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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Daily Bread Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:45 pm

The U.S. Military Academy no longer will use the motto "Duty, Honor, Country" in its mission statement, according to West Point's superintendent.

The phrase, which was highlighted in a famous speech by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1962, will be replaced by a line that includes the words, "Army Values."

Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George both approved the change, which critics may see as West Point going woke.

"Our responsibility to produce leaders to fight and win our nation's wars requires us to assess ourselves regularly," Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland wrote in a letter to cadets and supporters on Monday.

"Thus, over the past year and a half, working with leaders from across West Point and external stakeholders, we reviewed our vision, mission, and strategy to serve this purpose."

Gilland explained that the new mission statement "binds the Academy to the Army."

"As a result of this assessment, we recommended the following mission statement to our senior Army leadership: To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character committed to the Army Values and ready for a lifetime of service to the Army and Nation," he wrote.

Gilland made a point to say that West Point's mission statement has changed nine times and that "Duty, Honor, Country was first added to the mission statement in 1998."

The general added that "Army Values include Duty and Honor, and Country is reflected in Loyalty, bearing true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit, and other Soldiers."

The academy's previous mission statement was: "To educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army."

One West Point graduate, Randy DeSoto, wrote in The Western Journal that he was among the "entire Corps of Cadets" who watched a movie of MacArthur's speech on its 25th anniversary in 1987.

"The general closed by telling the cadets, 'In the evening of my memory, always I come back to West Point. Always there echoes and re-echoes: Duty, Honor, Country,'" DeSoto wrote.

"Hopefully, the same will be true for today's West Point cadets, even with 'Duty, Honor, Country' no longer in the mission statement."
Daily Bread
Daily Bread

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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty Re: West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Daily Bread Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:51 pm

These marxist Democrats are determined to destroy every tradition in our country before we can attempt to peacefully stop them in November . Its as if the election has already been determined and they will do what  needs to be done regardless of what we say . They have absolutely no fear that any retribution will come and I'm beginning to believe they are right - we've lost our balls and have surrendered to minority ideals .
They've managed to put fear in the majority and hopefully the straw that finally breaks our back will come soon .
Daily Bread
Daily Bread

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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty Re: West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Red Lily Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:37 pm

When you fight you need to be all revved up with adrenaline. Seems likely that the "values" they want to add have more to do with calling your male superior or fellow soldier "ma'am" or some such nonsense.
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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty Re: West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Casey Jones Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:22 pm

They've taken Honor out of the ranks.

That was what was made the US military man DIFFERENT from Germans, or Italians, or Japanese or even British soldiers. They were bound by a code of honor that mostly they took seriously - and could be expelled for violating.

All gone, now. It's the Leftards' corruption of every aspect in society. We have doctors who kill and maim, now; we have pharmaceutical companies that sell poison. We have Agriculture departments STOPPING agriculture and food production. Border guards are inviting invaders in, even giving them access to money and maps.

Courts release criminals and prosecute patriotic Americans for exercising enumerated rights.

Now the military is going to be reworked into a unit of muscle for a certain political party and movement. With NO regard for decency and honor.
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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty Re: West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Daily Bread Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:19 pm

They're doing what they planned to do to destroy our will as soldiers . They're putting in people that are only signing up to make our military second rate and have no interest in protecting this country . Its a well organized ,thought out ,assault on our military traditions and its showing in the decrease in volunteers . And we sit back waiting for some hero on a white horse to show up and save us .
Roy Rogers and Trigger died a long time ago .
Daily Bread
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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty Re: West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Casey Jones Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:23 pm

Daily Bread wrote:They're doing what they planned to do to destroy our will as soldiers . They're putting in people that are only signing up to make our military second rate and have no interest in protecting this country .  Its a well organized ,thought out ,assault on our military traditions and its showing in the decrease in volunteers . And we sit back waiting for some hero on a white horse to show up and save us .
Roy Rogers and Trigger died a long time ago .

The moar I look around, the moar I wonder if anyone can save us.

LOOK at all the chaos. On the roads. In the schools. In stores and public areas. In manufacturing and operating commercial aircraft.

Listen to the idiocy on television and radio. READ the insanity in mediuh.

It's as if we'd collectively lost 10 points from the population's IQ.

...which may be EXACTLY what's happened.

The Jab. Eighty percent, by some figures, got at least the first two.

"Brain Fog" is one "complication" of hot Jabs.

And it doesn't seem to go away.

Cognitive problems. Interference with higher mental functions...because of the physiological action of the spike protein, inflammation of brain tissue.

It goes deeper than confused old women in the checkout line at Walmart. How about, the Boeing-boing CEO, who it was just discovered this evening, erased, or had erased, the security video of the stooge who didn't bolt that plug-door into the Max-9's fuselage?

How about the EPA clowns who BLEW UP those tankloads of chemicals at New Palestine...said fire to be EXACTLY how to release Dioxin into the ground water?

How about Biden's keepers, having him THROW OPEN the national border? I don't care HOW Woked up you are...removing ANY border control is a recipe for war and/or epidemic infection. Already we have Bubonic Plague in New Mexico. Plus a year's worth of measles infection.

Only a MORON would do that; and these morons are in sensitive jobs.

You cannot run an advanced society with someone as genetically stupid as the mean IQ in Africa - and we're about to see that in practice, with so many Jab-damaged people in government and industry, turning us into literal Clown World.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones

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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty Re: West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Daily Bread Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:16 am

Red Lily wrote:When you fight you need to be all revved up with adrenaline.  Seems likely that the "values" they want to add have more to do with calling your male superior or fellow soldier "ma'am" or some such nonsense.
Also bring honor and integrity into the war . That adrenaline is controlled and we don't just wipe out anything that moves .Soldiers destroy a target but a second later those same soldiers will get killed saving a child fully knowing that it might happen . These new "woke" people and they're agendas could never do either and that will be the worlds downfall .
Our properly trained Veterans will pick up the pieces and rebuild .
Daily Bread
Daily Bread

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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty Re: West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Keith Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:32 pm

Consider what our military stands for and fights for these days. Where's the duty or honor in any of that?

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West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan  Empty Re: West Point drops "Duty ,Honor ,Country as its slogan

Post by Daily Bread Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:37 pm

Keith wrote:Consider what our military stands for and fights for these days. Where's the duty or honor in any of that?
I, like you , used to find fault with everyone and everything and than I realized that I , unlike the Pope , am not infallible and that not everything is as it appears . The cops don't suck , big business may be unforgiving but they do produce jobs , and our military is where our kids volunteer to learn and sometimes get injured or killed because they follow their moral compass . That compass is inherent and not given or taken away by a group of fucking idiots that have temporarilly polluted our military and government . Theyll survive these attempted indoctrinations and will be better for it .
Being negative with just about everything thats around you can really wear on you .
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Daily Bread

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