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Sheriff: Target goes Grinch, walks away from Shop with a Cop that benefits kids. Walmart: We’ll save Christmas.

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Sheriff: Target goes Grinch, walks away from Shop with a Cop that benefits kids. Walmart: We’ll save Christmas. Empty Sheriff: Target goes Grinch, walks away from Shop with a Cop that benefits kids. Walmart: We’ll save Christmas.

Post by Elizabeth Theus Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:01 pm

FLAGLER, FL – When Target Corporation abruptly walked away from its commitment to support the Flagler Sheriff’s Children’s Charities planned Shop with a Cop event, Walmart stepped up to aid deputies.

And they’d raised enough money to provide 125 children with presents for themselves and their families.

Screw target! They canceled the shop with a cop In Flagler County Florida last minute. So walmart gladly accommodated them.

— sansqwinch (@hooterb311) December 18, 2021

Donations collected from Flagler County Sheriff’s Office employees and the community provided the children with a free shopping spree at Walmart. Sheriff Rick Staly said:

“Shop with a Cop was a great success, and I appreciate everyone that donated and all FCSO employees who volunteered to take part in this amazing event.

“I’m very proud of our team that not only serves the community every day but also gives back to our community to help build a positive relationship between children and law enforcement.”

Flagler's Shop with a Cop gives 125 children and their families a holiday to rememberhttps://t.co/AQxgDrg8SQ

— Palm Coast Observer (@PCObserver) December 15, 2021

Walmart agreed to step up and help the charity after Target Corporation prohibited the local store from participating in the event it supported for 13 years.

Two men arrested and charged with the attempted murder of a Chicago cop after shooting him during a traffic stop

On the Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page, the department thanked Walmart for supporting the important community event when Target abandoned the program:

“When Target Corporation directed the local Palm Coast Target to cancel the Flagler Sheriff’s Children’s Charities planned Shop with a Cop event, the Grinch paid a visit. The Grinch then found a heart and joined FCSO and others in taking 125 kids on a free shopping spree to Walmart! (Paid for by donations from FCSO employees and the community.)

“Thank you, Walmart, for stepping-up and supporting Flagler Sheriff’s Children’s Charities Shop with a Cop event. See you next year!”

Huge thank you goes out to the Flagler County Tax Collector’s Office for donating $1,425 to the FCSO’s Shop with a Cop! 🎄🎉💙 pic.twitter.com/hf9l8UyBe3

— FlaglerSheriff (@FlaglerSheriff) December 6, 2021

The Facebook page also posted a letter Sheriff Staly wrote to Brian Cornell, chairman and CEO of Target Corporation, on December 15. In the letter, the Sheriff questioning Target Corporation’s abrupt cancellation of an event they have assisted with for years:

“Like many law enforcement agencies across the country the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office partnered with Target for over a decade to provide a ‘Shop with a Cop’ holiday shopping spree for local children who might not otherwise have Santa visit their home.

“This year was to be the same. We worked with your local Palm Coast store, selected a date and your employees were once again excited to participate.

Then on October 6, 2021, my staff received an email abruptly cancelling the partnership. We were told Target ‘retired’ the ‘Heroes & Helpers’ program and was ‘introducing a new give-back program to serve our communities, anchored to our purpose of helping families discover the joy of everyday life.

We’ll be expanding our impact and reach, partnering directly with local nonprofits organizations across the country to provide families in need with essentials, gifts and more.’

When we informed Target staff that Flagler Sheriff’s Children’s Charities was a nonprofit 501(C)(3) the email was ignored, and no response was received.

THANK YOU to the ELF SQUAD! Wow I couldn't have done it without you! FCSO Shop with a Cop is a success! pic.twitter.com/z5kj7HZDpS

— Flagler Sheriffs PAL (@fspal13) December 13, 2021

The Sheriff pointed out that Target corporate policies claims the company supports public safety partnerships and claims “Target is a shining example of public-private partnership.” Sheriff Staly said the cancellation of the event shows these claims to no longer be true:

“Your recent actions demonstrate these statements are little more than corporate propaganda. As with any attempt to deceive or influence the public your statements provide the tiniest grain of truth in an attempt to paint a false narrative.”

