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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by Peter1469 Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:17 pm

Viva la France! Former generals warn French political leaders to handle the Islamist problem, or the Army will. Eradicate the threats and safeguard the nation or risk civil war.

Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Background: France in recent years has experienced intense bouts of social unrest as well as attacks by Islamist extremists. On April 21, 20 former generals and more than 1,500 members of the military, police and gendarmerie signed an open letter calling on France’s leaders to “eradicate” threats and “safeguard the nation.” Failure risks a military uprising and civil war, the letter warned.

What Happened: On Sunday, the government of President Emmanuel Macron responded. Defense Minister Florence Parly called the letter irresponsible and condemned politicization of the armed forces. She was especially critical of far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s attempts to recruit the letter’s signatories to her party.

Bottom Line: That so many current members of the defense and security establishment were willing to sign the letter suggests they do not fear punishment. This is especially notable in a country like France, with a history of the military getting involved in domestic politics. This could be a warning to Macron.

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Re: Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:26 pm

Bring it. Somebody needs to start it.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Re: Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by 2cent Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:47 pm

From the OP:
Defense Minister Florence Parly called the letter irresponsible and condemned politicization of the armed forces. She was especially critical of far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s attempts to recruit the letter’s signatories to her party.
We're most of us familiar with Leftist changing the meaning of words of phrases, but this ploy of calling everything the military does that the polis don't like, "politicizing the military" is beyond ridiculously old.

What these former generals, et.al., are pointing to is civil unrest, and civilians are not politicians.  Ergo, they are not politicizing what is a societal and cultural problem.

Yes, much of which generated form horrific policy made by the very lawmakers attempting to deny that by pointing the finger away from themselves.

I know you didn't need anyone to point that out for you.  I just wish the day would come when someone would correct these game-players --- publicly.  

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Re: Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by Peter1469 Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:42 am

Here is the English translation of the letter:

Mr. President,
Ladies and gentlemen of
the government, ladies and gentlemen,

The time is serious, France is in peril, several deadly dangers threaten it. We who, even in retirement, remain soldiers of France, cannot, in the present circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country.

Our tricolour flags are not just a piece of cloth, they symbolize the tradition, through the ages, of those who, regardless of their skin colors or their confessions, served France and gave their lives for it. On these flags, we find in golden letters the words "Honour and Fatherland." Our honour today lies in the denunciation of the crime that afflicts our homeland.

A crime that, through a certain anti-racism, appears for a single purpose: to create on our soil an ill-being, even a hatred between communities. Today, some talk about racialism, indigenism and decolonial theories, but through these terms it is the race war that these hateful and fanatical partisans want. They despise our country, its traditions, its culture, and want to see it dissolve by ripping off its past and history. Thus, through statues, they attacking ancient military and civilian glories by analysing centuries-old statements.

A crime that, together with Islamism and the suburban hordes, leads to the detachment of multiple parcels of the nation to transform them into territories subject to dogmas contrary to our constitution. However, every Frenchman, regardless of his belief or non-belief, is everywhere at home in France; there can and must be no city, no neighbourhood where the laws of the Republic do not apply.

- Deement, because hatred takes over the fraternity during demonstrations where the authorities use the forces of law and order as substitute agents and scapegoats in the face of French people in yellow vests expressing their despair. This comes as infiltrated and hooded individuals ransack businesses and threaten these same law enforcement forces. However, they are merely applying the sometimes contradictory directives given by you, the rulers.

The perils are rising, violence is increasing by the day. Who would have predicted ten years ago that a teacher would one day be beheaded after leaving college? However, we servants of the Nation, who have always been ready to put our skins at the end of our commitment, as demanded by our military state, cannot be faced with such actions by passive spectators.

Therefore, those who run our country must find the courage to eradicate these dangers. To do this, it is often enough to apply without weakness the laws that already exist. Don't forget that, like us, a great majority of our fellow citizens are overwhelmed by your guilty swerfing and silence.

As Cardinal Mercier, primate of Belgium, said: "When prudence is everywhere, courage is nowhere." So, ladies and gentlemen, enough procrastination, the hour is serious, the work is colossal; don't waste time and know that we are willing to support policies that will take into account the nation's safeguarding.

On the other hand, if nothing is done, laxity will continue to spread inexorably in society, ultimately causing an explosion and the intervention of our active comrades in a perilous mission to protect our civilizational values and safeguard our compatriots on national territory.

As we can see, it is no longer time to procrastinate, otherwise tomorrow the civil war will put an end to this growing chaos, and the dead, for whom you will bear responsibility, will count in the thousands.

