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Trans Girl (BOY) wins Girls' Irish Dance Competition

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Trans Girl (BOY) wins Girls' Irish Dance Competition Empty Trans Girl (BOY) wins Girls' Irish Dance Competition

Post by Calypso Jones Sat Dec 09, 2023 8:26 am

well..this insanity is world wide.


The left told us that there was no diff between males and females....apparently there are.

Maggie McKneely, an adult competitor who competed at the Southern Region Oireachetas, told The Daily Signal, “Most sports, men and women tend to do the same basic activity, just at very different skill levels, but Irish dance is highly gendered. The two sexes wear different shoes, they wear different clothes, they actually have completely different dance styles. They’re really not interchangeable in any way.” She also added that she thinks allowing boys to compete in girls' competitions is “ridiculous,” saying, “It’s not fair to the kids. It’s certainly not fair to the girls who have to compete against the boy. And it totally undermines what makes Irish dance what it is, the highly gendered aspect of it is a defining feature.”

Parents of girls who competed at the competition with the transgender child were furious over his involvement and subsequent win.


Ultimately, it is incredibly unfair for boys to be in girls' sports and competitions where they have an advantage, and dance is no exception. I feel for those girls who had to compete and “lose” to the transgender child, and I also feel for the transgender child who is being fed lies that lead him to believe that living a delusion is the best way to win, rather than hard work.
Calypso Jones
Calypso Jones

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