Thank you to AMVETS and the Blue Knights for donating $3,700 to the Flagler Sheriff's Children's Charities upcoming Shop with a Cop event! Your generosity will certainly bring some holiday cheer to children of Flagler County! 🎄🎁 #FCSO pic.twitter.com/0C2Gu0Qo57

— FlaglerSheriff (@FlaglerSheriff) November 30, 2021

The Sheriff’s Department responded to 428 calls for service at the Palm Coast Target so far in 2021, according to the Sheriff.

He wrote that since he took office in 2017, the department has handled more than 3,870 calls for service at the store. Considering these numbers, he questioned the motive for Target Corporation cancelling the event:

“In this aspect, you have definitely ‘engaged the [local] public safety community.’ However, as to partnering with law enforcement it is evident your organization has elected to follow the pathway of political convenience.”

Another year leads to another successful Shop with a Cop event, as the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office says 125 children and their families will now have a holiday to rememberhttps://t.co/WiRzEqeiem

— News Daytona Beach (@NewsDaytonaBch) December 13, 2021

Sheriff Staly said that when Target withdrew support for the important charity event at the last minute, Walmart stepped up to fill in the gap:

“As the Target Corporation displayed “Grinch” like behavior in cancelling the partnership at the last minute we went to your competitor Walmart who welcomed us with open arms.

On December 10, 2021, we took over 125 culturally diverse children partnered with over 125 law enforcement, corrections, and professional support employees shopping.

“Starting with a party, train rides, face painting, crafts, games and much more they rode in patrol cars with lights flashing and sirens blaring to Walmart (ironically, we drove by Target on our way to Walmart).”

Sheriff: Target goes Grinch, walks away from Shop with a Cop that benefits kids. Walmart: We’ll save Christmas. 268720220_2033102286864626_4989293192431189292_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=qejwE1D3XvsAX9pDK-i&_nc_oc=AQkbqjCQEjjBxBOr8PKSgn7D_cv6T6OyWsqWfpF9eEiXZlyiPIvfUWwtHfD9mx1vPKaBXXtymFlCSnhPLkFux3ig&_nc_ht=scontent-hou1-1
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The Shop with a Cop event kicked off with law enforcement officers and deputies from the Sheriff’s Office, the Florida Highway Patrol, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Flagler Beach Police Department, along with detention deputies, all of whom picked up pre-qualified children from their homes.

The children were taken to the Chiumento law office building in patrol cars, where they participate in games and fun before being taken to the Walmart with a police escort, lights flashing and sirens blaring all the while.

Once at the store, the children are each paired with an officer and a shopping cart. Thanks to the generosity of employee and community donations, each child was given $175 to spend on gifts for themselves and family members.

Christmas for a number of Flagler County kids became a little more special as employees from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office donated over $15,000 for the agency’s Shop with a Cop eventhttps://t.co/cxeN05Drhv

— News Daytona Beach (@NewsDaytonaBch) December 1, 2021

In a press release following the event, Sheriff Staly said:

“Not only did they volunteer their time, but they donated almost $16,000 to support the event and many reached into their pocket to pay any overage from their child’s shopping e.

“I encourage members of our community to support Flagler Sheriff’s Children’s Charities by making a tax-deductible donation. Our team truly enjoyed this experience and being able to watch the children get into the holiday spirit.”

As for Target Corporation, Sheriff Staly said good riddance:

“Please understand the purpose of this letter, it is not seeking financial support or backing, as you can see, we take care of our own.

Rather, this letter is designed to highlight the hypocrisy and double-speak which your organization demonstrates. Caving into divisive rhetoric does not build a community but erodes its foundation.

“I support your right to end our partnership however, it comes with a price; while I doubt it impacts your bottom line you have lost a customer in both my wife and me.

Further, I will educate my peers within the law enforcement community about your corporate action and decision. Finally, I will take the opportunity to discuss Target’s position in every public forum with which I have a platform.”

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Follow the money: NFL funding ‘defund the police’ movement through ‘Inspire Change’ program
December 16, 2021

NEW YORK CITY, NY – The National Football League (NFL) is funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars through it’s “Inspire Change” program to groups that promote the Defund the Police movement, according to a review by Fox News.

The NFL is donating money to at least three different groups who want to defund the police. Shameful. https://t.co/hXi5Aml3oO

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) December 15, 2021

According to the NFL’s website, “Inspire Change” was created by players and clubs “as part of an ongoing acknowledgement of the ways that systemic racism contributes to barriers to opportunity and equality.”

