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Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception

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Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception Empty Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:48 pm


The alacrity with which clueless, rank-and-file Americans begin spouting the newspeak du jour would be comical, if it weren’t so terrifying. The mythical, made-up, nonsensical term “fully vaccinated” is just the latest inane assault on common sense and science being spouted by people who have spent less time in a science lab than your average paramecium. That’s the comical part. The terrifying part is that they’re doing so on cue from their media masters without even having to be told.

There’s a reason we say that someone who is merely repeating something they heard is “parroting” someone else. Parrots, although highly intelligent, don’t “speak,” they simply mimic sounds. There is no cognition, no understanding of what the sounds mean, merely rote mimicry. Which is exactly what these benighted boobs who are saying they’re “fully vaccinated” or asking if you’re “fully vaccinated” are doing.


It started a year and a half-ago with R0 values. Overnight, people who can’t balance their checkbook and who wouldn’t know a regression analysis or the difference between the median and the mean if you offered them a million dollars on a game show became epidemiological statisticians. When those of us who actually DO know how to gather the data needed and how to do the calculations tried to tell them they were being lied to, because there was no way to determine the denominator, they looked at us blankly and simply regurgitated what their TV had told them, but this time with extra moral righteousness.

We Were Warned
George Orwell understood this susceptibility to indoctrination, which is why he tried to warn us. Not only in Nineteen Eighty-four and Animal Farm, but in his excellent 1946 essay, Politics and the English Language. He coined the terms “newspeak” and “thought-crime” in the former and gave the world the expression “Some animals are more equal than others” in the latter. And his essay comments on the mechanical repetition of well-worn phrases as a substitute for critical thought-processes. Unfortunately, works that were intended to awaken the masses have merely served as how-to manuals for Leftists, as we have seen writ large during the Scamdemic.

My uncle understood this propensity of human nature on a more fundamental level. Trapped in a post-fireworks traffic jam when I was ten, he leapt from the car, stepped into the road, and began directing traffic. My uncle wasn’t in uniform, he wasn’t even a cop, he just stood there gesturing…and people obeyed him. When he held up his hand for a car to stop, it stopped. When he motioned for another car to go, it went. This continued until OUR car was through the logjam, at which point he hopped back in the car and off we went.

I looked back and started laughing at the scene behind us, which quickly devolved into chaos. When I asked my uncle where he learned that stunt, he simply replied, “People are sheep, they need to be led.”

That was almost fifty years ago, but the lesson has stuck with me all my life. People are sheep, they need to be led. Which is one of the big reasons I am as outspoken as I am. I’ve been trying to protect people from themselves, despite the gnawing understanding that I’m as likely to succeed as Holden Caulfield in that rye field. But I persevere, all of us who have been standing up, waving our arms, and yelling without being heard persevere because we know we are right and we know the harm that those in power can do and want to do by wielding the psycho-linguistic weapons Orwell so expertly elucidated.

The Rise of the Karens
But as discouraging, disheartening, and demoralizing as it has been to see how quickly and how willingly the majority of our fellow citizens not only succumbed to the gaslighting, the brainwashing, and the media manipulation by the Government-Pharma-Media Complex over the past 18 months, the obnoxious moral superiority with which they have hectored those who disagree into complying is even more depressing.

The Government-Pharma-Media Complex Demands Homogeneity of Thought
Someone (it’s attributed to Mark Twain, but there’s no record of him actually saying it) correctly stated that “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.” Man alive, is that ever an understatement.

People with precisely zero exposure to actual science and who couldn’t make heads nor tails of a medical journal article began yelling “PUT ON YOUR MASK” to others who dared not wear a face diaper. And this DESPITE their hero, the fascist Dr Fauci, saying ON VIDEOTAPE that wearing a cloth or paper mask is useless against a virus. They actually believed in their heart of hearts that walking through a restaurant unmasked posed a grave risk to life, but sitting for an hour or two at a table didn’t.

2020 gave us a new term for these people: Karen. You could show them the Fauci video, the pictures of schoolchildren with MRSA infections on their faces, or the graphics showing that masks are as effective against viri as chain-link fencing is against mosquitoes. You know, actual science. Didn’t matter, they welded on their ignorance and wore it like armor. And they were going to be in your face telling you what to do simply because they saw it on TV. The Stasi had nothing on these people.

The Tide Is Turning
But the tide is turning. The constant flip-flopping has exposed the cracks in the fascist façade and the false-narrative spewing bureaucratic hacks are starting to be seen for what they’ve always been: petty tyrants on a power trip. Some people woke up after “two weeks to flatten the curve” was exposed as a lie. Others remained asleep until “cases” (NOTE: a (false-)positive PCR test is NOT a “case”) exploded in countries and states with the most draconian lockdowns, maskerade mandates, and vaccination rates.

