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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by Elizabeth Theus Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:33 pm

Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Church-of-fighting-warriors-01

Do you believe we’re in a spiritual battle?

I do.

I have thought this all along. It’s a battle of good vs evil. It’s a battle of light vs dark.


What we’re involved in right now is much more than just “politics,” and if we don’t all get on the same page and fight back against these demon commies, our country, and our world could be lost forever.

For so long now, the GOP establishment has hobbled Christians. People like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney and others talk about “turning the other cheek,” and “taking the high road.” And while there is a time and place for that approach, battling Democrats isn’t one of them.

Because of the Paul Ryan “That’s not who we are” mentality, many Evangelicals sat back while the left took over everything. They took over education, medicine, the military, marriage, and the church.

Paul Ryan’s message was a globalist, secular message… it was not a message of “conserving” our institutions, but of surrendering them under the false guise of being too “honorable” to fight for them.

And while I agree we’re better than the Dems, I also know they’re better fighters than we are, because they’re fearless. You can’t shame them. They don’t care if you call them names. They don’t care if you tell them they’re a hypocrite. All that stuff flows off them like water off a duck’s back.

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But on the flip side, many conservative Christians do care way too much about what Godless communists think about them.

And as a result, we didn’t get in the gutter and fight for what was ours because we’re far too virtuous and good for that – we can only battle on the “high road,” a place where the Dems never go, by the way.

So, there we stood, alone on the “high road,” looking around at the skeletons of everything and everyone we used to call our own.

Now, I am not saying you have to turn into a total vulgar jerk, but you need to remember that Christianity and your traditions are worth FIGHTING for, and if you roll for the communists because you’re trying to be nice and “accommodate” the “greater good,” you will be destroyed and everything you built will turn to ash.

It’s that simple.

And that’s what we’re seeing happen now.

Now, I am not blaming Christians and saying this is all your fault, but I am saying that Christians have forgotten how to FIGHT and we’ve allowed fear of being called “bigots” and “racists” to be used against us and cripple us.

Today, when I saw this quick clip out of Poland, it reminded me of the spiritual battle we’re in, and how hard we need to fight for what is ours.

So, I thought I’d share it with you – maybe you’re already “hip” to all this, or maybe you totally disagree with me and think I’m nuts, but if you feel like you could use some righteous inspiration, I hope this inspires you to suit up and fight like an unrelenting, unapologetic warrior for whatever it is you believe in.


You can watch the video below:

As you know, I am online a lot, always looking for things to share with you guys. And while I’m on there, I see how the left uses “Christianity” against conservatives.

I’ll see someone with “Christian” in their bio, taking a strong stand on an issue, and some lefty will swoop in and say, “You’re a horrible Christian, you don’t know what it’s like to be a good Christian,” bla bla bla, and more times than not, that comment will derail the conservative Christian. They’ll start defending and explaining themselves and get deep in the weeds, then eventually relent and agree with the lefty who keeps hammering away at them because the conservative really wants to be seen as a “good/rational” person.

You gotta stop that and stay the course. Don’t relent, and don’t allow these communists to throw you off your game, or shame you into agreeing with them in any way shape, or form.

This may seem small, and insignificant to you, but it’s really not. It’s part of a much bigger and more widespread problem of the left knowing EXACTLY how to use “religion” as a weapon against the right.

The left guilts and shames conservative Christians, and manipulates them by appealing to their heightened sense of virtue.

Don’t let them. You don’t owe a soulless commie any explanation of your religious beliefs.


If you believe in something, push forward with no explanations and zero apologies.



Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by RV Mon Jan 24, 2022 8:15 am

I think back to the Jews in WWII. The Nazi's were NOT doing the will of God, were NOT Christians and were NOT following the word.

The devil in the Garden of Eden was NOT there to help them. He was of course lying to them in order to contradict what God had told them. I might add that what God said would happen in fact did. Adam and Eve DID "surely die". I also might add that Adam and Eve did NOT become like God. Adam and Eve DID know good from evil but, because that was not ALL that distinguished them from God, it did them no good.

First of all, Christians have the Lord in their corner, no one and nothing can stand in the way. Scripture tells us that even the gates of Hell will not prevail.

