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Public Education vs Christian Education

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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by Calypso Jones Mon May 31, 2021 4:10 pm


Public schools in the United States actively teach religion. One aspect of a religious worldview is origins: the question of where everything, and of course humans, came from. Public schools in America are commissioned, under threat of legal action, to teach evolution as the origin story. And evolution is not observational science since it’s not observable, repeatable, or testable. Instead, evolution is a religious doctrine that is dependent upon naturalistic principles, yet it lacks unambiguous evidential support. But that doesn’t stop public schools from teaching it.

There are several ways to demonstrate evolution as a foundational element of education in our country. One way is to review recommendations from powerful public-school teachers, unions, and associations. For instance, according to the 40,000 member-strong NSTA,

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) strongly supports the position that evolution is a major unifying concept in science and should be emphasized in K–12 science education frameworks and curricula. Furthermore, if evolution is not taught, students will not achieve the level of scientific literacy needed to be well-informed citizens and prepared for college and STEM careers. (emphasis mine)
The NSTA’s recommendation is the ruling guideline for science education in our country. When that guideline is challenged, legal action ensues. For instance, in 1981 the state of Louisiana prohibited the teaching of evolution in public schools with its “Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science in Public School Instruction Act,” aka the Creationism Act. The Supreme Court struck down the Act in Edwards v. Aguillard in 1987. Since then, it’s only become worse. Various courts have upheld the dominance of evolution indoctrination in public education in multiple venues and states.

1990: In Webster v. New Lenox School District, a teacher claimed the school district violated his First Amendment rights by prohibiting him from teaching creationism in his classroom. The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled against the teacher.
1994: In Peloza v. Capistrano School District, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held a teacher can be ordered to teach evolution even when the theory conflicts with their religious beliefs.
2000: In LeVake v. Independent School District #656, a teacher stated he would only teach evolutionary theory alongside “the difficulties and inconsistencies of the theory.” The district reassigned him, and a court upheld the teacher’s demotion.
2005: In Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover, a US district court rejected the teaching of non-sectarian intelligent design as a religious view. Evolution won again.
Every challenge a school district or teacher has brought against teaching evolution in public schools has failed in the courts. The religious origins narrative of evolution is protected by law. When public schools get out of line, lawyers straighten them out.

The teaching of evolutionary origins is just one demonstration of the religious nature of public education. But it’s not the only one. Public schools, to varying degrees, actively promote unbiblical views not just in science but sex education, LGBTQ+ ideology, critical race theory, and a host of other worldview and religious issues. This does not suggest that all public-school teachers reject the Bible. Many teachers and students in the public school system follow Christ but are very limited, leaving the religious nature of public education unchanged.

Public schools cannot support biblical Christianity because they are founded on a different, naturalistic religion. At its core, public education is anti-Christian. Going back to your child and those 2,210 days in the classroom: if she attends a public school, those 2,210 days will indoctrinate her into an anti-Christian worldview. Even if that is not the intent, it will be the effect.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by Jen Mon May 31, 2021 4:29 pm

My three younger children had a Christian school education almost all the way through.  Beginning with 4th grade for my twins and 1st grade with my daughter.  I home schooled them in the later years  from 8th grade and 5th grade respectively. I used Christian curriculum (ABeka and a little Bob Jones).

Despite Leftist college  education they are all solid thinkers.  My daughter had some strident feminist influence as she got her Master's, but she is introspective enough that she will think through it in due time.  

My oldest went to DoD schools overseas until he was in the 5th grade and he attended public schools from that point on. I was the one interviewing his teachers on Parent/Teacher Conference days.....and he was fortunate to have Christian teachers in the key classes where they were needed.  His college was Seattle U ....a Jesuit school.  Eek.  I know.  I didn't see that they had any terrible influence on him.  He's fine.

As parents, wherever our kids go to school, we need to be proactive in their education.  My parents didn't hover, but our home when I was a child had plenty of books, and classical music records, and educational games to play.  Our kids' education is our responsibility as parents.

At this point in time I would NOT teach in a public school nor would I send my children there. My grand children are locked into a fine private school....

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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by Calypso Jones Mon May 31, 2021 5:01 pm

My kids went to public schools but from day 1 i was on their cases daily to see what they were being taught. I deprogrammed on a daily basis and i kid you not...THAT is what i did.

It took a long long time but i was relentless. When one of the kids got me on a rant, the other 2 would say to that sibling...'you get the point'. They knew what my opinions were going to be.

