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Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions

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Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions Empty Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:14 pm

sorta backfired.  

Most recently in their trash mag they did a nice article on satanic abortion ritual.
The article in Cosmopolitan describes the “satanic abortion” as follows:

First, you find a quiet space. Bring a mirror if you can. Just before taking the medication, gaze at your reflection and focus on your personhood. Home in on your intent, your responsibility to you. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. When you’re ready, read the following tenet aloud: One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

Take the medication and immediately afterward, recite, Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.

Later, once your body expels the aborted tissue, return to your reflection. Focus again on your personhood, your power in making this decision. Complete the ritual by reciting a personal affirmation: By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done.

they thought they were being so cool, so empowering and people would recognize it as empowering, freeing, and to be experienced....


Sometimes without intending to....they point out just how far down the drain our society has descended.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions Empty Re: Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:36 pm

Speaking of
Universities in Pennsylvania….

U of Pittsburgh was caught selling
on- line in conjunction with
Dr. Fachi’s NIH.
By JUDICIAL WATCH not long ago.

Aborted BABY livers were
Advertised as :” FRESH ‘” ,
never frozen .

The absolute ghoulish disdain
for the holiness of a human body,
should cause even the most hardened to have pause.

SICK !!!
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions Empty Re: Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions

Post by Casey Jones Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:33 pm

I'm beyond being shocked.

It's pretty obvious, has been for a time...the Elites have gone off the rails, i a big way.

Otherwise they would NEVER have been braying for Open Borders ("Walls don't WORK!!") and now telling us that @$$@$$ination is better than Orange Man Elected. Ignoring that he WAS in office, and only did good.

But now it's so frightful, he's so Worse-Than-Actually-Hitler (but somehow hid the death camps) that they're openly advocating for public murder of a Presidential candidate.

WHILE shutting down farms, farmers, and burning food plants. And derailing trains. And lighting forest fires.

It all adds up to one thing: MADNESS. Mass-Formation Psychosis.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions Empty Re: Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions

Post by Keith Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:35 pm

Most women who read those kinds of magazines are unhinged fembots with daddy issues and possibly incurable diseases. Do we really want these women to give birth and raise children, thereby passing their defective traits onto the next generation?

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Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions Empty Re: Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions

Post by Calypso Jones Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:33 pm

no we don't want them having children....but do the conceived babies have to be the ones to pay?
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions Empty Re: Cosmopolitan and their article on Satanic Abortions

Post by RV Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:02 am

Can there be any reason to slaughter a baby except satanic possession?

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