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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases Empty mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Post by Elizabeth Theus Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:49 am

COVID-19 proved that mRNA vaccines can work. Now, researchers are applying the technology to other diseases.

More than half of Americans are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Many of them received an mRNA vaccine that was developed by Pfizer or Moderna.

“mRNA is a blueprint to tell your cells what protein to make,” Dr. Scott Joy, an internal medicine specialist and Chief Medical Officer for HCA Healthcare Physician Services group, said.

“It’s either a protein that builds the cells, it’s a protein that fights an infection, or it’s a protein that has some other role in your body,” he added.

Though the COVID vaccines are new, research on mRNA and mRNA-based vaccines has been happening for decades.

“It’s interesting to look at the data from the late 90s from when the mRNA vaccines were being studied. The issue was not behind the basic science of why an mRNA vaccine would be effective, it was really how do you create a vehicle to get it into the cell to allow it to do what it needs to do. And that's what the last 20 years have really been about,” Dr. Joy said.

He said this technology can be applied to more than just COVID.

“We’re dedicating hundreds of employees, both in the U.S. and in Europe, to working on mRNA as one of the foundations for new vaccines,” Dr. Michael Greenberg, the vice president and medical head of Sanofi Pasteur North America, said. The company has been developing vaccines for decades.

“mRNA vaccines have been some of the ones that have gotten a lot of attention the past couple years because of their success that have been really shown during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Dr. Greenberg said.

Their efforts with mRNA started before the pandemic.

“We are the first ever to create, to start a clinical trial for seasonal flu vaccine using mRNA and so far the results are very promising,” he said.

The mRNA vaccines can be used to prevent illness in multiple ways.

“The idea was, can we develop a vaccine which is...not just focusing on one pathogen,” Dr. Gunjan Arora, a research scientist at the Yale School of Medicine, said.

Arora is part of a team working on an mRNA vaccine for Lyme disease – a tick-borne illness caused by a specific bacteria.

“The idea is if he can develop a technology where we can deliver multiple candidate antigens, can we stop ticks from feeding and eventually that would block the Lyme disease in humans,” he said.

Essentially, the vaccine would target antigens found in tick saliva, preventing it from feeding on people and reducing transmission.

Researchers say the advancement of mRNA COVID vaccines shows a lot of potential for mRNA use.

“Acceptability of any new technology requires a breakthrough, a validation process. Which I think COVID-19 has done in this case,” Arora said.

“With the success of these out of the gate, we're pretty excited about future opportunities as well,” Joy said.


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Elizabeth Theus

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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases Empty Re: mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Post by RV Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:13 am

"COVID-19 proved that mRNA vaccines can work", well thats what Democrats want everyone to think anyway. I guess it all depends on how one defines "work". If by "work" one means die then yes, they work. If by "work" one means that they can be used to control the population, then yes. If by "work" one means that sheeple will hold up in their homes and not go anywhere then yes. If by "work" one means that sheeple will be scared out of their wits, then yes. If by "work" one means that they can ignore the Constitution, then yes. If by "work" one means that they can require sheeple to wear masks as a means of submission, then yes.

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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases Empty Re: mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Post by JMWinPR Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:09 pm

In union parlance the article indicates we are in the "journeyman" phase. BHO would be JV. IOW I have no idea what they are talking about and so it seems, neither do they.


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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases Empty Re: mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:57 pm

Liz.  You need to look at the topic with video i posted...it's called...i forget the name of the topic but the term DIVINE is in it.


Last edited by Calypso Jones on Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases Empty Re: mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Post by Calypso Jones Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:58 pm

mRNA is NOT safe for anyone.   They are lying to us again in order to get us to put this damn poison in our bodies. do you know what the m stands for? MESSENGER. This messenger kills US.
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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases Empty Re: mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Post by Sprintcyclist Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:49 am

Messenger RNAs, mRNAS, are the messages that the cell uses to create a variety of proteins, which are building blocks and tools for cell function and survival. mRNA vaccines send that message with a blueprint, and it's a message that has an auto destruct feature, like Mission Impossible or a Snapchat message. The mRNA vaccine takes the blueprint of the viral spike protein, and enables the immune system to generate very protective high level neutralizing antibodies. The body recognizes that spike protein and remembers that it has seen it before, so that next time when there is an infection, it attacks the full virus.

Reports from the phase three trial of these vaccines show remarkable efficacy, even in different ethnic groups and age groups, which is quite significant because older adults tend to have lower responses to vaccines. The vaccines also have an efficacy of 95% of preventing symptomatic COVID disease. And this is very encouraging because this will allow rapid and thorough control of viral infection in the population.

The study also found that after a single dose of vaccine, some individuals did not approach the target antibody range. The boost from the second dose was needed to provide maximum protection. Additionally, having that booster dose will impact the durability or the longevity of the immune response generated.

In the past 10 to 15 years in the field of vaccinology and public health preparedness, there's been this focus on technologies in which we as a country and the world invested, without knowing what they would be targeting. mRNA vaccines have been tested in multiple clinical trials before, for infections like the Zika virus, HIV, and influenza. The mRNA vaccines are taking a small piece of the viral sequence and making mRNA out of them. It's not the entire virus, as it's impossible to make a whole virus out of the mRNA. The attractiveness of this technology is that you can program that message into an mRNA relatively quickly and with the vaccines being sorely needed it can be scaled up to meet that demand.



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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases Empty Re: mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Post by Calypso Jones Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:51 am

it is often very hard to imagine you as a person over 30.
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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases Empty Re: mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Post by RV Fri Dec 31, 2021 6:20 am

Calypso Jones wrote:it is often very hard to imagine you as a person over 30.

Some folks grow old physically but, never grow up mentally!

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