficult personal circumstances, and facing complex life decisions. Why would Senator Warren see such facilities as a threat unless she sees herself as the leader of a death cult, whose members regard life in the womb - in and of itself - as a threat to their “woke” agendas? Why is their no condemnation of Warren by her Democrat colleagues for this cruel and inhumane proposal, which strikes at the heart of our very purpose as a species for existing – reproduction?

The same question could be put to the Democrats over their uncritical support for Planned Parenthood – an organization that was explicitly created as a eugenics project to eliminate inferior races, specifically African Americans.[3] Currently, Planned Parenthood receives hundreds of millions of dollars in annual subsidies from the federal government,[4] which it supplements with profits from selling the dismembered body parts of the babies it aborts.[5]

Why, one might ask, wouldn’t Planned Parenthood put aside $100 million of those revenues to create a comprehensive adoption service with the intention of saving the lives of babies whose mothers might consent to that option? Especially since the number of Americans seeking to adopt unwanted babies exceeds the number of babies aborted in any given year.[6] Why indeed, unless Planned Parenthood wasn’t also a member of Warren’s death cult?

What is the rationale for not providing such a service (and choice) to its pregnant women clients? The answer is obvious. Doing so would undermine the foundational myth of the abortion movement - that abortion is about a woman and her body, and doesn’t in fact involve another life. But it does. The pregnant woman is host to an unborn human being, whom her choices and actions have implanted in her womb in transit to an independent life. By hiding and even attacking this alternative, the abortion movement is in denial of its fundamental obligation to the most vulnerable among us.

This detachment from the reality of one’s actual choices and actions, accompanied by a lack of compassion for one’s victims, are the hallmarks of the sociopath - devoid of conscience and lacking a moral compass. They are also the common theme of progressive crusades to “re-imagine” the world and make it “a better place,” without regard for the brutal consequences of their actions, or the suffering they cause. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.


yes. moral depravity...and it has gotten so much worse since President Trump won in 2016. NOT because of President Trump but because the devil was so AGGRIEVED, SO ANGRY< SO OUTRAGED that his representative on earth, Hilliary Clinton LOST the election...the position he had planned for her to destroy this country...we now see was only delayed for an elderly demented, corrupt, career criminal politician named Joe Biden.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:42 pm

This isn't about politics or making the country better. It is the MORAL DEPRAVITY of the left that wants nothing but death, destruction, and chaos in this country and in the world. And when we are gone, THERE WILL BE HELL on earth. That is what this is about. Destroying Everything that is good. Spitting in the face of God and making the rest of us bow down to their hellish power.
Calypso Jones
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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by JMWinPR Sun Aug 07, 2022 4:48 am

Very well stated and completely on target. Thanx C.J.


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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by Sprintcyclist Sun Aug 07, 2022 5:53 am

JMWinPR wrote:Very well stated and completely on target. Thanx C.J.

No, alarmist, emotional, lacking any facts, out of touch with reality.


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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:29 am

you didn't even read it whacko.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:34 am

Now for Open Borders:

Open Borders

Joe Biden won the presidential election by a margin of 0.027% of the votes cast.[7] On day one of his presidency, Biden announced the first of 94 executive orders – including many that were blatantly illegal and unconstitutional.[8] Their purpose? To nullify America’s immigration laws and open the nation’s southern border to an invasion of millions of unvetted aliens from 200 countries, smuggled into the United States by sex trafficking, drug-dealing, paramilitary, criminal cartels.

