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Meme cooker

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Meme cooker Empty Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:44 am

While memes are seen as cheap entertainment and laughs, you should also consider that they are used in multiple warfare fronts. This can be seen in the likes of propaganda posters, clips, graffiti, and indeed memes. When you look back at the 2016 campaign we had the "Jump for Trump" memes doing the net, just because something is old doesn't mean it cannot work again. They can work if they are relevant or else been 'juiced up' to re-enter the ring. Governments from China to North Korea to Russia to Iran work on these things, but at the moment you would be looking to get Trump back in.

So we would have to be looking at a variety of factors, which cannot be simply said to be a monolithic bloc.
I will continue this later, but I will leave you this from the Tree of Life/Kabbalah

Let us examine the ten sephiroth in the four worlds, the sephiroth names or the names of the God aspect and Archangels do not change only the colours do. What I will do now is give each sephira a number and add its attributes underneath the name and divide them by the alphabet, eg. 15a) Sephira name, 15b) God aspect name, 15c) Archangel name, 15d) Atziluth colour, 15e) Briah colour, 15f) Yetzirah colour, 15g) Assiah colour, 15h) Virtue, 15i) Vice, 15j) Incense, 15k) Planetary influences.

1a) Kether (Ket-tah)
1b) Eheieh Asher Eheieh (I am what I will be) pronounced 'Eh-heh-yeh Ash-sha Eh-heh-yeh'
1c) Metatron (Mettah-tron)
1d) White
1e) White
1f) White
1g) White flecked with gold
1h) Attainment
1i) None
1j) Ambergris, however this is unrealistic to obtain. However using an imitation Ambergris or Opium incense is acceptable.
1k) None, can be used with all planetary influences

2a) Chokmah (Hock-mah)
2b) Jah (can be pronounced Yah or alternatively the name Jehovah can be used)
2c) Ratziel (Rah-tzee-el)
2d) Light Blue
2e) Grey
2f) Iridescent Grey
2g) White flecked with red, blue and yellow
2h) Devotion
2i) None
2j) Musk
2k) Zodiac hours both planetary and mechanical

3a) Binah (Bee-nah)
3b) Jehovah Elohim (Jehovah can be pronounced as is or can be pronounced Yah-hoh-voh. Elohim is pronounced as El-lo-heem)
3c) Tzaphkiel (Tzaf-kee-el)
3d) Crimson
3e) Black
3f) Dark Brown
3g) Grey flecked with pink
3h) Silence
3i) Avarice/Greed
3j) Either Civet, Myrrh, Assafetida or Sulfur
3k) Saturn

4a) Chesed (Hess-sed)
4b) El
4c) Tzadkiel (Tzad-kee-el)
4d) Violet
4e) Blue
4f) Purple
4g) Azure flecked with yellow
4h) Obedience
4i) Tyranny
4j) Onycha or Saffron
4k) Jupiter

5a) Geburah (Gheb-booh-rah)
5b) Elohim Gibor (El-lo-heem Gib-bor)
5c) Khamael (Kamma-el)
5d) Orange
5e) Red
5f) Scarlet
5g) Red flecked with black
5h) Courage
5i) Destruction
5j) Tobacco or hot, spicy incense
5k) Mars

6a) Tiphareth (Tif-far-reff)
6b) Jehovah Eloah va Daath (Yah-hoh-voh El-lo-ah vah Da-art. The alternative for Daath is Daas and for Eloah is Aloah)
6c) Raphael
6d) Rose pink
6e) Yellow
6f) Salmon pink
6g) Amber
6h) Devotion to the great work
6i) Pride
6j) Frankincense
6k) Sun

7a) Netzach (Net-zark)
7b) Jehovah Tzabaoth (Yah-hoh-voh Tzab-bayot)
7c) Haniel (Hanny-el)
7d) Amber
7e) Green
7f) Yellowish green
7g) Olive flecked with gold
7h) Unselfishness
7i) Lust
7j) Cinnamon, Red Sandal or Benzoin
7k) Venus

8a) Hod (Hodd)
8b) Elohim Tzabaoth (El-lo-heem Tzab-bayot)
8c) Michael
8d) Violet
8e) Orange
8f) Brick red
8g) Yellowish black flecked with white
8h) Truthfulness
8i) Dishonesty
8j) Storax or Cloves
8k) Mercury

9a) Yesod (Yes-sodd)
9b) Shaddai El Chai (Shad-die-El-Kye)
9c) Gabriel
9d) Indigo
9e) Violet
9f) Dark purple
9g) Citrine flecked with azure
9h) Independence
9i) Idleness
9j) Jasmine, Camphor or Lignum Aloes
9k) Moon

10a) Malkuth (Mal-koot)
10b) Adonai ha Aretz (Adon-nye ha Ar-ratsss)
10c) Sandalphon (San-dal-fon)
10d) Yellow
10e) Citrine (alternatives are olive and russet)
10f) Citrine flecked with gold
10g) Black rayed with yellow
10h) Discrimination
10i) Inertia
10j) Dittany of Crete, Earthly smelling type incense
10k) As with Kether all planetary influences can be used, there is no Earth "day" or hour

Leon Xiv

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:14 am

Just some more rambling....

