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General Paul Vallely confirms the existence of Q

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General Paul Vallely confirms the existence of Q Empty General Paul Vallely confirms the existence of Q

Post by Garden House Queen Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:16 pm

Retired General Paul E. Vallely’s Interview
General Paul E. Vallely (Major General, USA, Ret.) was interviewed by show host Mike Filip on AmeriCanuck Internet Radio of Canada, October 14, 2019.  In a wide-ranging interview Filip and Vallely talked about Q-Anon, Antifa, the Deep State, politics, and the biggest threats facing the US.

Gen. Vallely was asked by a listener in Mike’s chatroom, “Who’s the individual calling himself or themselves Q?”

Gen. Vallely answered the following: “Q-Anon is information that comes out of a group called ‘The Army of Northern Virginia.’  This is a group of military intelligence specialists, of over 800 people that advises the president.  The president does not have a lot of confidence in the CIA or the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) much anymore.  So the President relies on real operators, who are mostly Special Operations type of people.  This is where ‘Q’ picks up some of his information.”

Mike Filip spoke about 8 Chan being dropped and relaunched as 8Kun, which would be backed up by a military satellite.  Gen. Vallely said he didn’t know about that, but that there is a separate internet being created, one that could not be compromised because it is so high-tech.  He said the Chinese are working on the concept as well. Q-Anon is expected to be posting on 8Kun very soon.

Gen. Vallely discussed the five biggest threats facing our country today:

Movement toward a socialist state in America
Cartels and illegal border-crossers
China’s expanding military and continuing support of North Korea
Undermining of Europe
Education of youth (who lack basic History & Science education)

March 23, 2021 – There have been a lot of discussions recently surrounding “Q” or “Qanon” and the possible identity of Q, especially since the recent HBO documentary by Cullen Hoback, “Q: Into The Storm.” One of the things I find fascinating while mystifying is the lack of research and/or consideration of a very real possibility which reviewers, critics, researchers and mainstream media (MSM) journalists somehow miss. Supposedly for three years the MSM has spent thousands of hours of time and invested massive resources to investigate the phenomena, and in all this time, no one has considered the possibility of a psyop? It almost seems as though they are actually avoiding this topic like the plague. Could there be a reason for the media to be intent on covering up certain connections between the world of intelligence and information warfare and the Q phenomena?

After spending three years as a dedicated Q researcher since the very early days of the Q posts, I believe this is an important line of inquiry that can and must be investigated. Considering that we live in the information age, where our data is syphoned and sold, and we know constant manipulation, nudging and micro-targeting will follow, this topic must be explored fully.
Americanuck Radio interview can be heard at link but youtube has taken the video down

Garden House Queen
Garden House Queen

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General Paul Vallely confirms the existence of Q Empty Re: General Paul Vallely confirms the existence of Q

Post by RV Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:31 pm

Excuse me but, it is ALWAYS the "retired", the "former" or some "anonymous" source. Just once I'd like to see someone who is a CURRENT employee who doesn't have bad blood, an axe to grind or some personal reason(s) for their accusations. The fact that they are paid well, represent the general public and are public servants never seems like enough...

As we saw with the covert actions of the Obama regime, you have to follow the money to determine motives.

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