The Trump measures Biden canceled had reduced illegal entries at the southern border by nearly 80%.[9] One of the measures that Trump experimented with was zero tolerance for illegal crossings which involved immediate incarceration as a prelude to deportation.[10] Because U.S. law does not permit the incarceration of minors for the crimes of their parents, this meant the temporary separation of children from their parents. The Democrats from Biden on down seized on this fact to accuse Trump of “ripping children from their mothers’ arms” and keeping them in “cages” reminiscent of Nazi concentration camps.[11]

“Let’s talk about what we’re talking about,” an outraged Biden said about Trump’s zero-tolerance policy during the presidential debates. “What happened? Parents were ripped—their kids were ripped from their arms and separated, and now they cannot find over 500 sets of those parents and those kids are alone. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to go. It’s criminal. It’s criminal.”[12]

These attacks backfired when the photos of children in the “cages” supplied by Democrats were shown to have been taken during the Obama administration. In other words, the targets of the Democrat attacks were actually remnants of an Obama administration policy that had been run for years as holding cells without protests from the same “progressives” who were up in arms about Trump. As for Trump, he was disturbed enough about the plight of the children that after two months he abandoned the “zero tolerance” policy even though it meant failing to deport some illegal adults.[13]

From the outset, Trump had made it clear that immigration should take place legally and, therefore, no illegal migrants were welcome. On day one of taking office, Biden reversed this policy, and declared the opposite, specifically inviting even unaccompanied minors to enter the country without fear that they might be turned away at the border.[14]

By February 2021, just a month after Biden’s executive order went into effect, the number of unaccompanied children in the custody of Health and Human Services more than doubled, to 6,581. In April, the figure grew to 20,339.[15] This was nearly nine times the number of children who had been in custody under Trump in April of the previous year.[16] The number then continued to hover between 12,000 and 16,000 per month in the fall of 2021.[17] The number of unaccompanied alien children crossing the border illegally since February 2021 stands at 243,850. Yet no cries of anguish have been heard from Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, the “Squad” and the Democrats who had been so “horrified” by the former president’s two-month zero-tolerance policy.

“Humanitarian crisis” doesn’t begin to do justice to the suffering inflicted on these children during their thousand-mile cartel-run treks. The Hill described the journey from Central America and Mexico to the United States, as “one of the most dangerous trips in the world.”[18] In a report documenting the conditions of migrants between 2018 and 2020, Doctors Without Borders noted that 57% of the illegals who were questioned had been victims of some type of violence, in addition to the harsh conditions of the route itself.[19]

Despite these facts, Biden and members of his administration, like Kamala Harris, avoided visiting the border or recommending changes in the policy. They continued to deny that the crisis was a “crisis” insisting instead that it was a “challenge,” and continued to make statements and implement policies encouraging parents to send their children in the custody of violent human traffickers, on this dangerous, potentially life-threatening journey.[20] he number of unaccompanied alien children crossing the border illegally since February 2021, under the Biden administration, stands at 243,850.The number of child rapes at the hands of the smugglers, the number of deaths from exposure and drowning will never be known. Nor will the scourge of communicable diseases. In a March 2021 sampling of girls at one temporary shelter for migrant teenagers in San Diego, for example, nearly 10 percent tested positive for Covid-19.[21] Fourteen percent of migrant children at a facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, likewise tested positive.[22] In May 2021, Health and Human Services reported having found more than 3,000 coronavirus cases among migrant children in Texas during the preceding 12 months.[23]

This suffering was not of course confined to minors. Nearly one-third of female migrants say they were sexually abused along the way, usually by rapes.[24] In 2021 alone the bodies of over 650 migrants who had died from exposure, drowning and other causes were retrieved by border patrol agents.[25] That was a number dwarfed by the casualties inside the United States where 70,000 people were poisoned to death by fentanyl,[26] a principal product of the drug trade run by the Mexicans and Chinese, whose sales flourished as a direct result of the Biden administration’s policies.

The open border created by Biden’s executive orders is effectively controlled by the paramilitary Mexican cartels which force the migrants they smuggle to incur thousands of dollars in debt, making them hostages even after their arrival. During Biden’s presidency, three million unvetted migrants from 200 countries have crossed into the United States,[27] in the process creating a multi-billion-dollar criminal operation.[28]

All of the suffering caused by these facts are direct consequences of the policies instituted by the Biden Democrats, who continue to pretend – in the shameful words of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, that “the border is secure.”[29] Brazen lies of this order to cover up atrocities of this magnitude reflect the boundless contempt Democrats harbor towards everyone subject to their rule – migrants and American citizens alike. Inaction and deceit in the face of this level of human suffering is in itself a morally depraved response to a humanitarian crisis without precedent in the nation’s history. And yet it has sparked no revolt or opposition within the Democrat Party.

