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Woman cites nursing manual to show giving COVID vax without consent is criminal act

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Woman cites nursing manual to show giving COVID vax without consent is criminal act Empty Woman cites nursing manual to show giving COVID vax without consent is criminal act

Post by Elizabeth Theus Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:31 pm

A woman claiming to be a nurse explained in a video clip posted online how she was taught in class that forcing someone to take a vaccine without their permission is a criminal act in what was perceived to be a reference to COVID-19 jabs.

“In nursing, we are taught about intentional crimes and torts,” the woman begins, speaking to a small group of people gathered in a room.

“Right? That’s what you’re speaking to, informed consent,” she continued, pointing at someone off-camera.

Reading from a piece of paper, she said that “intentional tort is assault and battery.”

“Assault is the threat of an unwanted action or bodily contact. Battery is an assault that is carried out and includes willful, angry, violent, negligent touching of another person’s body, clothing, or anything attached to them,” she continued.

Thus “forcibly removing patient’s clothing and administering an injection after patient has refused it are all examples of battery,” the woman said, holding her papers aloft and adding that what she read “is all from a nursing book from four years ago.”

“This is what they teach us. If we did this to a patient — if you told your patient informed consent, and they said no and you did it anyway, you would go to jail, you’d get your nursing license taken away, and you would be a criminal,” she added.

“So now, what they’re doing, they’re putting us in a position of saying, Either you become a victim of a crime, voluntarily — and the nurse giving the injection when they know you don’t want it is committing a crime — that nurse can lose their license,” she added.

“And we’re being told to be a victim of a crime or lose our employment,” the woman went on. “I understand the conditions of employment. I understand there’s certain things you do and don’t have to do. But nobody should have to become a victim of a crime that could result in somebody going to jail and losing their medical license in order to keep our job.”

The woman’s identity has not been verified, and COVID vaccines are not mentioned in the video. However, the shots are increasingly being mandated by governments and private corporations, and businesses now that the Food and Drug Administration has approved the first one — the Pfizer-BioNTech shot — last month.

President Joe Biden has said that all federal employees are going to either take the vaccine or be subjected to weekly tests that many view as a hassle. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has announced as well that all members of the military will be required to get the vaccine or face expulsion and potential disciplinary action for disobeying a lawful order.

Still, legal action against and opposition to the mandates have been cropping up all over the country.

Out west, San Francisco deputies threatened to quit last month after Mayor London Breed issued an order requiring all 35,000 city employees to get the shot.

“If deputy sheriffs are forced to vaccinate a percentage of them will retire early or seek employment elsewhere,” a Facebook post stated, going on to warn that a mass exodus of deputies from the force is something San Francisco “can not afford.”

Also last month, a Trump-appointed federal judge halted a COVID vaccine mandate at a Louisiana medical school.

In Oregon, meanwhile, a group of about 35 firefighters and police officers have filed suit through their unions to stop Gov. Kate Brown’s vaccine mandate.

Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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Woman cites nursing manual to show giving COVID vax without consent is criminal act Empty Re: Woman cites nursing manual to show giving COVID vax without consent is criminal act

Post by Elizabeth Theus Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:32 pm

Any nurses out there who can validate this?
Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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Age : 69
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