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Democrats sneak provision into Defense Authorization Funding Bill to make women register for the draft

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Democrats sneak provision into Defense Authorization Funding Bill to make women register for the draft Empty Democrats sneak provision into Defense Authorization Funding Bill to make women register for the draft

Post by Elizabeth Theus Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:34 pm

The next time we hear Democrats talk about “protecting women,” we’ll remember what they did this past week.

Conveniently included inside the defense authorization funding bill, House Democrats included a provision that would require all women over the age of 18 to register for the draft.

The provision was proposed by Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA), who claims the policy would best draw on the “talents of our entire nation,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

However, according to an Isos poll, only one in three women support adding women to the draft. Republicans slammed the legislation, with Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, leading the charge.

“I feel confident that in an emergency that the women of this country would step up and volunteer as needed,” she said.

“It seems like this is a solution in search of a problem…We don’t need to draft women in order for women to have equality in this nation.”

Clearly, Hartzler is correct. Participation of women in the military has steadily increased since 2004, increasing to 17 percent in 2018. In addition, a larger percentage of women in military serviced received officer commissions than men.

Critics of the measure say that the United States should be focusing on having the most effective fighting force rather than trying to check off boxes on a diversity checklist.

According to Terry Schilling, president of the American Principles Project, who led a fight against the measure told the Free Beacon the decision would have a devastating effect on those who passed the bill.

“I think I’m speaking on behalf of millions of fathers across the country when I say I don’t want my daughters drafted into the next military conflict,” Schilling said. “To conscript them into the military and put them on the frontlines is a nightmare.”

The measure passed by a vote of 35-24, however five Republicans crossed party lines to support it. A similar measure passed in the Senate by a razor thin margin, with Sens. Tom Cotton (R-AR), a former Army Ranger, and Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), an Air Force veteran slamming Democrats for including the measure in the annual spending bill.

“Our military has welcomed women for decades and are stronger for it,” Cotton said in July.

“But America’s daughters shouldn’t be drafted against their will. I opposed this amendment in committee, and I’ll work to remove it before the defense bill passes.”

“I support our military’s efforts to offer more opportunities for women who want to volunteer to serve,” Wicker said, also in July.

“But when I think of my own daughters and granddaughters, I could not in good conscience support an amendment that would compel their military service.”

“I voted against forcing women to enter the draft and here’s why,” wrote Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO).

“American women have heroically served in and alongside our fighting forces since our nation’s founding. It’s one thing to allow American women to choose this service, but it’s quite another to force it upon our daughters, sisters and wives. Missourians feel strongly that compelling women to fight our wars is wrong and so do I.”

In the House, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) eviscerated House Democrats for approving the bill’s amendment. Roy slammed Democrats and the five Republicans who jumped party lines to vote for the amendment, saying he doesn’t trust them to “do anything at all,” in particular when it comes to promises made that women would only be drafted into “non-combat” roles, Gateway Pundit said.

Roy then listed in a nine-part Twitter thread all the reasons why he doesn’t trust the political class, including the national debt, the China virus, up to and including America’s energy.

“Maybe it’s because you (both R&D) have amassed $30 trillion in debt and are blowing through trillions more…all while giving lip service to ‘balanced budgets for decades…

“Maybe it’s because you (both R&D) have talked about securing our border while Texans suffer—our ranches, our schools, our hospitals—Fentanyl pouring into our communities…murders, rapes…dead migrants on ranches…all in the false name of compassion…

“Maybe it’s because you (both R&D) politicized a virus…giving us wildly varying propaganda about its origins, the nature of its communicability, the efficacy of your mandated measures in response including vaccines, and ignoring our treatments…

“Maybe it’s because you (both R&D) have destroyed our healthcare system and made it impossible to get the doctor of our choice at a remotely affordable price all in the false name of ‘coverage.’

