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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:07 am


and you may ask...how can good people do that.  


I am seeking to explain in this series of essays, how otherwise nice people — and indeed Western people, who grew up with post-Enlightenment norms about human rights and the rule of law — can be doing evil now, with whole hearts.

I am asking how they can be suppressing the respiration of children intentionally; how they can be consigning friends and colleagues to eat in the street like outcasts, or sending cops to arrest a woman and terrify a nine-year-old child, whose crimes were that they tried to visit the Museum of Natural History in New York without “papers”?

How could “nice” people in the humane West, can put on the agenda in Washington State just recently, plans to detain those exposed to a “contagious disease” in forcible quarantine, without charge or trial, and dependent on a court order and good behavior to get out?

All of this is happening right now in America -- in the land of people who, since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, have had the principle of equality governing human relations as a matter of law; a nation that had passed laws against the abuse of or corporal punishment of children in public schools in the 1970s in virtually every state; and a people who have been raised in a culture of freedom and civility compared with lawless or totalitarian regimes, that led them, for the most part, to be, on the scale of decency to cruelty, until two years ago, very decent people.

How could good people be going along with this?
Calypso Jones
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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:10 am

People are asked to join a cult and offer up their bodies; if they don’t, they are ostracized and denied social life and professional advancement.

Small businesses, restaurants and movies theaters; small hotels and venues, small real estate holdings, entire livelihoods, are being crushed by arbitrary dicta, by the unrestrained powers of Boards of Health and the CDC to crush whole sectors, and thus to destroy, or in effect to transfer, entire classes of assets from one targeted group into the hands of another group: to institutional investors, or shall we say, to allies of the current oligarchs.

In Washington State, as noted above, proposals were put forward — similar to those that have been enacted in Australia and elsewhere — to detain Americans, and turn the Boards of Health into entities with police powers; to establish militias, in effect, in the service of unelected, unaccountable Boards of Health. US “fact-checkers” claimed that this was not true, but it was true.

Reports are proliferating of the unvaccinated treated abusively in hospitals, and therapeutics have, it is becoming clear, been withheld via government agencies’ pressure, from an entire population, leading to countless avoidable deaths. A class of therapeutics, monoclonal antibodies, have just been withdrawn by the FDA from ill people’s access. Medical entities such as the formerly respected Mayo Clinic are being sued because they are refusing treatment to a dying man, for which his wife is begging.

What do you call all of this, if not an early Nazi-like set of practices?

In the early years of Nazi policy, as Robert Proctor’s magisterial 1990 Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis points out, it was doctors who were tasked by the State, and given special status and authority, with singling out “life unworthy of life” and elaborating racially-based policies that separated the “clean” and privileged, from the “unclean,” or “degenerate,” and restricted.

In 1933, doctors began to sterilize the unfit. As Michael A Grodin, MD, Erin L Miller, BA, and Jonathan Miller, MA, point out, in “The Nazi Physicians as Leaders in Eugenics and ‘Euthanasia’: Lessons for Today”:

A series of recurrent themes arose in Nazi medicine as physicians undertook the mission of cleansing the State: the devaluation and dehumanization of segments of the community, medicalization of social and political problems, training of physicians to identify with the political goals of the government, fear of consequences of refusing to cooperate with civil authority, bureaucratization of the medical role, and the lack of concern for medical ethics and human rights.

Half of Germany’s physicians joined the Nazi party.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:11 am

We study history to learn from it....only.......we never do.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by jirqoadai Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:57 am

the stories you posted are fubar. with whole hearts? heres some real history. right after Hindenburg died, EVERY SINGLE voting male Social Democrat and his entire extended family was rounded up and exterminated. the second that happened you either joined the hitler group to disguise your own political veiws, joined because you were a retard, or lived on the fringes of german society. so in keeping with the real history lesson here, which US democrat communist bloc of faggot supporters that voted for Barry and Big Mike do you CJ concider ripe for the Soros cabal to liquidate once theyve decided theyre no longer  needed?