Groups that have received funds as part of “Inspire Change” program include the Vera Institute of Justice, the Oregon Justice Resource Center, and the Community Justice Exchange. All of these groups support defunding or abolishing the police, according to Fox News’ review of their public statements.

The NFL gave $300,000 to the Oregon Justice Resources Center (OJRC) through the “Inspire Change” program. The OJRC has ties to Antifa and has called for police defunding and other social justice measures.

Juan Chavez, on of OJRC’s attorneys, is representing Rice City Antifa member Luis Marquez, who once issued a threat to journalist Andy Ngo stating:

“Nothing makes me happier than the thought of (Ngo’s) masters turning on him & sending him to a camp. I am going to chop the dude’s skull up…I’m going to feed people the body of Andy.”

“Nothing makes me happier than the thought of [Ngo’s] masters turning on him & sending him to a camp," said Luis Marquez, an antifa militant w/an extensive arrest history. "I am going to chop the dude’s skull up…I'm going to feed people the body of Andy” https://t.co/ex39wZItjD

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) April 17, 2020

The OJRC tweeted in June 2020:

“The brutality of LE (law enforcement) & cruelty of our prisons are connected by the same malignant tumor: white supremacy.

“We must dismantle/defund it all.”

The brutality of LE & cruelty of our prisons are connected by the same malignant tumor: white supremacy.

We must dismantle/defund it all.

We didn't believe POC re LE brutality; we are making the same mistake by not listening to those incarcerated re their treatment.

— Oregon Justice Resource Center (@OJRCenter) June 10, 2020

The Fox report stated that the NFL has long been known to support calls for “social justice,” but that supporting groups calling for the defunding of police is not publicized:

“While the NFL’s general support of social justice causes is widely known, the fact that the league is propping up groups trying to defund police departments has not been previously reported.”

The Community Justice Exchange and Vera have also received funds from the NFL, but the amounts have not been released. Both organizations have been receiving funds from the league since 2020.

Fox News pointed out that the Community Justice Exchange intends to end incarceration, policing, and immigration enforcement. The organization states on its website:

“The Community Justice Exchange is working towards a world without prisons, policing, prosecution, surveillance or any form of detention or supervision.”

The same group operates the National Bail Fund Network, which includes the Minnesota Freedom Fund. The funding group made headlines for bailing out offenders during the 2020 anti-police riots. According to Fox News:

“The NFL’s support for the group includes supporting ‘75+ local community-based bail and bond funds, working to end money bail and pre-trial detention at the local level, and immigration detention at the national level,’ according to the NFL’s ‘Inspire Change’ website.”

Vera Institute of Justice is openly in support of defunding police and is vocal in its support. The group’s president, Nicholas Turner, wrote in June 2020:

“Vera is committed to dismantling the current culture of policing and working toward solutions that defund police and shift power to communities.”

NFL funding 'defund the police' groups through 'Inspire Change' program | Fox Business

Well what would u Fk’N expect from the ⁦@NFL⁩ (National Felons League)💯

🥀ƑʉͫcͧкͭιͪηͣSEXI🥀 (@cSEXI4) December 15, 2021

The NFL expressed its support for Vera on NFL.com, stating:

“Vera’s In Our Backyards initiative and its work to end the catastrophic rise of incarceration in small cities and rural counties, advance racial equity, and reinvest in supports and resources that build truly healthy and vibrant communities through policy advocacy, narrative-changing campaigns and research in partnership with community members and system stakeholders.

“Vera’s Policing Program and its work to advance crisis response programs, policies, and resources that connect people experiencing behavioral health crises to community-based services while minimizing involvement with police and the criminal justice system.”

NFL funding far-left ‘defund the police’ radicals via ‘Inspire Change’ social justice program: report https://t.co/1xZEdBIWH9

— Conservative News (@BIZPACReview) December 16, 2021

The NFL refused to address specific questions asked by Fox News, but did give a general statement:

“Our 33 social justice grant partners have been selected based on the critical work that they have done surrounding Inspire Change’s four pillars – education, economic advancement, criminal justice reform, and police & community relations – to break down barriers to opportunity, end systemic racism, and bridge the gap between members of law enforcement and the communities they serve.

“We stand by the work our grant partners have done and the lasting positive impact made in communities across the country.”

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Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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