Maybe it’s because both R&D have had us at war for 20 years…without any actual new UMF or consistent guidance from our political leaders about victory…all while our troops sacrificed, and we set the stage for a gutless president to surrender and empower our enemies…

Maybe it’s because you’ve funded education bureaucrat after education bureaucrat to teach our kids that American (sic) is evil and racist, to take God out of our schools, and otherwise make it impossible for parents to safely turn their children over to the schools…

“Maybe it’s because you’ve (both R&D) caused America, despite sitting on a vast reserve of energy supply, to render us less secure economically and less secure against our enemies to appease institutional investors and the Acela corridor cocktail circuit.

Roy saved his best parting shot for last:

“Now you—including likely 28 GOP House members voting for an NDAA lasts night to do so—want to draft my daughter and ‘just trust you’ not to put them into combat? All of DC—all of it—can go straight to hell. #DontDraftOurDaughters”

In addition to wanting to send our daughters off to combat, Democrats also blocked a Republican attempt to block critical race theory. Democrats stifled an amendment sponsored by Hartzler, as well as Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Mark Green (R-TN), which would have prevented military academies and instructors of enlisted personnel from teaching the neo-Marxist ideology.

“When it comes to law enforcement and the military, you can’t tolerate lies and a lack of integrity,” Schilling said. “It’s very concerning to me and millions of families across this country that the military is embracing lies like critical race theory.”

The breakdown in the Senate as to those who voted either yes (or not present) on the amendment to drafting women into war were:

Deb Fischer (R-NE)
Joni Ernst (R-IA)
Sen Thom Tillis (R-NC)
Sen Dan Sullivan (R-AK)
Kevin Cramer (R-ND)
Sen Rick Scott (R-FL)
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)

Those who voted no were:

James Inhofe (R-OK)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Tom Cotton (R-AR)
Josh Hawley (R-MO)
Mike Rounds (R-SD)
However only Cotton and Hawley voted no on the final markup of the National Defense Authorization Act.

Democrats…Republicans…in general, all cut from the same cloth.

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As we recently saw in Afghanistan, our ruling class and the military leadership have taken their eyes off the ball. For more on the military’s new priorities, we invite you to:


NELLIS AFB, NEVADA- The mission statement of the United States Air Force is to “fly, fight, and win—airpower anytime anywhere.” The mission of the Air Force goes on to talk about “integrity first,” defining an Airman as a “person of integrity, courage and conviction.

They must be “willing to control their impulses and exercise courage, honesty and accountability.” We’re looking for the part where it says that drag shows are “essential” for the “readiness of the military.” Nope, haven’t found it.

The Washington Examiner tells us that Nellis Air Force Base and the 99th Air Base Wing in Nevada hosted a “drag queen” show at the base last week, referring to it as “essential” and “an opportunity” to learn about the “significance of drag performance art.”

Time was, the military would concern itself with how to defend the country against those who hate us, such as Russia and China. Now, it has turned into a social experiment. Putin and Xi must be shaking in their boots.

Nellis Air Force Base, located just outside of Las Vegas, is supposed to be an aviation training facility which contains a specialty Warfare Center.

According to the website, Nellis conducts training for Air Force pilots with what is called among the most advanced air combat in the country. In 2001, for example the program was described as “the largest and most demanding advanced air combat training in the world.”

Now, it has apparently morphed into a social justice experimentation lab.

After the event was slammed by critics who believe the military should be more concerned about their mission of protecting the country instead of virtue signaling, a base spokesman defended the drag program.

“Ensuring our ranks reflect and are inclusive of the American people is essential to the morale, cohesion and readiness of the military,” said Nellis Air Force Base spokesman Lt. Col. Bryon McGarry in an email regarding the program, called the “Drag-u-Nellis” drag show.

The show was held at an on-base dining and entertainment club last week and was described as “an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the history and significance of drag performance art within the LGBT+ community.” According to McGarry, the “event was sponsored by a private organization.”

