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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Calypso Jones
Elizabeth Theus
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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by Elizabeth Theus Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:38 pm

A mother successfully defeated a campaign by therapists who excluded her and her husband from her 10-year-old daughter's treatment to turn the child into a transgender, according to a new report.

It is Walt Heyer, who famously was transgender, lived as a woman for years, then returned to his birth gender, who wrote of the case at the Federalist.

How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Heyer

The issue for the child, who like her mother was not identified, was that she recently had changed from one school to another, was forced into online schooling by COVID, and was "just on overload," Heyer reported.

But he said when "Mindy," whose story was shared with permission, exhibited stress, and her folks took her to a counselor at her pediatrician's office, the campaign began.

"I share [the mother's] terrifying experience of almost losing her young daughter in a few short months," he said. "Her story illustrates how easily a 10-year-old girl can be groomed into a cross-sex identity, but for the intervention of her mindful parents."

Heyer said the situation followed a five-step process he's described before. The first move is to exclude parents.

In Mindy's case, he explained, doctors cited her stress to isolate her in a hospital for six days – where "advocates are free to indoctrinate the child into transgenderism."

Is there a concerted effort to warp the minds of American children when it comes to gender?
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The mother reported medical personnel, "They told us she was suicidal and she needed to be taken to be evaluated in house [hospitalized]."

They tried to keep her longer, she pointed out, "refusing us updates or anything, so we told them we were coming to get her with or without their blessing."

But the "counselor appointments" continued, without the parents.

The second step Heyer described is leaping to a gender dysphoria diagnosis.

"[They] quickly diagnosed her with gender dysphoria (without telling us) and possible Asperger’s in addition to the previous GAD [Generalized Anxiety Disorder]. I felt like they did not listen to me…I told the pediatrics office and counselor that this started when my daughter changed school… leaving her friends and the only school she had ever been to. [Then] school became virtual [and] nothing was normal," the mother said.

Explained Heyer, "Notice how the counselor didn’t listen to the parents and their knowledge of their child. Obvious triggers—changing schools, leaving friends behind, lockdowns, and the resulting anxiety and depression—were ignored. To me, this is reckless medical malpractice and it happens far too frequently."

The third step is the affirm the cross-sex identity, he said. Often, he explained, "schools, counselors, and teachers affirm and encourage children in a cross-sex identity (new name, new pronouns, new wardrobe), and even keep it a secret from the parents."

In Mindy's case a therapist boldly told the parents Mindy would be addressed by a male name, her parents did some fast research, and informed the therapist Mindy would not return.

Heyer said the next step is to glorify the trans identity.

"Children are attracted (and groomed) through the influence of their peers, social media, and teachers. It’s easy to see why a child who hits a rough period emotionally, or feels socially awkward or isolated, would be drawn to identifying as transgender as a means to acceptance and attention," he explained.

The final step is to vilify anything that challenges the trans agenda, Heyer said.

He explained, "Major medical associations have changed position statements to advocate for political ideology over sound medical practice. In 20 states, counselors can lose their licenses if they question a client’s transgender identification instead of reinforcing it."

Mindy's case, however, is how parents "can release a child from the grip of a 'gender dysphoria' diagnosis," he wrote.

"She didn’t follow blindly the opinions that ran contrary to her observations and common sense. Instead, she researched and found resources to educate herself," he said. Then "She withdrew her daughter from the harmful influence of trans-affirming health professionals, then sat quietly with her daughter and listened with love. It worked."

Ultimately, Mindy was able to share with her mother her reasons for anxiety, including the schooling, but also because two older kids an encouraged her to research transgenders.

Elizabeth Theus
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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by Elizabeth Theus Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:39 pm

This is just EVIL child abuse!!!!!
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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:53 pm

It is Liz. It is evil. but you know...you cannot just turn your kids over to the schools...they'll teach them perversion, they'll brainwash, they'll totally screw up their values and your family traditions. On everything.
Calypso Jones
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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by JMWinPR Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:09 am

Seems more than a few people need to be taken to the woodshed, for some one on one therapy. And when complete instead of returning them to society, turn them into wood chips and compost them


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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by jirqoadai Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:26 am

JMWinPR wrote:Seems more than a few people need to be taken to the woodshed, for some one on one therapy. And when complete instead of returning them to society, turn them into wood chips and compost them
if you leave them tied to the trees, the pigs, dogs, birds and ants will eat them......dead or alive.

