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Are news Networks trying to rebuild their image before November ?

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Are news Networks trying to rebuild their image before November ? Empty Are news Networks trying to rebuild their image before November ?

Post by Daily Bread Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:09 pm

Jesse Waters just had breaking news that the  darling of Black racist Joy Reid is being given walking papers by MSNBC this spring . CNN is also doing some restructuring by claiming its going to focus on hiring real journalist this year. CBS is taking an ax to its whole station . 
Are they trying to convince us they found religion ? Or are they trimming back because the bottom line has been hit because of major  viewer loss . 
They are trying to get back on the good side of Americas middle class and are preparing for a final hit on their ratings next November . They screwed us for years and figure that we will take them back after a few small mea culpas . They think we're in a forgiven mood after they had a big hand in destroying our country . These people will be hunted down at the end of this year and they won't see New Years 2023 - be committed to the cause and get your ounce of blood .
Daily Bread
Daily Bread

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