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Men Doing Time in Women's Prisons

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Men Doing Time in Women's Prisons Empty Men Doing Time in Women's Prisons

Post by Red Lily Sat Sep 25, 2021 4:39 am


In public discourse, the left has been very clear on one fact: Trans men who identify as women are women. End of discussion. Anything else is transphobia.

In praxis, the left is more willing to quietly admit the issue is a bit more complicated than that. In California, for instance, men who identify as women are entering women’s prisons thanks to a bill called Senate Bill 132. Signed into law by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, The Daily Wire notes that it requires prison officials to privately ask prisoners their gender identity during the intake process. If it doesn’t match their actual gender, they can request to be moved to a facility which is more in line with their stated identity.

After all, if a trans man who identifies as a woman is as female as the next XX-chromosome-haver, this should make no difference. Why, then, is the Central California Women’s Facility reportedly distributing free birth control measures, including condoms and Plan B, among inmates there?

Are they concerned about the guards? Trying to prevent the second immaculate conception? Or, are they admitting gender ideology and gender reality aren’t even distant cousins?

Full article ... https://www.westernjournal.com/biological-men-invade-california-womens-prisons-state-callously-gives-defenseless-inmates-humiliating-protection/

If Congress passes the Equality Act, California’s dangerous policy would go nationwide.

Crazy California laws occasionally go national. Take SB 132, which took effect in January. It allows transgender-identified male state prison inmates to transfer into women’s prisons based on “individual preference”—no hormones, surgery or time spent living as the opposite sex required. Spokeswoman Terry Thornton of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation says 264 male prisoners have declared a nonmale identity and formally requested transfer to women’s facilities.



Biological men transferred to women's prisons allegedly rape and assault inmates

A biological male who identifies as female and has been convicted and incarcerated for sex crimes was moved to a women's prison whereupon he allegedly raped a female inmate.


The murderers of a mother of three were sentenced to life in prison last week after a judge called their crime "the stuff of nightmares."

But now, one of the assailants is allegedly being assessed for transfer to a women's federal institution after having already served his pre-sentencing holding period in a women's provincial jail.



A biological male who identifies as female and has been convicted and incarcerated for sex crimes was moved to a women's prison whereupon he allegedly raped a female inmate. In Washington state, the policy of allowing biological men who say they are women into women's prisons has resulted in rape.



'I was sexually assaulted in a women's prison... by a fellow inmate with male genitalia'.

The prisoner who sexually assaulted Amy — we cannot legally identify her, so we shall call her J — is a transgender woman, with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), and therefore referred to by the female pronoun, but still had male genitalia.

Amy was equally well aware that J still had male genitalia because she often intimidated her and fellow female prisoners at HMP Bronzefield in Ashford, Middlesex, by exposing them.


The United Kingdom Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has revealed that inmates who identify as transgender are responsible for a rate of sexual attacks that is exponentially higher than their proportion of the population of women’s jails and prisons.


Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Red Lily
Red Lily

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