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Freedom Convoy Making Roadkill of The Great Reset & Lying Politicians

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Freedom Convoy Making Roadkill of The Great Reset & Lying Politicians Empty Freedom Convoy Making Roadkill of The Great Reset & Lying Politicians

Post by Elizabeth Theus Thu Feb 10, 2022 1:46 pm

Two years ago governments worldwide threw the same people who voted for them into a deep black hole, a soul-killing dark hole, from which they believed there would be no way for humanity to make it back into the light.

Governments everywhere began shutting down restaurants—holding them down by restricting access to them; hairdressing salons, theatres, sporting events, gyms, libraries, museums—a myriad of small businesses, some never to return because of massive bankruptcies.

Relatives and friends had to be left off of wedding invitation lists; many people were banned from attending the funerals of loved ones.

Physically, Socially, Emotionally and Spiritually Isolate and Separate us
In essence we allowed governments to physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually isolate and separate us in order to manipulate and control us.

Heartbreakingly, husbands and wives could only visit spouses in long care facilities through plate glass windows

But perhaps the easiest way to see clearly through government motives was the overnight closing down of all churches.

The worst thing they could do to humanity two years ago—closing down all churches—is still with us today.

Churches in Canada are still closed. Getting into them in dramatically smaller numbers means having to register first.

In other words the first thing the Canadian Government threw away was God Almighty by cutting off access to His Houses of Worship.

The mass closing of churches happened—even when no proof exists of anyone ever having contracted COVID-19 in a church—among millions of worshippers, not even one. As it has been written in this corner before, “Covid doesn’t go to Mass”.

In closing down our churches, authorities hoped the masses would have nowhere to run to; no one to pray to, believing that the masses would soon be overtaken by anxiety, sleepless nights, depression and maybe even despair.

Being godless themselves authorities were too blind to see that millions would turn to worshipping their Creator in private prayer—in private homes—a steadfast way of worshipping that no government, no matter how defiant and brutal can ever effectively stop.


Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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Join date : 2021-04-20
Age : 69
Location : Lansing, KS

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