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Fasting and Prayer from January 3 to January 5 for J6 Political prisoners

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Fasting and Prayer from January 3 to January 5 for J6 Political prisoners Empty Fasting and Prayer from January 3 to January 5 for J6 Political prisoners

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:26 pm

Archbishop Vigano is supporting this i hear. The one thing that these folk leave out is a plan to do it to have \everyone on the same page. I hate that. It is sloppy in my opinion and when it is sloppily done it is less effective. Maybe not from God's standpoint.

I've been giving a lot of thought to when to start and when the end is complete. SO, rather than use my own mind, i went to the bible to look at the 3 days that JEsus was in the grave. I also thought about Esther's fast . Daniel and his friends also fasted but i think that was only for 24 hours. Here is the explanation of the three days between Jesus' crucifixion and his resurrection.

Yet the evidence for the traditional Friday crucifixion, also known as Good Friday, holds prominence for important reasons. The Jewish reckoning of days included two components different from modern times. This included the day beginning in the evening (as in Genesis 1, evening and morning). Also, part of a day was counted as a full day. In this perspective, a Friday crucifixion was the first day. Jesus was buried on Friday afternoon before sunset (day 1). He remained in the tomb Friday night through Saturday afternoon (evening/day 2). Jesus continued in the tomb Saturday evening and rose on Sunday morning (evening/day 3), which was the third day. Mark 15:42 seems to affirm this traditional view, claiming Jesus was crucified the day before the Sabbath. Jesus also taught He would rise on the third day (Matthew 16:21; Luke 9:22).
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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