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Medical Tyranny Protesters In Bulgaria Storm Parliament As Representatives Cower In Fear (Video)

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Medical Tyranny Protesters In Bulgaria Storm Parliament As Representatives Cower In Fear (Video) Empty Medical Tyranny Protesters In Bulgaria Storm Parliament As Representatives Cower In Fear (Video)

Post by Elizabeth Theus Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:41 pm

Bulgaria, a country that toppled Communism is now facing another form of Marxism out of their own government, and the people are not having it. On Wednesday, the people met to protest outside parliament against the green certificate health pass. It quickly turned into a storming of the parliament with agents of the state surrounding people and Bulgaria’s security services barricading the building in an attempt to keep the people out.

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Take a look at these video clips.

Novinite has the story.

On the day with the newest COVID-19 infections since the beginning of the pandemic, a protest against the green certificate blocked the center of Sofia. Demonstrators tried to storm the parliament building, and a police cordon pushed out the protesters.

Several women and police officers were taken out of the crowd after they felt sick.

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Earlier, a young man carrying a gas pistol was arrested. The weapon was confiscated and the detainee was taken to the police station.

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The demonstration was organized by the Vazrazhdane political party, which wants the green certificate dropped. Even before the beginning of the protest, the organizers announced that about 10,000 people from all over the country would take part in it.

The Vazrazhdane parliamentary group left the plenary hall during today’s sitting of the National Assembly to join the protest.

Meanwhile, the largest police union has called on protesters to avoid escalating tensions. Before the beginning of the demonstration on the square in front of the National Assembly, a water cannon was brought.

Here’s more video from the protest.

I have warned over and over that the police and the politicians engaged in this tyranny around the world are going to have it come to their front door pretty soon and so it is happening… and there is not pity for these cops nor the politicians who stand against the people for what they are doing.

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In fact, if you don’t believe what I just warned about, take a look at what the people of Kazahkstan did the other night to the agents of the state who have bullied and terrorized them.

Look and take heed!

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Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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