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:23 am

how is that story FUBAR.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:24 am

Some of these guys on here say you are intelligent @jirq so okay. But to me you're so vague and cryptic that i can't tell what side you're on.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:43 am

Try searching how many german nurses joined the nazi party. Gone.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:45 am

You can't use the main stream search engines. They don't want you to see the info. I had to go to another source.

Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:46 am

Persecution of Jews and other groups was not solely the result of measures originating with Adolf Hitler and other Nazi zealots. Nazi leaders required the active help or cooperation of professionals working in diverse fields who in many instances were not convinced Nazis. The German medical profession played a central role in shaping and implementing many Nazi policies. A high number of doctors and nurses supported the regime, and many became complicit in Nazi crimes.

More information about this image
medical professions racism eugenics Aryanization Euthanasia Program antisemitism
The traditional healing work of doctors and nurses often conflicted with the policies of the Nazi regime. However, German medical providers became an important source of support for Nazism. Medical science influenced the development of Nazi ideology. In addition, many doctors and nurses became involved in the crimes of the regime.

The German medical profession was one of the most advanced and well-respected in the world before the Nazis rose to power in 1933. Many German doctors at the time believed in “racial hygiene,” or eugenics. The Nazis enthusiastically embraced these ideas.

Roughly half of all German doctors became members of the Nazi Party and its organizations between 1933 and 1945. Some German physicians welcomed the Nazi regime because it supported their beliefs about “racial hygiene.” Others joined to take advantage of opportunities to advance their careers. Many doctors either actively or passively benefited from the regime’s dismissal of their Jewish colleagues and the “Aryanization” of their profession.

German doctors and medical scientists helped shape Nazi Germany’s racial laws. Many became involved in Nazi crimes. The Nazi regime used medical research to shape its racial definitions and rationalize its discriminatory policies. Many doctors participated in forcible sterilizations, human experimentation, or the so-called “euthanasia” of people with mental and physical disabilities.

SS officers and German nurses
SS officers and German nurses
SS officers and German nurses gather during the dedication ceremony of the new SS hospital in Auschwitz, September 1, 1944. Among those pictured are Karl Höcker, Josef Kramer, and SS-Hauptsturmführer Heinrich Schwarz.

US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Anonymous Donor
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Christian nurses’ associations dominated German nursing when the Nazis rose to power in 1933. At the time, nursing was widely considered to be more of a spiritual calling or a public service than a professional career. The Nazi regime reorganized Germany’s professional nursing associations. It barred Jewish nurses and restricted membership to politically reliable “Aryans.” Nazi propaganda promoted the idea that nursing was a patriotic service to the state. Nazi nurses’ associations encouraged values of militaristic duty and obedience. Nursing schools began indoctrinating students with Nazi ideology through classes on race and eugenics.

Many nurses who did not necessarily support the Nazi regime still implemented its discriminatory and murderous policies through the course of their regular, daily work. Engaging with patients more frequently and directly than doctors, nurses were often the ones who actually applied the regime’s medical policies. Nurses played a central role in the regime’s so-called “euthanasia” program. Under the program, roughly 250,000 children and adults with mental and physical disabilities were murdered. They were killed by starvation, lethal injection, or gassing.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party Empty Re: Over half German Doctors joined the Nazi Party

Post by jirqoadai Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:56 am

Calypso Jones wrote:how is that story FUBAR.  
because it completely glosses over the morality of good vs evil. you were either one or the other. you wernt a fence sitter. EVERY non retard knew exactly what was going on. im not in favor of abotions for mentaly challanged. brcause those mentaly challanged have been known to be brilliant in some instances. face it. would you have joined the 1st or 2nd MD or 1st DE to fight for anyone you were told to fight for. so we had 1,200 total retards our entire founding fathers based our rebellion on. what if they had been aborted as fetuses? no American Revolution. at least not one that eventualy came to a conclusion favorable to John Q Public. i wont go over at this time how the entire congress set themselves up for kinghood. Thomas Paine and Ethan Allen both knew alot more about one dictator overthrowing his predecessor than i ever will.

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