“Nellis Air Force Base is committed to providing and championing an environment that is characterized by equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion,” the statement added.

A digital flyer for the event read “CLASS IS IN SESSION,” while inviting attendees to “Discover the significance of Drag in the LGBT+ Community.”

According to the Nellis Top 3’s private Facebook page, the group, which sponsored the event said it hosts events to “enhance the morale, esprit de corps, of all enlisted personnel assigned to the [99th Air Base] Wing and to facilitate cooperation between members of the top three enlisted grades.”

“The base Top III will provide a form for its members to meet, share personal experiences and expertise and assist one another. It may function as an added channel of communication within the chain of command, between the commander, and the enlisted force on Nellis AFB,” it continued.

This is just another in a line of recent news involving the military that should probably have Americans pretty concerned. Is the military there to kill people and break things, or is it there as some kind of a grand social experiment?

In just the past couple of weeks, we have seen the Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley roll over and embrace critical race theory, an ideology based Marxism. We have seen the military providing sex-change surgery for personnel on the taxpayer’s dime. And now this.

Seventy-six years ago, Americans stormed the beaches of Normandy, France to liberate that country and start to bring about the end of World War II.

Does anyone have any confidence that, presented with such a threat to our liberty and freedom today that the military, under “leadership” such as that provided by Gilday and Milley, would be willing and able to defend our country?

It sure doesn’t seem that way.

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LET Unity

Meanwhile, we recently reported on a “diversity and inclusion” officer in Department of Defense who previously compared former President Donald Trump to Hitler has been reinstated into his position. For more on that, we invite you to:


The following contains editorial content written by a retired Chief of Police and current staff writer for Law Enforcement Today.

WASHINGTON, DC- Americans rely on our military to be apolitical. Their mission is fairly simple—protect the homeland, and as the late, great Rush Limbaugh used to say, kill people and break things.

The military doesn’t exist as some great social engineering proving ground where woke ideology is drilled into the men and women who protect our country.

We are fairly certain that the military apparatus in say, Russia and China aren’t worried about political correctness. They understand the mission of the military.

Not in Biden’s America however.

American Military News tells us that a so-called “diversity and inclusion officer” under U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has been returned to his post this week after past social media posts were unearthed in which he compared former President Donald Trump to Hitler.

If he’s looking for people to compare to a ruthless power obsessed dictator, he might want to take a look at the current occupant of the White House.

Richard Torres-Estrada, the first person ever appointed to such a position was reinstated after an “investigation” into his comments.

“Mr. Torres-Estrada has resumed the duties of the Chief of Diversity & Inclusion for United States Special Operations Command after a USSOCOM commander-directed investigation into the circumstances surrounding his hiring concluded and found no violations of law or DoD regulation, SOCOM spokesman Ken McGraw told Military Times last week.

Torres-Estrada was appointed to the newly created position in March and immediately came under harsh criticism when a June 2020 Facebook post was uncovered in which he posted a meme of Trump which compared the former president to Adolf Hitler.

The meme in question was accompanied by a caption reading, “Here I leave this and slowly retire (to continue working from home)…”

The meme showed a picture of Trump holding up a bible in front of the St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC, which was torched by Black Lives Matter rioters.

Next to Trump was a picture of Hitler holding up a book. Of course the “fact-checkers” at Fakebook marked the photo only with “partly false information,” because the photo of Hitler had been doctored.

Last July he also posted another anti-Trump meme which had alleged quotes from former Trump advisers criticizing him; Torres-Estrada added the caption, “I just have to post this.” In other words, he’s a leftist political hack, a perfect addition for the woke Biden administration.

Just this past February, mere weeks before being appointed to a position within the military, he posted another meme critical of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), where the senator was criticized for taking his family out of state in the midst of a widespread power outage in his home state.

At the time, SOCOM said, “We are aware of the allegations and are looking into them now.”

