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The God of Opposites

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The God of Opposites Empty The God of Opposites

Post by RV Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:36 am

It occurred to me that we as Christians serve a God of opposites. Human unbelievers claim that it cannot be done, God declares that it can.

It was “impossible” for a man with a speech impediment to go before the King. It was “impossible” for that same man to ask for the freeing of Jewish slaves yet, that is exactly what God told Moses to do and exactly what he did. It was "impossible" for the sea to part yet, that also happened. It was "impossible" for Pharoh and his army to be swallowed up and drown by the sea yet, again, that happened.

It was “impossible” for Jesus to walk on water. Why it breaks all of the tenets of “science” yet, Jesus in fact did it. Not only did Jesus walk on water but, allowed Peter to get out of a perfectly good boat and walk with Him.

It was “impossible” for a man to be pronounced dead and yet, be commanded to be alive again as Lazarus was. Why, his body would have started to decompose and smell. There is no way that Lazarus could have been made alive. Yet, that is exactly what Jesus did.

There is no way that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego could have been thrown into a fiery furnace and not been burnt up. Why even the soldiers stoking the seven times hotter fire were slain from the fierce heat. It was “impossible” to even be around a fire without smelling like smoke being thrown into the fire would not only make one smell like smoke but, cause him to be killed and their body to be burnt up as well. Yet all three were thrown into the fire, not one of them smelled like smoke and not one of them were even burned.

Many victims had been torn to pieces by the hungry Lions. Daniel being thrown into the Lion’s den would have surely resulted in his death. Lions are vicious animals and would see Daniel only as food. As we see in the Bible, Daniel was not eaten nor even bitten by the fierce Lions.

It was "impossible" for Joseph to be thrown down a dry well and not have major injuries leading to his death. It was "impossible" to get out of that well yet, Joseph did.

Goliath was many times bigger, stronger, better equipped and had much more experience than David. It would be “impossible” for a mere teen to face a fierce giant like Goliath and win, wouldn’t it? Scrawny, lightweight and inexperienced David didn’t stand a chance against Goliath, now did he. If the contest allowed betting, the money would have been on Goliath and yet, the God of the "impossible" caused David to win.

Jesus was killed on a cross. Jesus took more than forty lashes, more than any other human had before. Suffering from significant blood loss, He was still alive when he was nailed to the cross. Most human beings would have died during the beating. It was “impossible” and yet, our God did just that!

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