For progressive Democrats the end – in this case changing the demographics and voting patterns of the American electorate – justifies the means: sacrificing the innocent lives of unaccompanied minor children and desperate adults, lured into the nightmare of an overland “middle passage” by a president without empathy or compassion towards those whose suffering he and his administration have caused.

Burdening working- and middle-class Americans with the bill for these callous policies, while exposing them to the predations of the thousands of criminals who slip into the country undetected is simply unconscionable. It is also politically counter-productive. So insensitive are Democrats to the needs and lives of ordinary Hispanic Americans they didn’t foresee the actual electoral consequences of their schemes which have alienated large segments of their Hispanic-American constituencies.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:36 am

That first paragraph on the above post is one hundred percent correct.   94 executive orders...do you think Joe put those together.  No...they have been ready for a long long time awaiting the steal that would enable these lawless ones to set their heinous policies in place.

“Humanitarian crisis” doesn’t begin to do justice to the suffering inflicted on these children during their thousand-mile cartel-run treks. The Hill described the journey from Central America and Mexico to the United States, as “one of the most dangerous trips in the world.”[18] In a report documenting the conditions of migrants between 2018 and 2020, Doctors Without Borders noted that 57% of the illegals who were questioned had been victims of some type of violence, in addition to the harsh conditions of the route itself.[19]

LOOK. at this:: Death, rapes, not just of adult females but CHILDREN!!!  all for Joe's policies:

The number of child rapes at the hands of the smugglers, the number of deaths from exposure and drowning will never be known. Nor will the scourge of communicable diseases. In a March 2021 sampling of girls at one temporary shelter for migrant teenagers in San Diego, for example, nearly 10 percent tested positive for Covid-19.[21] Fourteen percent of migrant children at a facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, likewise tested positive.[22] In May 2021, Health and Human Services reported having found more than 3,000 coronavirus cases among migrant children in Texas during the preceding 12 months.[23]

This suffering was not of course confined to minors. Nearly one-third of female migrants say they were sexually abused along the way, usually by rapes.[24] In 2021 alone the bodies of over 650 migrants who had died from exposure, drowning and other causes were retrieved by border patrol agents.[25] That was a number dwarfed by the casualties inside the United States where 70,000 people were poisoned to death by fentanyl,[26] a principal product of the drug trade run by the Mexicans and Chinese, whose sales flourished as a direct result of the Biden administration’s policies.

OUR border is controlled by Mexican drug/smuggling cartels that extort money from these illegals. We have a multibillion dollar criminal operation going on ON OUR BORDER THANKS TO BIDEN and his handlers.

How is this safe? how is it legal. For any of us?? The ultimate goal. Turning this nation into a third world shithole like the rest of the world has become. Innocent americans are suffering the loss of their family members from these violent criminal illegal aliens.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by RV Sun Aug 07, 2022 6:43 pm

The left "governs" by edicts, "mandates" and EO's thus the reason the Democrats want to replace the Constitution.

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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by Lummy Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:21 am

RV wrote:The left "governs" by edicts, "mandates" and EO's thus the reason the Democrats want to replace the Constitution.

No person that understands that the Constitution is the response of highly learned men to the political history of the West, its tyrants and troubles, can embrace the fake promises of communism, which itself owes to the political tolerance built into the Constitution. the Founders understood human nature and how to best allow it to find its level and flourish in an open society.

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The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY Empty Re: The Root Cause of what we are going through right now is the left's MORAL DEPRAVITY

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:16 pm

Why do these drag queens dress up as demons for story hour.


Maybe God has turned us over to our own filthy desires. I guess we'll find out November 9.
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