Do I believe that Christians should just sit back and not fight? No. Do I think Christians should take lives like the heathen do? No. Do I think that Christians should pray? Yes! Do I believe that God is testing His people with all of this? Yes! Do I think Christians should defend themselves? Yes! I would remind Christians that we are NOT like the unbelievers, we don't think like they do, we don't respond like they do and we don't act like they do.

I'm not sure what they mean by "the fighting church". Certainly, we don't "fight" like the unbelievers do. Christians "fight" as God tells them to NOT as they selfishly want to. Revenge is NOT ours, it is the Lords and He will repay.

We fight not against flesh and bone but, against principalities and power.

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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by jirqoadai Mon Jan 24, 2022 9:07 am

da nazis..........LMAO on that one. Rabe and Schindler were nazi party members. as were most who tried to kill hitler. you want to be all inclusive? sure. ALL merchant class are thieving back stabbers who want nothing more than to take all the gold and skip town in the dead of night.

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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by Elizabeth Theus Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:55 am

jirqoadai wrote:da nazis..........LMAO on that one. Rabe and Schindler were nazi party members. as were most who tried to kill hitler. you want to be all inclusive? sure. ALL merchant class are thieving back stabbers who want nothing more than to take all the gold and skip town in the dead of night.

"ALL merchant class are thieving back stabbers". Spare us the BS....NOBODY said that, except YOU. Stop putting words in people's mouths.
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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by Calypso Jones Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:23 am


This occurred to me early this morning as i was just waking up.   First off...the strong delusion that God Will send in the end times.   I do think we are in the end times...as we've always been but it is stronger now and even more strongly seen since the election of President Trump. But we are not yet in tribulation.....other things have to happen first. Election 2016: it was AS IF Satan was so angry that his representative here on earth lost the election that he put his spirit of rebellion into many people to attack The President and to attack God's people.   he wants to destroy this nation.  He wants to destroy the world.  Satan has blinded the minds and hearts of those who hate President Trump and at this point, God allows it because these people have been rebellious in their sin against God for a long time.

Second Thessalonians 2:9-12 speaks of a strong delusion God will send in the end times:

"The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

They believe a lying media. They believe people like Fauci--animal abusers, child abusers, liars, power hungry. Everything about this man says evil and to avoid him, do not put any credence in what he says.    They believe democrats who push child sacrifice through abortion.   They believe the gov't's push for these vaccines as a health measure rather than what it really is......a power grab.   You have no idea what they're putting into your body.   It's like what the nephilim did to the human race before the great flood.  Only in a different form.

My thoughts as i lay in bed early this morning was 'how do we fight against the principalities and powers of the air.   It's not through actual warfare.  It's not against our fellow americans, it's not in confronting demons...that would be foolish for we are not equipped for such a thing in spite of what some would tell you.


There's a problem with this, however. In most cases spiritual warfare is not to be carried out by directly confronting the powers and principalities over cities and nations. The New Testament model for spiritual warfare is to direct our prayers to God, proclaim His name and promises, and do His works as the primary way to wrestle with the disembodied evil spirits in the heavenly places. These evil spirits are called principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness (Eph. 6:12). Of course, there are exceptions to this general rule, in which case we address our proclamations directly to the enemy. On specific occasions the Spirit may lead someone to speak directly in intercession to a demonic principality. But this is not the primary prayer model presented by the New Testament apostles.

Jesus and the apostles spoke directly to the demons that dwelt in a demonized person—in other words, to "embodied" demonic spirits—but what they did is not the same as speaking to "disembodied" demonic principalities that dwell in heavenly places. We do wrestle with them (Eph. 6:12), but usually by praying to the Father, not by speaking to them directly. The prophet Daniel dislodged the powerful demonic principality of Persia (Dan. 10:12-13) as he fasted and prayed, focusing on the God of Israel (Dan. 9:4-23), not on the demonic being itself.

Spiritual warfare prayer requires a three-pronged approach. First, we proclaim God's victory by agreeing with the supremacy of Jesus, His power, promises and will. We pray the prayers of the Bible, remind God of His promises and make prophetic decrees related to the certainty of God's supremacy and His kingdom purposes. Second, we confess sin and renounce the works of darkness (i.e., we break our agreement with the enemy). In this way, we resist Satan: "Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). Third, we do the works of the kingdom, acting in the opposite spirit of the evil characteristics that permeate a specific city or region.
Calypso Jones
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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by RV Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:55 am

It's often been said that the devil drives and the Lord leads. Certainly the devil drives with delusions, hatred, anger, violence, and self determination. The Lord leads with truth, love, self-discipline, purity, peace through Him and faith in Him.

