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We’re almost there! Raise $2 Million for CHD Using Our New Fundraising Platform | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS

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	 We’re almost there! Raise $2 Million for CHD Using Our New Fundraising Platform | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS Empty We’re almost there! Raise $2 Million for CHD Using Our New Fundraising Platform | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS

Post by Elizabeth Theus Fri Oct 29, 2021 5:56 pm

Dear CHD friends,

People around the globe are protesting the loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach. Over the last eighteen months we’ve witnessed a removal of the liberties we hold dear. Every man, woman and childs’ basic human rights are under attack and we believe the power is with the people.  

We know the impact of organized, coordinated acts of peaceful civil disobedience. Beginning on November 3, Children’s Health Defense joins citizens from around the globe for ‘Worldwide Walkouts’ to demand a return to freedom and democratic principles.

People Everywhere are Joining the Fight for Freedom

We’re witnessing a Great Awakening unfold in the citizenry as ignorant government leaders and corrupt politicians continue to implement mandates that threaten jobs, livelihoods, children’s education, and our way of life...

Americans and citizens around the world need to take back their power, stand up, walk out and just say NO. We will unify for freedom and commit acts of peaceful civil disobedience to make our point: no masks, no vaccines, no testing, no green passes. No coercion. No mandates.

Kickoff is November 3rd!

In his short video, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. CHD Board Chair and Lead Counsel called for everyone to participate in Worldwide Walkouts that kick off on November 3rd.  

He shared that “No government in history has ever surrendered power in the absence of a demand. We need to tell these governments and their friends in the technocracy, the Silicon Valley billionaire boys club, the mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry that we will no longer tolerate their trampling of citizens’ rights.”

The WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS are a call for a global shutdown to stop business as usual, protesting these unlawful mandates and to celebrate human rights.  

“Coercive mandates of shoddily tested medical products and segregationist passports violate international human rights law,” said CHD President and General Counsel Mary Holland. “We need brave citizens to peacefully refuse to comply with unlawful and unethical edicts that for the past year and a half have been allowed to trump individual rights and freedoms. Those days are over. There will be no business as usual until segregationist and coercive medical policies advanced by government authorities end once and for all.”

Standing in Solidarity for Freedom

Our vision is to see thousands of towns in America and around the world come to a standstill while doctors, nurses, educators, businessmen, first responders, police officers, firemen, travel engineers and more demand their freedom. We are millions. Let's show ourselves and stand in solidarity against tyrannical mandates.

CHD chapters, coalition partners, and local community organizers are planning mass gatherings of people in peaceful noncompliance to take place in high-exposure areas in many cities and states. Check WorldWideWalkOuts.org for locations and details. If you’re not seeing one for your area, reach out to others in your community to plan an event. Pick a place that is easy to get to and can be seen by many. Once your date, location and time are in place, tell us your plans so we can help amplify your message.

Courage is contagious so be willing to step up as a leader in your community. Encourage everyone you know to walkout and stand in solidarity against mandates. Tell them to refuse to show up for work, take a sick day and pull their kids from school. The only way we win is united.  

Freedom transcends party lines and unites us all as one human race. We must ban together with concerned citizens from all walks of life with one goal in mind, to preserve freedom and the right to choose what goes on and in our bodies.

Get the Message Out by Sharing

Share this video message and more details from the Chairman of Children's Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to encourage everyone you know to participate.

Never has there been a more important time to fight back and protect our rights to stop this tyranny and government overreach.

Be a defender of truth, freedom and health. Help us kick off Worldwide WalkOuts beginning on November 3rd.

The Children’s Health Defense Team

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Listen to what RFK, Jr. has to say.