One has to view the production and distribution of memes as part of a military campaign, because that is what it is - a part. It is part of a means to an end, and not the end itself. Just like the tires on the wheels on a car, you need them for the car to have traction on the surface you are driving on. But if you neglect the other components of a car (such as the ignition, engine, fuel, etc.) then you will be going nowhere.

So in order to launch a meme campaign, you will have to consider and take in subjects such as art, colour, psychiatry/psychology, target media and distribution, the targeted audience and bystanders, timelines, short and long term effects among others. Your job will be to make and distribute memes in context to the current time, it is not a matter of getting a cheap laugh. Just like posters made by the likes of Hitler, the Soviet Union, North Korea, and Iran are not made for just a cheap laugh. The opponents you face today are not just North Korea and Iran, but also include the democrats, Antifa, and its numbers of criminals, perverts, and nutjobs.
These people will use places like universities to gain and exchange knowledge and information in relation to the internet, political activism, criminality and art to further their cause. The simple fact is "bastards help bastards" and "if it works - you win!"
We must at least match them, so don't be afraid of re-editing and reusing memes from the past.

Although I have given you a brief use of colours I think I should put them into a usable context. The colours I have refered to so far are those used on the Tree of Life in the 4 Worlds. Yes it is copied from one of my eBooks (Taking, Holding, Keeping - Possession and Exorcism Today), but we should also consider factoring in the occult. I have seen people with demonic "sigils" tattooed on their skin, and we should also consider the possibility of using the likes of sigils and other symbols in memes. We could also factor in gematria (numbers). You maybe asking 'why would we bother?', well certain numbers, colours, and combinations thereof can trigger certain types of people. Not in a mass psychosis sort of way, but rather in random ways.
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but your thousand words and mine may vary.

So if we look in a secular way how colours are applied and understood, we have these examples.
Pink - to calm down thugs and nutjobs.
Red - to infuriate people.
Orange - to obtain attention.
Purple - pomp and majesty.
Black - illness and death.
Green - hippy type crap.
Grey - business.
Blue - money.
Yellow - cowardly.

But looking at those colours you might prioritise different meanings such as blue for boys and pink for girls (traditional), but as words, meanings, and terms are constantly being redefined (by the likes of social media and antifa in universities) we have to look at strategies. But that leads you to ask yourself; What do you want to do? What are you willing to do?, and What is preventing you from achieving it?
You need a mission statement that you will adhere to, yes you may not adhere to it 100% as you originally had the concept of because of circumstances. So you should have fall back plans and options in reserve. Understand the circumstances involved for both yourself and your mission.

Leon Xiv

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:29 am

Stuff you should use.

Meme cooker 50107766221_ea5b844aeb_c

Meme cooker 53768148491_8185493321_b

Leon Xiv

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:38 am

Meme cooker 3577220779_1985f0d0cd

Leon Xiv

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by jirqoadai Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:50 am

:The Meaning of Life/Death:

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:05 am

On the internet at any given time there are probably millions of memes, and to stand out you have to do something unique. One avenue is to make "black propaganda", that is to make a pro-democrat meme(s) that is condescending to its viewers. If you are good at image editing you could take an image file, of say... Kamala Harris visiting a school in a poor area, and re-image it with Kamala looking as though she just came from a health salon with designer type clothes and the children looking especially grubby.

It isn't Joe Biden alone that should be the subject of memes, you have to have a 'shotgun' approach and take in other democrat politicians and celebrities. And you have to factor in between now and the next election.
Sure, I have some ideas in mind. But enacting on these ideas by myself most likely isn't feasable and I would have to abandon some of these ideas.

Essentially you will have to possess or quickly develop a skill which you are adept at and concentrate all your effort into it along with a strategy that will pay off immediately before the next election. While targeting Biden might seem the top priority, it might be easier to target Kamala seeing as others would be targeting Biden. In doing this you would be hitting the democrats 'fall back' or 'Plan B'.

Leon Xiv

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:22 am

A meme theme would be to portray Biden as a Jim Jones character...

Meme cooker A284aff46bb62988cb9fae8269abd7e76b-joe-biden-2.rhorizontal.w1100

Leon Xiv

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:17 am

Meme cooker 8stvh2

Leon Xiv

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:04 am

Meme cooker 53774982949_94f450974b_b

black propaganda

Meme cooker 53774983869_054836278f

Meme cooker 53774984274_e4dcf48c6e

Meme cooker 53774861863_098e6681fa

Leon Xiv

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Meme cooker Empty Re: Meme cooker

Post by Leon Xiv Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:16 am

You would think the people who made these pics on behalf of the democrats were punk kids and doped up nutjobs from a halfway house - thats the point.

Meme cooker 53774665761_6fe457d17d

Meme cooker 53775085040_e04d726535

Meme cooker 53775084505_79d0508f11

Leon Xiv

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