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Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon

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Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon Empty Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon

Post by Calypso Jones Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:04 pm


#1. Autopsies of the Covid-vaccinated reveal billions of spike proteins throughout the vascular system, polluting vital cleansing organs and the brain.

#2. Nano-particle injections are causing myocarditis because the heart is straining to pump blood past all the microscopic “clots.”

#3. Healthy people, including athletes and military members, are dropping dead from “unidentifiable causes” within hours or days after getting the China Flu jabs.

#4. Vaccinated people are slowly and methodically losing their immune system function and suffering from antibody-dependence enhancement syndrome (ADE) and AIDS-like debilitation of white blood cells.

#5. The virus was made in a laboratory in Communist China and the vaccines are being pushed on the populace Nazi-style.

#6. Deaths from Covid-19 are still prominent among “fully vaccinated” people.

#7. Rare blood clots and aggressive cancer tumors are popping up in strange places in the Covid-vaccinated.

#8. The globalists who outwardly speak of depopulation using vaccines are the ones promoting the Covid jabs the most right now.

#9. The unvaccinated are being treated like the Jews of Nazi Germany; ostracized, blamed for everything that’s wrong, and deprived of jobs and normal living.

#10. Even the FDA and CDC admit the Covid vaccines do not keep you from catching Covid or transmitting it to others, so what’s their REAL purpose?

Want the best in truth news on your internet dial? Tune to Pandemic.news because it doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to see that Covid vaccines, Remdesivir, masks, ventilators and bad CDC advice are creating a pandemic of their own.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon Empty Re: Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon

Post by Red Lily Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:06 pm

Not all 'vaccines' are spike protein producing mRNA types (Moderna/Pfizer/BioNTech).

Some are viral vector (J&J/Oxford/AstraZeneca) which is also used for Ebola.

Others are recombinant (Novavax) the same as the ones that have successfully been used for decades to combat Cholera, Diptheria, Hepatitis B and Tetanus.

The point is (for or against) they are not all the same and shouldn't be lumped all together.
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Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon Empty Re: Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon

Post by Calypso Jones Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:11 pm

Here's a good question. How many vaccines have caused death and injuries such as the covid vaxx data indicates.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon Empty Re: Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon

Post by Casey Jones Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:32 pm

That's just it. The data is muddied up and government propaganda is shouted from media liars' mouths. And we know it's lies; because their stories of three, six, nine months ago, are PROVEN false.

Some of these lies they still cling to - such as, Jab victims can't get Wu Flu. That's so transparent a lie even some of the nooze frauds are refuting it.

We just can't know. But it sure seems like this is a dry run, or first attempt.

Coming up: Smallpox. Gates the sociopath is now babbling about how a smallpox pandemic is "likely" and "we better prepare." Meantime, in a lab in Philadelphia, a dozen vials marked "SMALLPOX" and more marked "VACCINE" were found in a freezer.

It's pretty obvious what they plan to do. Release smallpox, and poof! They have the "vaccine" all ready. Mixed with their damned, double-damned, God-damned mRNA genetic modification poison. The Deplorables won't DARE turn this down!

I'll die of smallpox, first. If it comes to that, I'll die of a gun to my throat. We really are living in some sort of End Times...these men are batshit crazy and no one can stop them.
Casey Jones
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Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon Empty Re: Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon

Post by Calypso Jones Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:58 pm

THere have been forced vaxx in this nation. smallpox. BUT it was not an experimental drug. and there were legal battles over this and how they did it. It was outrageous.

Then what about the number of times and what they were when vaccines failed to do the job...and what happened. They were recalled.

I'vegot the links. I'll pull them up and post them.

But here's what i do know too. When the govt pulls this stuff the medical field will comply to keep THEIR jobs and money. And they are MORE than willing to use the public, voluntary or not, for the governmental experiments.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon Empty Re: Top 10 signs that The Vaxx is a bio-weapon

Post by Casey Jones Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:12 pm

The pharma companies have COMPLETELY discredited themselves.

It's been coming a long time, but I didn't believe it at first. I used to be a Merck shareholder.

And these companies USED to create lifesaving drugs. I think the change was generational - the kids of the 1970s-80s started getting senior management positions. They have NO moral scruples or inhibitions. NONE.

With the story of pushing Oxy-contin and various stronger opioids, I at first dismissed it. But real-life stories from former salesmen from some of these companies, of the warnings that the FDA required of them, of how some were ONLY to be used with TERMINAL cases, because they were so addictive...were all discarded as physicians were given kickbacks to prescribe "off-label."

Then, I had surgery. Cripes, I forget the pain medicine I had...I was to take one dose, twice a day. First day at home, fine...and I'm in an opium cloud. Second day, I'm not feeling it. I take one more, and only feel it a little.

Hmm. Sounds like I'm building a physiological tolerance. Better cut back.

I was selling a motorcycle, same time - to pay for my month's vacation from working. A buyer was coming the afternoon after the morning I decided to go cold-turkey, with only ibuprofen. I wasn't in pain but my mind was a wreck.

Halfway through the dance of buyer-and-seller, with him deciding to buy...it hit me. I'm going through withdrawl! Less than four days, and I'm physiologically addicted!

Big pharma knows/knew that. Yet these opioids are STILL being handed out.

Now this horrific mess. These companies are getting into an immoral, illegal (Nuremberg Code) test of genetic manipulation with an uninformed public, and now, no easy way for the public who DOES know, NOT to participate! This is beyond immoral and illegal - it's Satanic. It's Josef-Mengele stuff.

Now, Gates is gonna have the Chin unleash smallpox, and have his pet pharma companies put the Transhumanist experimentation inside the "new" "vaccine."

I ain't having it.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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