Many more have awakened with each change in the definition of “vaccination” and each justification for turning yourself into a genetically modified organism. First it was “to confer immunity.” When it was shown that the deathjabs don’t confer immunity, it became necessary to get them “to reduce transmission.” When, again, the shots proved not up to that task, the Government-Pharma-Media Complex ratcheted up the rhetoric, saying the experimental injections were necessary “to lessen symptoms.” And more and more finally saw that the emperor has no lab coat every time they were spun a new lie.

The rapid shift from “get jabbed and get a free donut” and “get jabbed and win a million dollars” to “get jabbed or we’re not going to let you work or buy food” shocked millions into sentience.

But the game-breaker came this week when the Lockstep Left tried to hammer Nicki Minaj into submission for daring to tell people to pray on their decision to get jabbed and not get bullied. The Left cannot tolerate dissent, especially by someone with over 100MM social media followers.

First they sent the execrable Joy Reid to shame her into getting back on the Democrat talking points plantation. THAT didn’t end well, as Nicki astutely observed that they had sent a black woman to attack her so they wouldn’t be accused of being racist. Instead of meekly getting back in line, Nicki doubled down, firing back like a battleship broadside on the professional lying class.

It Ain’t Over Until Its Over
It’s amazing the salutary effect that a little public defiance can have. Far from being a tempest in a teapot, L’affaire Minaj has emboldened others to stand up and say, hold up; since when is free speech something to be vilified? A growing majority of Americans…especially black Americans…who had already been having doubts, but had taken the path of least resistance and went along to get along, suddenly felt emboldened to say #MeToo and express their fears and doubts about what was in these crypto-concoctions.

And Just Like That…Nicki Minaj Became a Free-speech Heroine For Refusing to Be Silenced
Although celebrities like Chris Rock might STILL be all-in for the death jab despite catching a bad case of DA ‘RONA!, they are being openly mocked on Twitter. So too are the eight “fully vaccinated” New Orleans Saints coaches who got DA ‘RONA! despite turning themselves into GMOs. Whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork to expose the institutional lies that have been told and the crimes against humanity that have been committed. A Colorado coroner who blew the whistle on Gov. Jared Polis for including in the state’s COVID death toll a homicide-suicide she had examined. James O’Keefe is teasing another big Project Veritas bombshell related to the not-a-vaccine this week.

But this has quickly become a youth movement. From “F*UCK JOE BIDEN!” chants sweeping the college football landscape to Nicki Nights at clubs, young people have seen for themselves how corrupt, how self-serving, and, yes, how evil the Government-Pharma-Media Complex really is. The scales are off their eyes and they ain’t going back on.

Perhaps I’m a cockeyed optimist, but I truly believe that in the end, we will win. I said earlier that I’ve been outspoken because I’m trying to protect people from themselves, but that’s only partly true. The Bible tells us that much is expected from those to whom much has been given and I feel obligated to speak out.

I’ve been blessed to have acquired an education that has enabled me to correctly analyze the CoronaCon from January 2020 on. I was warning about the mRNA injections in April of 2020. Brooke and I been blessed to have befriended several doctors who have successfully treated tens of thousands of COVID-19 patients and we’ve had them on the podcast to provide sound medical information. We do this because we want you to have the information you need to make informed decisions, something the authoritarians don’t want you to do.

Ultimately our faith rests in the LORD and we know that, in the end, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall proclaim that He is LORD. Until then, we keep fighting the good fight. Thank you for joining us. Please share and encourage others to join us, as well. Together, we are invincible.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception Empty Re: Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception

Post by HawkTheSlayer Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:54 pm

I enjoyed reading that.

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Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception Empty Re: Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception

Post by 2cent Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:11 pm

"The Emperor has no lab coat."  


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Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception Empty Re: Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception

Post by JMWinPR Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:02 am

2cent wrote:"The Emperor has no lab coat."  


Wellllllll considering the Emperor is a lab rat, it needs no coat


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Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception Empty Re: Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception

Post by Sprintcyclist Mon Sep 20, 2021 6:13 am

HawkTheSlayer wrote:I enjoyed reading that.

I thought it was rubbish


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Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception Empty Re: Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception

Post by JMWinPR Mon Sep 20, 2021 4:39 pm

Sprintcyclist wrote:
HawkTheSlayer wrote:I enjoyed reading that.

I thought it was rubbish
I can understand that, he used several 3 syllable words


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Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception Empty Re: Scamdemic Myths and the 'fully Vaccinated' deception

Post by Sprintcyclist Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:16 am

....... Vaccination is reducing hospital admissions, and now the pressure on the health system looks set to be markedly less than government modelling predicted. ...............

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