The signatory generals:

General of The Army Corps (ER) Christian PIQUEMAL (Foreign Legion),General of The Army Corps (2S) Gilles BARRIE (Infantry), Major General (2S) François GAUBERT former Military Governor of Lille, Division General (2S) Emmanuel de RICHOUFFTZ (Infantry), Division General (2S) Michel JOSLIN DE NORAY (Marine Troops),General Of Brigade (2S) André COUSTOU (Infantry),Brigadier General (2S) Philippe DESROUSSEAUX of MEDRANO (Train), Air Brigade General (2S) Antoine MARTINEZ (Air Force), GeneralS) Daniel GROSMAIRE (Air Force),Brigadier General (2S) Robert JEANNEROD (Cavalry),Brigadier General (2S) Pierre Dominique AIGUEPERSE (Infantry),Brigadier General (2S) Roland DUBOIS (Transmissions),Brigadier General (2S) Dominique DELAWARDE (Infantry), Brigadier General (2S) , Brigadier General (2S) Norbert de CACQUERAY (General Directorate of Armament), Brigadier General (2S) Roger PRIGENT (ALAT), Brigadier General (2S) Alfred LEBRETON (CAT), General Medical Officer (2S) Guy DURAND (Army Health Service), Rear Admiral (2S) Gérard BALASTRE (National Navy).

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Re: Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by jirqoadai Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:03 am

whats funny is its the " EU " who brought in the cesspool. i feel like Daffy Duck laughing my ass off at Friar Tuck ( Porky Pig )

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Re: Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by 2cent Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:06 am

@Peter1469, thanks for the sharing what proved out to be an exceptional letter that shines a light on who the adults in the room are.  

So it all boils down to the politicians being called to the mat, and not liking it.  It would be nice if they grew up, and took responsibility.  

Yes, the emboldened does strike a cord that hits very close to home here in the U.S.  Funny how the reaction from our politicians is the same as what we see coming out of France.

Speaking of which, guess who the NYT blames for the problems in France. (Along w/the usual suspects.)

[size=33]Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? Some of Its Leaders Think So[/size]
Politicians and prominent intellectuals say social theories from the United States on race, gender and post-colonialism are a threat to French identity and the French republic.
PARIS — The threat is said to be existential. It fuels secessionism. Gnaws at national unity. Abets Islamism. Attacks France’s intellectual and cultural heritage.
The threat? “Certain social science theories entirely imported from the United States,’’ said President Emmanuel Macron.
French politicians, high-profile intellectuals and journalists are warning that progressive American ideas — specifically on race, gender, post-colonialism — are undermining their society. “There’s a battle to wage against an intellectual matrix from American universities,’’ warned Mr. Macron’s education minister.

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Re: Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by vege57 Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:08 pm

The french have always been a little melodramatic

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Re: Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by Peter1469 Sun May 02, 2021 4:08 am

Paris Mayor Backs Military Chiefs Who Threatened To Seize Control From Macron Over Inaction On Radical Islam

A Paris Mayor who was raised in a devout Muslim household by Algerian immigrant parents threw her support behind a controversial letter by current and former military chiefs who said that if nothing is done about the "laxist" policies on radical Islam, it would require "the intervention of our comrades on active duty in a perilous mission of protection of our civilizational values."

"What is written in this letter is a reality," Mayor Rachida Dati of Paris' 7th arrondissement told France Info radio. "When you have a country plagued by urban guerrilla warfare, when you have a constant and high terrorist threat, when you have increasingly glaring and flagrant inequalities ... we cannot say that the country is doing well."

"The hour is grave, France is in peril," reads the letter, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" would lead to "civil war" and deaths "in the thousands."

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Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter Empty Re: Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter

Post by 2cent Sun May 02, 2021 11:08 am

Peter1469 wrote:Paris Mayor Backs Military Chiefs Who Threatened To Seize Control From Macron Over Inaction On Radical Islam

A Paris Mayor who was raised in a devout Muslim household by Algerian immigrant parents threw her support behind a controversial letter by current and former military chiefs who said that if nothing is done about the "laxist" policies on radical Islam, it would require "the intervention of our comrades on active duty in a perilous mission of protection of our civilizational values."

"What is written in this letter is a reality," Mayor Rachida Dati of Paris' 7th arrondissement told France Info radio. "When you have a country plagued by urban guerrilla warfare, when you have a constant and high terrorist threat, when you have increasingly glaring and flagrant inequalities ... we cannot say that the country is doing well."

"The hour is grave, France is in peril," reads the letter, adding that failure to act against the "suburban hordes" would lead to "civil war" and deaths "in the thousands."
Dati's comments come as France's Chief of Defense, François Lecointre, called the letter "absolutely revolting," adding of the active-duty signatories: "I hope that their automatic retirement will be decided."
It's striking how much that is going on in France directly coincides w/what is happening in the U.S.  That, along w/the rest of the responses, is what you'd expect to hear from Leftists in the U.S. who are in denial, and a little too easily offended.  And here I've been thinking that it can't be too long before we see a second French Revolution, American style.  
I'm a little off on that one, I guess.  Could be we'll be asking them for directions.  (Btw, I've been praying that our wouldn't go so far as France's first revolution went.)  

I wonder if people who can't handle the truth are simply those who can never admit to being wrong.  

"Arrondissement."  New word for me.  Thanks!   Now, "laxist," I didn't have to look up.  What a suitable word.

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