I KNEW i had prevailed when my kids would come home or call me from college and say, 'you'll not believe what the teacher/professor said in class today. heh heh heh

I had books, certain movies that they were acquainted with...the classics because when a teacher tried introducing the class to something through a movie...my kids had already seen it.

My grandkids here are in a christian classical school. they know latin, the bible, logic, algebra and the oldest is just finishing up 8th grade.

My grandbabies in Florida are homeschooled by their dad. The 6 year old has been reading for a year, they know cursive and can do simple addition, subtraction and division. they know their multiplication tables.

I guess i did a better job than i thought. All my grandchildren are NOT in public schools, they're little patriots and christians.
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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by Calypso Jones Mon May 31, 2021 6:36 pm

What are your kids learning in public school.

How to hate this country
That their uneducated little selves are little geniuses capable to telling everyone else how to live.

To be little skulls full of mush virtue signallers

To be lazy and let johnny do it.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:25 pm

Public Education vs Christian Education Aog8Mnx_460swp
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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by Calypso Jones Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:43 pm

My daughter was talking to me about a conversation she had with my granddaughter just this weekend.

Mad said of the girls in her Lacrosse team....'sometimes i believe i don't have much in common with them when we are just talking'

....  Mom says, 'how is that?'

well she says, they talk about their boyfriends, their crushes, getting ready for the dance,  a test comes up now and again.  

Mad is the only girl in her class of boys.  7 to 9 kids total.  she's known these guys since preschool.  They are friends in the true sense and not love interests and THAT is exactly what we want.  They party together, matter of fact she is hosting a dance here on our property at schools end like she did last year...actually the parents and grandparents are the hosts, meaning my family.  Other parents invite the whole class to their homes for catered dinners or parties during the summer and school year.   Often because of the small class size they invite the 8 and/or the tenth graders too.   WHO is it that encourages these CHILDREN to form liaisons with boys. It always ends up in them hating each other or worse.

It it is amazing to watch these intelligent, innocent, young people interact and enjoy themselves.  As part of their end of year ceremonies they are required to give 3 minute speeches to their fellow students, parents and teachers/administrators.

I can understand this  'disconnect' because Mad at 14 and 9th grade takes physics, debate, logic, christian education, etc which is far ahead of virginia public school children.  Their teachers are into group work, watching film in class, letting them get on their phones, teaching them about globalism, sex education and how to  protest. MAD is reading plato in class and GK Chesterton on the side.  She's had latin for 4 or 5 years and will start Greek next year.   We discuss these things PLUS do the fun stuff too like talking about discrepancies in the HP books and did Rowling consider this when she made 'that' a part of the story.   I'm being very nonspecific here to save time on the HP stuff.  Plus we enjoy watching movies and discussing them as we go along.  She is a voracious reader.

forgive my bragging...but i am so proud of all four of them.   My Mad is my little right wing radical if you will.  She will not sit still and be told what to think.  She is her own person...and she is very social, but she is strong in her beliefs.  She tells the story on herself when she was very young she was in the principals office every week until she learned self control.   LOL  My baby girl!!   She was taking piano lessons and the teacher called her mom to tell her that madison would not do what she said.  Mom says, Mad you have to obey your piano teacher just like you must obey  your school teachers too.... her reply...'well nobody told me THAT'.  LOLOLOL

All of them the girls especially, can hold their own with adult conversation. I mean conversations with adults...nothing untoward of course.    People who know no better charge that christian schooled or homeschooled children lack socialization, are backward.    Nothing is further from the truth.    

Pardon my rambling but this is going in my gramma book and these are reminders.
Calypso Jones
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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by RV Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:04 am

Public schools, Universities & Colleges are basically indoctrination camps for the masses. The religion of socialism and communism are taught there and forced into young minds. Many if not most of the indoctrination specialists (i.e. teachers) there, are Communist operatives.

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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by jirqoadai Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:28 am

i dont, and have never seen it that way. our children are future adults. ewe people need to stop calling them kids. and CJ, yew need to give children more respect other than threatening them with a bow.

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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:03 am

This is what can happen to your beautiful daughter after a couple years in University.

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Public Education vs Christian Education Empty Re: Public Education vs Christian Education

Post by Calypso Jones Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:10 pm

is your child being forced to endure Silent Lunch.

the schools say it is to make the children eat...what it is really about is controlling their socializing skills...which in a pubic school is sketchy anyway.


cruel. Way to teach...take the fun out of it.
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