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Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments.

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Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments. Empty Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments.

Post by Casey Jones Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:52 pm

This is a presentation by one Dr. Peter McCullough, walking the audience, mostly medical people, through how the quack-vaxx BYPASSED all the safeguards that had been put in place as regards vaccines.


There's a Rumble vid embedded. Also, the Gateway Pundit page has a Scribd transcript of the whole talk, in case the vid gets pulled.

It is ABSOLUTELY worth the hour to view. McCullough explains the whole of this in a way that even a Luddite like myself can grasp it.

Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Trusted Treatments with Untested Novel Therapies

[URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_A._McCullough']Dr. Peter McCullough[/URL] [URL='https://brightlightnews.com/winning-the-war-against-therapeutic-nihilism-dr-peter-mccullough-2021-10-01/']gave an extensive rundown[/URL] on everything Covid-19 vaccines, from safety and efficacy to the fraudulent “approval” of the Pfizer vaccine.

Dr. McCullough is a cardiologist and was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. McCullough is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. He was and is an advocate for early COVID-19 treatment that included hydroxychloroquine.

This speech by Dr. Peter McCullough was highly recommended by a highly successful and trusted friend in the medical community. Dr. McCullough says, “The disability of this vaccine will go down in history as an unbelievable atrocity.”

The information he shares here is a wake-up call to Americans. Over [URL='https://openvaers.com/index.php']15,000 are now dead[/URL] from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?

This is an important presentation from a very respected and knowledgable expert in his field.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments. Empty Re: Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments.

Post by vege57 Wed Oct 13, 2021 11:55 pm

""Doctor fired for spreading COVID misinformation""

""While McCullough said that doctors were probably afraid to show up to the event""

,"" one of Oklahoma's top infectious disease physicians, Dr. Anuj Malik, director of infection prevention and control at Ascension St. John, said that the doctors he spoke to were not afraid to attend. They were just not interested in sitting through what would be seen as a “politically-motivated, ideological speech by a modern-day quack.”

"With all due respect, none of McCullough’s ideas have been supported by any randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trials,"


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Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments. Empty Re: Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments.

Post by Casey Jones Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:17 am

Did you watch the whole vid?

He talked of immediate improvements using, in some nations, HCQ, and in others, ivermectin. Those results stand.

Nations and cities and systems that reject them, have high fatalities.

But he wasn't analyzing tests. He spoke of how there WERE no clinical tests on the gene therapy; how patients are immediately developing heart, liver and neurological issues tied to "microclotting" and how the FDA and CDC are jiggering the stats by rejecting, discarding, information in categories that don't feed The Narrative.

Those who haven't seen the vid, I recommend you do so and make up your mind. But those who have decided, independent of facts...aren't going to be persuaded.

Not by anything.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments. Empty Re: Theraputic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Proven Treatments.

Post by vege57 Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:21 am

Casey Jones wrote:Did you watch the whole vid?

He talked of immediate improvements using, in some nations, HCQ, and in others, ivermectin.  Those results stand.

Nations and cities and systems that reject them, have high fatalities.

But he wasn't analyzing tests.  He spoke of how there WERE no clinical tests on the gene therapy; how patients are immediately developing heart, liver and neurological issues tied to "microclotting" and how the FDA and CDC are jiggering the stats by rejecting, discarding, information in categories that don't feed The Narrative.

Those who haven't seen the vid, I recommend you do so and make up your mind.  But those who have decided, independent of facts...aren't going to be persuaded.

Not by anything.

No studies that would be accepted by the medical fraternity, You claim that vaccines have been rushed through without proper investigation but you are quite happy to accept his findings without proper investigation ?

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