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Covidian Cult initiates human sacrifice- no mercy no bodily integrity

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Covidian Cult initiates human sacrifice- no mercy no bodily integrity Empty Covidian Cult initiates human sacrifice- no mercy no bodily integrity

Post by Calypso Jones Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:08 am


"In today’s world of failed schools and the masses all but begging to be turned into slaves, most don’t know or appreciate that we based the system of government in the United States on the concept of securing individual rights. The US Constitution is “the law of the land’ and it is important to examine and not ignore it in times of government overreach. We do not consider the preamble of the Constitution to be law. It is a set of principles that introduces us to the rest of the document.

Among those principles is a commitment to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” This is an important phrase in our Constitution because our Founding Fathers sought to create a government whose purpose was not to distribute individual rights, but to “secure” them. It is clear, not only in the preamble, but in other parts of the document, that the purpose of government is to protect our rights. Most of our founding fathers and the population they represented were properly distrustful of government power, having just experienced tyranny and a revolutionary war for hard fought independence. They rightfully saw government power as a monster and created our Constitution and its amendments as a chain to hold that monster at bay. It is this very thinking that led to the writing of the Bill of Rights. The title itself speaks volumes. “Bill of Rights” was not called “Granting of Rights” (for example) because it was recognized that our rights are given to us by our creator, not by a king or any other authoritarian body.

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It is not a coincidence that the very First Amendment begins with the phrase “Congress shall make no law…” This clarifies that the Bill of Rights is intended as a restriction upon what the government may do. It doesn’t say “People can speak freely.” It says “Congress shall make no law…” This phrase sets the tone for the first 10 Amendments for a reason, the federal government exists solely to “secure the blessing of liberty.”

A private property owner or a private business has every right to require proof of vaccination if they so wish. Those unwilling to be vaccinated can choose not to work for or enter the establishment. They may end up finding a different employer or a different business to deal with. However, requiring vaccines as a condition of attending political events, public areas (such as the roads and airways), or religious services runs afoul of the 1st, 4th, and 14th Amendments. Further, it has long been common law that even the touching of one person by another without consent and without legal justification was a battery.

The Supreme Court in Union Pacific Railroad Co V. Botsford held that “no right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded, by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law.” This is known as “bodily integrity” and it is the requirement that informed consent is required for medical treatment. Even those in a vegetative state are granted bodily integrity. The US Supreme court has a history of ruling that the right of self-determination should not be lost merely because an individual cannot sense a violation of it, the court has held that incompetent individuals keep a right to refuse treatment. It has also held that such a right could be exercised by a surrogate decision maker. The common-law doctrine of informed consent is viewed as encompassing the right of a competent individual to refuse medical treatment.

Even prisoners have bodily integrity protections. In Washington V Harper, the Supreme court ruled that prisoners possess “a significant liberty interest in avoiding the unwanted administration of antipsychotic drugs under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.” Even in the left’s favorite Supreme Court ruling of all time, Roe V. Wade, it was argued that “a State’s interest in the protection of life falls short of justifying any plenary override of individual liberty claims . . . ” Is the left now so concerned with saving lives via vaccination and masks that they will disregard the language of Roe V Wade?

As I have written previously, with the authoritarian left’s well documented endorsement of people and policies that have led to so much death over the course history, it is ironic that they now seem concerned with preventing people from getting sick and dying from COVID-19. If they aren’t careful, they might get labeled “Pro-Life.” The only thing the left cares about, and ever will really care about, is power and control. Destroying the individual rights that our Constitution was designed to protect through scare tactics and a vaccine mandate is just their latest attempt at collectivist rule. And while the left’s collectivist dream of everyone being vaccinated is forced upon anyone and everyone regardless of their religious beliefs, or their individual health circumstances; innocent men like Dereck Kovick are offered up for sacrifice on the left’s latest altar of cultish intolerance."

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Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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