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Whistleblower: I've seen more people die from COVID-19 vaccine than virus

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Whistleblower: I've seen more people die from COVID-19 vaccine than virus Empty Whistleblower: I've seen more people die from COVID-19 vaccine than virus

Post by Elizabeth Theus Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:33 pm

'None of that is being talked about on the news. It doesn't fit their narrative'

A board certified occupational therapist in Hawaii said he has seen more people die from COVID vaccinations than from COVID itself.

"I've seen 32 elderly people pass away immediately after taking the Moderna vaccine. None of that is being talked about on the news. It doesn't fit their narrative," Abrien Aguirre told Hawaii Free Speech News, a citizen-journalist video channel.

"I've seen more patients die from the vaccine than from COVID," he said.

Aguirre said he works for Oahu's largest skilled nursing facility and has worked in three separate COVID units with geriatric patients.

"The people moved to the COVID unit, didn’t have COVID. They tested positive with the PCR test, but most of them were asymptomatic and only suffering from their pre-existing conditions," he said.

People with other terminal conditions were listed as COVID deaths, Aguirre said.

See the interview:

A billing department in a nursing facility had therapists change its medical diagnosis codes from conditions such as pulmonary disorder to COVID to get higher reimbursements, he said.

In some instances, said Aguirre, people that hadn't even tested positive were listed as having COVID-19.

"It’s just fraud on every level," he said.

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Aguirre said he has reached out to various officials but has not received any responses.

"My advice to people: If your elderly are sick, your grandmother, your great grandmother, your mom, don’t send them to a skilled nursing facility," he said.

"They’re not going to receive adequate care. Treatment is going to be withheld from them," Aguirre continued. "They’re going to be forced to wear a mask all day, and social distance. They’re going to become depressed and want to commit suicide. Because that is what I am seeing in our facilities."

Go to link for video:
Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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