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Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy!

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Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy! Empty Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy!

Post by HawkTheSlayer Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:27 pm

Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy
By J.B. Shurk

It's no wonder that one of the first acts of all communist regimes is to round up and murder anybody not hysterically committed to the "cause." Communism, like its COVID-1984 kissing cousin, only thrives when mass formation psychosis takes over. In practice, this entails killing an awfully large number of people who are too old or experienced to believe in fairy tales told to them by government agents with one hand on a loaf of bread and the other on the butt of a gun.

And you say if we collectivize our farms, we'll be able to feed the whole nation? An end to property rights will bring about utopia in our own time? Tell me, what kind of mule kicked you in the head, son? Hey, wait, let me go...

It is a sad fact that communism depends on the young, naïve, or brain-dead to push an ideology that brings nothing but poverty, unhappiness, and death. "Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world," Vladimir Lenin boasted. Transform? If not for friends of freedom, perhaps so. But by capturing generations of children, he was certainly capable of breaking their futures into pieces. Venezuela, China, Cuba, Cambodia, Korea — wherever communism is allowed to draw breath, mass murder and dystopia follow in quick succession.

Barack Obama spoke endlessly of "fundamentally transforming" the United States, and given that America was founded and forged in a dedication to liberty and a rejection of government tyranny, it was always clear which side of that dichotomy he fervently supported. For his efforts, the American population has rarely been more divided, urban crime and murder rates have spiraled out of control, and the Department of (in)Justice has descended into a death spiral of wretched partisanship. As if Americans needed any reminders, the ridiculous double standard in the way Black Lives Matter and other darling "activists" of the political left are celebrated by the U.S. government and regularly absolved from the repercussions of their criminal conduct while J6 Capitol protesters are politically persecuted and held in solitary confinement should shock the conscience of anyone committed to due process and the rule of law. Likewise, Republican politicians not vociferously denouncing this vile double standard (or worse, actually condoning it as Lindsey Graham, Dan Crenshaw, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger have done) have made it clear which side of the freedom/tyranny battlefield they've chosen to defend.

As with any communist system, social division is the price of conquest. Cultural unity in the U.S. was shot in the back of the head so that Obama and "wingman" Eric Holder could segregate black and white Americans from each other, tear open gashes in the body politic that had mostly healed after many decades, and rub enough salt in those fresh wounds to ride artificially-constructed public anger to electoral victory. Obama spoke of nothing but "hope," spread nothing but hate, and left America in nothing but shambles. It may have been the "Chicago way" of politics, but it was most certainly the "communist way" of stoking imaginary grievances until the social fabric could be torn asunder and replaced with something "new." And by "new," I mean the same old putrid rancidness of Lenin's communism but dressed up in the paper-thin disguises of "racial justice," "climate justice," "equity," "fairness," "multiculturalism," and all the other false idols worshiped by the "woke" pagans on their Marxist journey to salvation. Obama was glorified as a false messiah by his devout followers, and like any false prophet, he brought them misery, death, and war, instead of peace.

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Evil is da Devil minus da D.

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Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy! Empty Re: Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy!

Post by Calypso Jones Wed May 31, 2023 11:45 pm

If you were to study the French Revolution of the late 1700s and the Communist Revolution of Russia in 1917 you would see a common theme.
Both of those societies had explosions of irrational behavior and collective insanity that were previously unseen in their respective countries.
Periods strange and erratic behavior are a harbinger of the social upheaval to come.

The great writer Albert Camus speculated on all this in his book “The Rebel”.
One thing I found fascinating in Camus’ work was his account of ecological disaster by the radicals of the French Revolution.
In the late 1700s the French revolutionaries had all sorts of theories about natural forces destroying mankind through catastrophic climactic events.
Theories about the magnetic poles flipping their hemispheres and the axis of the earth going unbalanced were all the rage.

Sound familiar?
Our modern pagan yuppie Leftists think they invented “climate change”.
But they’re really just the recycled totalitarians from a previous era.

King Solomon was right.


Leftism drives people crazy

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Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy! Empty Re: Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy!

Post by Calypso Jones Wed May 31, 2023 11:51 pm

French Revolution....Time believes climate conditions brought on the French Revolution. I don't think so myself. I think the the thinking behind the revolution, the hysteria brought about by gov't, lies, media, Just like today. People went mad. Now apparently it is our turn. @Casey Jones you will enjoy this if you are not already familiar with the...the Great Fear....part of the French Revolution.

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Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy! Empty Re: Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy!

Post by Casey Jones Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:41 am

Calypso Jones wrote:French Revolution....Time believes climate conditions brought on the French Revolution. I don't think so myself.  I think the the thinking behind the revolution, the hysteria brought about by gov't, lies, media, Just like today.    People went mad.  Now apparently it is our turn. @Casey Jones   you will enjoy this if you are not already familiar with the...the Great Fear....part of the French Revolution.


I'm gonna settle in to read it; but history shows WARMING periods are noted by GREAT ADVANCES.

When Rome was ascendant, they were planting grapes in the British Isles. Greenland was....GREEN.

Climate cooling periods, like the Maunder Minimum, were paralled by hardship and decline. The Medieval period. The Thames River freezing over. Nope, no more wine from grapes in the fields outside Londonin.

What we have, is a network of oligarchs, trying to percolate CLIMATE HYSTERIA, so as to turn over all government and power to a world body, either friendly to or comprised of, THEM. THEN, they can kill us off at their leisure.

Already they've sterilized probably close to half the American population. Of those NOT poisoned, they're trying to turn queer or convince the demented parents of kids, to mutilate their children's genitals.

Then, there's the Great Famine that the Climate Cultists are planning. BY PUTTING FARMERS OUT OF BUSINESS. How the HELL can these people be so ASININE? They ain't gonna survive food riots. Farming knowledge of 2000 years is going to be lost...to say nothing of the land itself.

Only Satan could have planned something so suicidal, and gotten it to work so perfectly.
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Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy! Empty Re: Communism's Woke Gods Must Be Crazy!

Post by RV Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:46 am

I've said it before and I'll say it again! The Democrats 'gods' MAY be 'gay', 'metrosexuals', racists, bigots, hate filled, socialists, Communists, the elite, murderers, child predators, demon possessed, etc. but, the REAL One True God is not.

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