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Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Children’s Health Defense
1227 North Peachtree Pkwy, Suite 202
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
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WorldWide Walk Outs!
	 We’re almost there! Raise $2 Million for CHD Using Our New Fundraising Platform | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS Souls-of-a-Movement__CROWD-SHOT-cropped-1536x801
Photo Credit: Souls of A Movement (IG: soulsofamovement)

Worldwide Walkouts will demand a return to freedom and democratic principles. Citizens around the globe are protesting loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach. Every man, woman and child is important to this movement!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD Board Chair and Lead Counsel:
“No government in history has ever surrendered power in the absence of a demand. We need to tell these governments and their friends in the technocracy, the Silicon Valley billionaire boys club, the mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry that we will no longer tolerate their trampling of citizens’ rights.”

Join us for the WorldWide Walk Out kick-off on November 3rd!

[Go to link to see video....]

People have been battered during the epidemic for the last 1.5 years. And now their jobs, livelihoods, education for their children and way of life is being threatened because they refuse to take a government and employer mandated injection.

Religious and medical exemptions are being rejected but that is a false choice anyway. Since when does anyone need an exemption to exercise their personal right to reject a foreign substance being injected into their body by the government?

Americans and the world need to stand up, walk out and just say NO. CHD will encourage recurring walkouts where citizens target specific industries and solidify our grassroots movement as a powerful voting block in elections to apply political pressure.

Children’s Health Defense and our State and International Chapters are joining citizens and organizations from all over the world as they come together for “WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS!”

“WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS!” is a call for a global shut down to stop business as usual and celebrate human rights. Citizens around the world will be asked to unify for freedom and commit acts of civil disobedience to make their point. No masks, no vaccines, no testing. No coercion. The potential headlines: “500 towns in America and around the world have nurses, teachers etc. walk out for freedom”, “French and Italian Voters in acts of civil disobedience…”

Any mass gathering of people in peaceful noncompliance engaging in acts of civil disobedience. While individual town halls/courthouses may yield smaller crowds, it’s easier than driving hours to a state capital. No event is too small or too large. They will only grow with time.

Make it a celebration of unity. Communities may need to order sound equipment, permits, porta-potties, etc. depending on the number expected. H ave food (order pizzas and food trucks), or ask people to bring food for a Freedom Pot Luck, picnic baskets and picnic blankets and musical instruments. Create a unified voice with singing of popular songs, the national anthem, chants and more. Ask veterans, first responders, educators and children to speak. Create a freedom community by asking the crowd to introduce themselves to their neighbor, encouraging hugs and holding hands to resist the mainstream narrative of social distancing and fearing close contact with others. Choosing a color for your events might be a great unifier.

Come back to this page for helpful planning information on this and future rallies including best practices (i.e., press releases, getting local media) and ways to order posters, flyers, T-shirts and more.


  • Harrisburg, PA

  • Savannah, GA

  • Los Angeles, CA

  • Fort Collins, CO

  • Rhode Island/Massachusetts

Links to videos/pictures of civil disobedience
Video from events covered live on CHD.TV

  • CHD TV Events

New Yorkers shut down the Brooklyn Bridge

  • NYC Broadway Rally for Freedom

  • On the Ground Report NYC Municipal Workers Shut Down Brooklyn Bridge in Epic Protest 50 to 70 Thousand March to City Hall

NYC Sanitation workers

  • Refusing to pick up trash

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaks at NY Rally on October 16, 2021

  • NYC Broadway Rally for Freedom

New Yorkers Protest at the Governor’s Mansion

  • NYC Trash the Mandate

French citizens are storming stores that enforce vaccine passports, filling up shopping carts and leaving them right before the checkout before walking out.

  • Twitter Video

  • France Italy See Mass Protests Against COVID Health Pass

Italian citizens take to the streets in protest of Green Pass

  • Thousands of Italians protest against Covid green pass | Pandemic | World News | WION

  • Opponents of Italy’s Green Pass Stage Demonstrations

Downloadable Memes – CHD Branded, Unbranded
	 We’re almost there! Raise $2 Million for CHD Using Our New Fundraising Platform | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | WORLDWIDE WALKOUTS Worldwide-walkout-branded-300x300

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Public Relations Templates
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Children's Health Defense® is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

Posts : 5592
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Join date : 2021-04-20
Age : 69
Location : Lansing, KS

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