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Cancel Culture: The Real Virus

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Cancel Culture:  The Real Virus Empty Cancel Culture: The Real Virus

Post by Knightkore Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:20 pm

I think this needs to be addressed by all Americans right now.

Far more dangerous & more insidious than the supposed Wuhan virus which I think has been nothing more than a rebranding of the seasonal flu with nefarious ends in mind is Cancel Culture.

It starting last year but it is becoming increasingly more disturbing as governments pick up this habit.

And there are specific targets. As society picks up this new fad which they don't understand the ramifications of it the globalists are starting to use the force of governments & corporations to write new laws to usher in Cancel Culture with legal force behind it.

So what to do? How to fight it? This is essentially what Hitler did in Germany.

But there is no other country that is going to come save us especially since this is a global effort.

I have been really thinking on this in light of a current situation I find myself in on another social media platform.

Twitter banned President Trump. Facebook not ONLY banned President Trump but anything about him is banned. Well anything positive.

Twitter banned Project Veritas and permanently banned James O'Keefe for reporting the truth about CNN.

Do we decide to silence ourselves for fear they might ban us? I got banned from said social media platform for speaking out on how rules were going to be applied based on a government article they put up saying the government is being big brother to watch for social media Trump supporting extremists.

You KNOW what that means? Any Conservative and/or Christian is a target. In fact they already have us since the Clinton years listed as domestic terrorists.

So why silence ourselves? The result will be the same. We either do their job for them or we fight and maybe we get "cancelled" or maybe we win.

I do know we can't fight this without God. We fight this without God they are going to eat us for lunch. The devil they serve without the authority of Jesus backing us is powerful enough to take us out. And the devil & his minions do NOT want compromise or appeasement. They want our total allegiance or our destruction. There is no middle ground.

Anyway, this is the huge elephant in the room in America right now that we as Conservatives and Christians need to address and decide the side we are going to be on & how we are going to keep speaking out even under the threat of Cancel Culture.


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Cancel Culture:  The Real Virus Empty Re: Cancel Culture: The Real Virus

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:21 pm

THIS is EVERYwhere.  Social media, media, wherever you live, schools, entertainment, business, social circles.  And Now....Look at all boards.  They cancel for whatever reason they want, and often they make up their reasons...and now even conservative sites, not this one, are using the same technique even if they are calling it something else.   it is the same thing. Shows you how weak humans are. And how falling into that trap of corruption is so easy.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Cancel Culture:  The Real Virus Empty Re: Cancel Culture: The Real Virus

Post by Knightkore Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:26 pm

Calypso Jones wrote:this isn't just in society as a hole.  and by that i also mean social media.   Look at boards.  They cancel for whatever reason they want...and now even conservative sites, not this one, are using the same technique even if they are calling it something else.   it is the same thing.

This is it exactly. It is a really evil trend when even some who purport to be our allies engage in the same habits. Cancel Culture is quick becoming Cancel Law. Once that happens it is going to be very difficult to exercise our individual & protected freedoms under the Constitution. In fact in some ways without the proper & legal processes they are bypassing the Constitution altogether & erasing its protections in this very dark & insidious way.

Glenn Beck has touched on this.

Steve Deace has gone deeper on this & he is of the mind that we still have to speak out. We still have to fight.


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Cancel Culture:  The Real Virus Empty Re: Cancel Culture: The Real Virus

Post by Knightkore Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:30 pm


"I am suing Twitter for defamation because they said I... 'operated fake accounts,'" O'Keefe said in a statement. "This is false, this is defamatory, and they will pay. Section 230 may have protected them before, but it will not protect them from me. The complaint will be filed Monday."

{Well at least someone is fighting back. Good. This is what we need more of.....}

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Cancel Culture:  The Real Virus Empty Re: Cancel Culture: The Real Virus

Post by Jen Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:38 pm

Once the Cancel Culture ball gets rolling there is very little that is able to stop it. That ball is rolling and it's going to cancel all of us but the Marxists before it's done.

We hoped that those we elected to keep our Constitution safe would stand up for us and stop it. They didn't. Even our SCOTUS and our VP betrayed us. There is no way we can face it on our own. We are at the point now that we will have to fight our way out of this horrible situation.

Q and others are still claiming that God will save us and that behind the scenes, things are going swimmingly. They say that Biden isn't really president, that it's Trump and the Military is in charge and soon everyone will realize it and be grateful that we are saved. That won't happen. I don't know if these people are false prophets, liars, or just think they need to blow smoke up our shorts. Doesn't matter. We aren't going to get some Red Sea Water Parting moment where all of the Lefties are washed miraculously away.

This is our life and I guess we will have to adapt to what is here until we find a way out of it. God does have a plan. It's hard to be in a place with no hope ... and have to find a way not just to exist but to have hope. Maybe this is to be a valuable challenge for us. When things go well, it's easy to have hope and faith in our future. But when things turn sour and dangerous..........it's not so easy. At times like this, we have to choose to have hope and faith even though the future looks impossible.

Easy? Nope. I just want to sleep until it's done. I didn't want this kind of look for (what may be) the rest of my life. But I am doing my best to choose to have hope in the future and faith that God's got this.

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Cancel Culture:  The Real Virus Empty Re: Cancel Culture: The Real Virus

Post by Knightkore Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:22 pm

Jen wrote:Once the Cancel Culture ball gets rolling there is very little that is able to stop it.  That ball is rolling and it's going to cancel all of us but the Marxists before it's done.  

We hoped that those we elected to keep our Constitution safe would stand up for us and stop it.  They didn't.  Even our SCOTUS and our VP betrayed us.  There is no way we can face it on our own.  We are at the point now that we will have to fight our way out of this horrible situation.

Q and others are still claiming that God will save us and that behind the scenes, things are going swimmingly.  They say that Biden isn't really president, that it's Trump and the Military is in charge and soon everyone will realize it and be grateful that we are saved.  That won't happen.  I don't know if these people are false prophets, liars, or just think they need to blow smoke up our shorts.  Doesn't matter.  We aren't going to get some Red Sea Water Parting moment where all of the Lefties are washed miraculously away.  

This is our life and I guess we will have to adapt to what is here until we find a way out of it. God does have a plan.  It's hard to be in a place with no hope ...  and have to find a way not just to exist but to have hope.  Maybe this is to be a valuable challenge for us. When things go well, it's easy to have hope and faith in our future.  But when things turn sour and dangerous..........it's not so easy.  At times like this, we have to choose to have hope and faith even though the future looks impossible.  

Easy?  Nope.  I just want to sleep until it's done.  I didn't want this kind of look for (what may be) the rest of my life.  But I am doing my best to choose to have hope in the future and faith that God's got this.

Steve Deace on Blaze TV's theme this is year is "The answer is us." I agree. WE are the answer to fight back. We all have our roles but if we don't fulfill them the enemy has ground they could take. We are fighting on two fronts to keep the ground we still have and to retake ground they have stolen.

I know my God. We put Him first not only can we do it, we'll turn some of them into real allies fighting with us.

This is our time of testing. I pray He will find us all faithful.

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