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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by Calypso Jones Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:07 am

Spiritual warfare prayer requires a three-pronged approach. First, we proclaim God's victory by agreeing with the supremacy of Jesus, His power, promises and will. We pray the prayers of the Bible, remind God of His promises and make prophetic decrees related to the certainty of God's supremacy and His kingdom purposes. Second, we confess sin and renounce the works of darkness (i.e., we break our agreement with the enemy). In this way, we resist Satan: "Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). Third, we do the works of the kingdom, acting in the opposite spirit of the evil characteristics that permeate a specific city or region.
Calypso Jones
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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:02 pm

Isaiah 54:17, 1 John 4:4
Almighty one, I thank You that You are my protector and my deliverer. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my life and I pray that every stronghold shall be broken and I shall be delivered in the Name of Jesus. I declare and decree that no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper in the Name of Jesus because greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world, Amen.

Jeremiah 29:11
Dear God, I thank You that You have overcome this world and victory belongs to You. Thank You that I am a child of the King and victory also belongs to me. I come against the plan of the enemy for my life in the Name of Jesus. I know that the plans that You have for me are thoughts of peace and not evil. Therefore, I declare and decree that these strongholds in my life will not prosper, Amen.

Luke 10: 19-20
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the power that You have invested in me. I pray that You will strengthen me daily that I will use the authority that You have given me to overcome the power of the enemy. Father allow me to trample on the head of the enemy so that every stronghold in my life shall be broken and no harm shall come to me in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Psalm 40:2, Romans 8:31
Oh God, You are my strength, my strong tower and deliverer. I thank You that I can call on Your Name and be saved. God, I ask that You intercede upon my behalf and pull me out of this miry clay and set my feet upon your solid rock. These strongholds in my life will not overcome me but they shall fall in the Name of Jesus because if God is for me, who could be against me, Amen.

Psalm 34:17, Galatians 5:1
Dear Lord, I thank You that You are a loving Father and that You hear my cry. Lord I cry out to You today and ask that You will deliver me from all of my troubles. I pray that the strongholds within my life will be no more and that they will no longer be a stumbling block. Help me to stand firm at all times and not to be burdened by the plans of the enemy, Amen.

2 Timothy 4:18, Psalm 31:18
Our Father, I thank You that You are a mighty God and that nothing is impossible in You. Father I pray that You will deliver me from the evil attack of the enemy and bring me safely back to You. I pray that You will be a fence of protection around me. I declare and decree that lying lips against me shall cease and that goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, Amen.

Colossians 1:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:3
Almighty one, I thank You that You have delivered us from every power and scheme of darkness. Lord I pray that You will guard me from the evil ones and that they shall not come near my dwelling place. Strengthen me against the evil ones and that I will not fear anything that is not of You. All strongholds in my life shall be destroyed and cast down in the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:07 pm

The Jews have suffered...from the beginning. God chose them not because they were holy or righteous. But they are special to him. Jews also were the conduit through which God blessed all people and all nations. Perhaps that is why satan hates them so much and has so many of his followers (even those that do not know they do his will) working on destroying them.

Even Eisenhower saw the horrors of what the germans did to the Jews. I have no doubt in the legitimacy of this history. And in part, jews brough it on themselves...for when given the choice between Jesus and Barrabas they chose Barrabas and told said, for all to hear....let it be on our childrens' heads..and has it ever.
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Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again Empty Re: Watch: Epic Video Clip Reminds Christians To Rise Up and Become a “FIGHTING CHURCH” Again

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Jan 31, 2022 11:29 am

I change some of these around abit and pray for the J6 patriots in DC jails.

Colossians 1:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:3
Almighty one, I thank You that You have delivered The J6 Patriots from every power and scheme of darkness. Lord I pray that You will guard them from the evil ones and that they shall not come near their cells or their families' dwelling places. Strengthen them against the evil ones and that they will not fear anything that is not of You. All strongholds in their lives shall be destroyed and cast down in the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
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