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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:02 pm


Here are four key things we should be aware of regarding the current transgender literature:

1. First, transgender literature is in its infancy stage of a research agenda. The types of research methods and questions asked in the peer-review literature reveal that these studies are only at the exploratory phase. This means that the approaches used to investigate the experiences of the transgender population cannot establish a causal relationship between claims that are made, such as the claim that the use of cross-sex hormones will reduce suicidal thoughts. The research methods, alone, prohibit such a claim from being made.

2. Much of the research scaffolding the idea that “transgender procedures save lives” is based on web/survey data, which captures people’s opinions from one moment in time. These data points do not account for suicidal thoughts or mental distress over time or long-term. By design, these studies cannot establish that hormones/surgery are responsible for a reduction in negative mental health outcomes. The methods themselves give us this answer, regardless of how many advocacy, medical, academic, or professional groups say it’s true.

3. The transgender literature has recycled some of the same web survey data from participants who were enlisted from the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Although this isn’t necessarily a bad method approach for an exploratory study, in the initial phase of a research agenda, it is unconscionable that this level of inquiry would be explicated to a recommendation for removing healthy organs, particularly for children.

4. This body of literature asserts a causal link between gender affirmative medical care and mental health outcomes. This conclusion is erroneous because the research methods don’t allow for it and the variables known to affect the transgender-identifying population and suicide rates in general have been omitted from the investigations. That is, no study to date can claim that gender affirmative medical care clearly reduces:

Suicidal ideation
Suicide attempts
Gender dysphoria

Would you have any of your vital organs, such as a kidney, removed because a few studies by advocates for kidney removals launched web surveys and found that some people felt less mental distress at the idea of an organ removal or because some people accessed services to remove their healthy kidney?

At this point, we must ask: Where are the research methods to establish the conclusion that access to transgender medical interventions bolsters mental health? There are none. But we still hear from our highest political offices that these practices “save lives.” Such a claim is both dangerous and patently false, and it is based on a body of data that is immature, to say the least.

**To read more about how the science around transgenderism and other issues is being politicized, see these publications:

Follow the Science: Does Anyone Know Where We Are Going? (Part 1 of 2)
Protecting the Vulnerable: A Call to Uphold Ethical Standards in Treating Gender Confusion
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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by RV Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:15 pm

These so-called "medical experts" may be able to give kids drugs to block thier puberty, surgery to destroy thier genitals but, nothing they do will change the Chromosomes that God created and put into their cells.

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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:18 pm

We've always know the diff between a male and female. What seems to be the problem now?
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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by EvilCat Breath Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:26 am

This is just what they did to my step great granddaughter. For a year she was groomed to be a boy named Eddie. Every time she insisted she was a girl, her parents were accused of conversion therapy. She's 12. She would come here where she could feel comfortable as a girl. Of course Grammy and Grampy indulged her. She got bits of make up and a couple of bralettes from Victoria's Secret. Just before school let out, Emma was given testosterone medication and a breast binder to give her a more masculine chest. The poor girl cried constantly and threatened suicide,

Her folks packed up her eyeliner and lingerie and sent her to relatives in Texas. We will likely never see her until she is an adult.

This has to stop. If not voluntarily, then forcefully. These evil people have to be forced to leave children alone.

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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

Post by vege57 Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:38 am

EvilCat Breath wrote:This is just what they did to my step great granddaughter.   For a year she was groomed to be a boy named Eddie.  Every time she insisted she was a girl, her parents were accused of conversion therapy.  She's 12.  She would come here where she could feel comfortable as a girl.  Of course Grammy and Grampy indulged her.  She got bits of make up and a couple of bralettes from Victoria's Secret.   Just before school let out, Emma was given testosterone medication and a breast binder to give her a more masculine chest.  The poor girl cried constantly and threatened suicide,

Her folks packed up her eyeliner and lingerie and sent her to relatives in Texas.   We will likely never see her until she is an adult.

This has to stop.  If not voluntarily, then forcefully.  These evil people have to be forced to leave children alone.

What sort of moron does that sort of shit to a kid ?

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How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child' Empty Re: How a mom defeated strategy to make her 10-year-old girl a boy! 'Her former therapist was attempting to manufacture a transgender child'

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