Shortly afterward, USSOCOM issued a statement saying that Torres-Estrada had “been assigned other duties” at the command “pending the results of the investigation.”

Breitbart News said that in addition to the initial statement trumpeting the leftist Torres-Estrada’s return, they added:

“USSOCOM is confident in the hiring process and Mr. Torres-Estrada’s potential to fill this important position.”

When Torres-Estrada was hired to the position initially, the command touted his experience and qualifications on Instagram:

“Mr. Torres-Estrada has nearly two decades worth of experience working diversity and inclusion programs and activities in federal agencies.

Mr. Torres-Estrada’s arrival corresponds with the publication of the USSOCOM D&I Strategic Plan, which will guide the enterprise-wide effort to institutionalize and sustain D&I. We look forward to Mr. Torres-Estrada’s contribution in enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of #SOF through diversity of talent, helping us recruit the best of the best.”

Biden is of course pushing to turn the military into some grand woke social experiment, which can pretty much be guaranteed to compromise our national security, with the focus being taken off our enemies and training a battle-ready force, and instead indoctrinating recruits to hate America.

Because as we all know, people who hate our country and what they are “told” it stands for will make people willing to sacrifice their lives for it like, oh say those at Normandy.

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Some members of Congress, however, have raised concerns about the direction the military is heading into, with the concern being that instead of promoting cohesion, togetherness and patriotism, the military instead is being divided along racial and gender lines.

For example last week Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) a military veteran questioned Defense Secretary about complaints he has received from within the military, who complain about being segregated by race and sex for the purposes of “stratify[ing] people based on their perceived privilege.”

Cotton also said a special ops community member was told by an official that “the U.S. special operations community is racist.”

In another case, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday (who should be fired in our opinion) was slammed over his decision to include the anti-white, racist garbage book “How to Be an Antiracist” by black supremacist Ibram X.

Kendi on its official reading list. Kendi was recently pressed to define “racism” which he was unable to do.

Gilday couldn’t answer simple questions posed to him by Congressional Republicans, including one by Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) in which he asked Gilday if he supported Kendi’s statement that the capitalist system in the United States is racist. Banks it should be noted is a veteran of the United States Navy.

Gilday, who was clearly not prepared to answer Banks’ questions got snarky and condescending at times, including when Banks asked him if he supported some of Kendi’s more outlandish beliefs.

“I’m not going to sit here and defend cherry-picked quotes from somebody’s book,” Gilday said. “I’m not going to do that…”

Banks asked Gilday if forcing naval personnel to read a book which in essences says all white people are racist fulfills the Navy’s mission and builds unit cohesion. Gilday once again deflected and didn’t answer the question.

Probably the most telling part of the testimony was when Banks asked Gilday if Kendi’s past statement that white people had deliberately caused the AIDS virus and whether that was an extremist belief.

“Sir, I’d have to understand the context of the statement,” Gilday started, when Banks told him it was a simple yes or no question.

So, military commanders who used to be more concerned about having battle-ready forces at their disposal are instead more concerned about diversity and political correctness.

Last week, commanders of both the Navy SEALS and Army Special Forces spoke to the Associated Press about the importance of diversity and inclusion in special ops.

According to Naval Special Warfare Commander Rear Adm. H. Wyman Howard III, he hopes having a more inclusive force can better protect the country…seriously.

“I think, in a republic, it’s a foundational point—you have to reflect the people you defend,” he said.

In addition, U.S. Special Operations Command Commander Lt. Gen. Fran Beaudette said that organization has loosened some restrictions on who is able to try out for special forces units, while creating teams to reach out to more diverse populations.

On May 25, Breitbart reported that both civilian and military personnel with Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) are being encouraged by the Pentagon to attend a diversity, equity and inclusion conference.

Gens. George Patton, Omar Bradley, and Dwight Eisenhower, as well as Adm. Chester Nimitz must be rolling in their graves.

Entire article & videos at:

Elizabeth Theus
Elizabeth Theus

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